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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (93)
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Objective: The present study aims to determine the status of manuscript description in Astan-e Quds Razavi manuscript database and source description and access standard (RDA). Methodology: This research has been done by library-document method and with a comparative approach. The method is used to extract the cataloging elements of the Astan-e Quds Razavi manuscript cataloging and source description (RDA) standard and the descriptive survey method with a comparative approach and a comparative-descriptive survey method was used to examine the degree of conformity of the elements of the bibliographic records of the Astan-e Quds Razavi manuscript database with the standard manuscripts of the description and access (RDA). For this purpose, the bibliographic records of the manuscript of the Astan-e Quds Razavi Library were selected by stratified sampling and matched to the RDA rules through a checklist. This study, while comparing the mentioned, describes the manuscript status in the Astan-e Quds manuscript database and the RDA standard. The study also shows the status of the manuscript description in the Astan-e Quds manuscript database and the RDA standard. Study population is the elements contained in Chapter (1-7) Standard Description and Access to RDA Source (2014) and the elements used in Manuscript Cataloging of Astan-e Quds Library (Bibliographic and Bibliographic Elements of Astan-e Quds Manuscript Database (Updated in 2014) and also Manuscripts Cataloging Rules by Mohammad Vafadar Moradi. Findings: It was determined by a systematic review: of the elements identified in the RDA. (Chapters 1 to 7), 33 elements are appropriate to describe the manuscript. Of these, the 29 elements (77. 88 percent of the elements contained in RDA) correspond to the elements used in cataloging Astan-e Quds Razavi. And only 12. 12 percent of mismatches were observed. On the other hand, 46 elements are used in cataloging the manuscript of Astan-e Quds Razavi. Of these, 63 percent comply with the elements extracted from the RDA standard. As the cataloging of Astan-e Quds manuscripts is divided into bibliography and prescription, of the 34 percent that contain mismatches, 97. 30 percent belong to the typology department. Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate the proximity of the set of elements and cataloging rules of the Astan-e Quds manuscript to the RDA. Moreover, in terms of explaining the specific features of the manuscript and the details, the RDA has performed poorly than the rules of Astan-e Quds Razavi. Considering that some features of the manuscript are examined and used in the cataloging of Astan-e Quds Razavi which is not specified by any particular element or title, therefore, it was not calculated in the frequency and statistics contained in the research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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Objective: U. S. sanctions on Iran were first imposed during the U. S.-Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1981. The increase of these imposed sanctions in the recent years has given rise to discussion about resistance economy as a coping Strategy. The Resistance Economy doctrine is intended to make the Iranian economy resistant to all external economic shocks in the long term, including Western sanctions and global financial crises. The purpose of this study is to examine the strategies of realizing resistance economy in the field of book publishing from publishers’ perspective. Methodology: The content analysis method and survey research design were adopted for this study. The purpose of content analysis was to extract the components of resistance economy in field of book publishing industry and apply them in constructing the research instrument. The instrument for the data collection was a questionnaire which was consisted of 11 questions based of 5 Likert point. The population of the study was 252 active book publishers in the Isfahan city. All of the respective questionnaires had distributed randomly through simple random sampling among sample size of 148 publishers. Out of the 148 questionnaire, 97 were returned and completed. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS. Findings: Based on the results obtained, majority of the respondents were male 74 percent followed by 24 percent female. Their median age was 42 years old. Findings revealed that book publishers are experiencing financial problems and challenges. The most important challenges from publishers’ point of view were insufficiency and expense of publishing materials, dependence on lucrative markets, lack of material capital, lack of participation of banks or investors in the field of book publishing and lack of study culture from their perspective. Based on the questionnaire results, the respondents provided suggestions on how overcome financial problems by applying resistance economy. They recommended that using strategies such as government support in form of facilitating and reforming the marketing system in book publishing industry, promotion of knowledge-based publishing industry, consumption management and maximizing use of material and human resources have a positive and significant impact on the realization of a resistance economy. Conclusion: This is the first study that addressed realizing resistance economy in book publishing industry in Iran. Therefore, the results can be applied to improve book publishers’ situation. From the findings it can be concluded that, although some of the solutions presented in this study may require the collective action of publishers and external agents, some of them certainly require serious attention and actions from the government and relevant agencies to change the situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the indices of creation and development of knowledge-based companies in the fields of humanities. Methodology: This is a descriptive and quantitative study. The statistical population of the present study included experts, experts, and expert managers based in Khuzestan province who were active in knowledge and commercialization companies. The researcher-made questionnaire was randomly distributed among 160 subjects who were selected through a census method. Since the population size is equal to the sample size, the whole number method was used. In the questionnaire, the relationships between the elements and the identification of indices were analyzed using Smart PLS3 software and the indices were ranked using SPSS 25 software and the results were tested using Kendall's coefficient of correlation. Findings: To achieve the goal of the present study, in the first step, with comprehensive library studies and evaluation of the results of relevant past studies, a number of dimensions and indicators of creation and development of knowledge-based companies in the humanities were identified and extracted. In the second step, using the Delphi method and distributing a researcher made questionnaire among 20 experts who were experts in the field of knowledgebased economy, another group of dimensions and indices were extracted. Then, by combining the results of these two steps, the final effective components were developed. The results of the research showed that six main indices and 22 sub-indices influence the creation and development of knowledge based companies in the fields of humanities. The results of ranking the indices of establishing and development of knowledge-based companies in the humanities showed that the indice of educational and research activities is the most important and the indice of publishing and disseminating knowledge is the least important. Conclusion: The results showed that the research indices are as follows: Educational and research activities index, Management and policy index, Platform and infrastructure index, Communication and scientific networks index, Knowledge dissemination and dissemination index. The overall result showed that the humanities could be the catalyst for commercialization in the creation and development of knowledge-based companies. Knowledge-based companies also provide an opportunity for the humanities to depart from the theoretical field and play a role in the application of humanities in the field of practice and the real environment of society. Finally, a model of indicators and factors for the creation and development of knowledge-based companies in the fields of humanities was presented. The obtained model states that all these indicators are necessary for the success of the applied approach of the humanities in the knowledge-based companies and in the absence of any of these indicators, commercialization and application of the humanities can be challenged. The obtained model indicates that all indices are necessary for the success of the approach to the application of humanities in knowledge-based companies; the absence of any of these indicators can challenge the commercialization and application of the humanities. It is recommended to strengthen the approach of application in the humanities compared to other natural sciences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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Objective: One of the main aspects of scientific journals is their scientific output, i. e. their published papers. The scientific output of a journal should be evaluated from a scientometric perspective regularly for its development in the field, determining highly-productive and more influential authors, co-authorship patterns, co-word occurrences, keyword clusters and so on. This study aimed at evaluating the research performance and visualizing the scientific maps of the Library and Information Science Quarterly in the 10-year time span of 2009-2018. Methodology: This study is an applied scientometric analysis. All 370 published papers of the journal published in its 40 issues and indexed in the Islamic Science Citation Index (ISC) in the time span of 2009-2018 were extracted and needed data were modified by a predetermined protocol and the output was mapped and analyzed in different appropriate software packages (NetDraw for mapping co-authorship patterns, VOSviewr for visualizing keyword cooccurrences and Ucinet for determining the authors' centrality rankings). Findings: The geographical distribution of authoring institutes showed that authoring institutions were from different universities in Iran with Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in the first rank. The highly-productive and most influential authors' status regarding their published papers, received citations and h-indices were appropriate in the journal, as they were affiliated to some main research institutes and universities active in the field of library and information science in Iran. The co-authorship pattern was mainly two-authored collaboration. Collaborating authors' degree, betweenness and closeness centrality rankings showed their effective relationship and interaction with each other in the field. The keyword co-occurrence map showed the journal's attention to the topics in library and information studies, including among others university libraries and their users. The mapped subject clusters showed 8 subject clusters and demonstrated that the journal prioritized scientometrics and science policy-making and knowledge organization as well as the library management. Conclusion: This journal has found its way in the field of Library and Information Science. The subjects that were considered in the journal accord with those of the World. As receiving more citations is a main indicator for conceiving a journal as an influential journal in its field, in spite of ever-increasing influence of this journal on the library and information field, the total ratio of citations per paper should be increased by making the journal more available and the share of newly-emerged topics need to be increased in authoring for it. These can be helpful in making the journal more prolific and influential in Iran's Library and Information field more than ever.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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Objective: Information seeking and retrieval is a cognitive and very complex process that is important and necessary in the research process. One of the important approaches in discovering and understanding this process is to examine the experiences of users. The purpose of this study has been to discover various models of doctoral students' experience of the importance and necessity of the phenomenon in the research process, of information seeking and retrieval to identify concepts that students describe in the form of descriptive categories and to discover relationships between categories. Methodology: The approach of this study was interpretative that was carried out through a qualitative phenomenographical research method. The participants in this study were Ph. D. students in different fields at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2019. Sampling was purposeful and criterion. The maximum diversity was considered in the sample selection and was continued until the theoretical saturation of data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 students. Interviews were implemented and analyzed through an inductive and theoretical coding method using MAXQDA12 software. Findings: The results showed that after analyzing the data collected from the interviews, three descriptive categories on how to understand and experience Ph. D. students emerged from the importance and necessity of the phenomenon of information seeking and retrieval. The first category was the information seeking and retrieval as a valuable treasure, the second category as a road full of lights, and the third category as the key to rescuing. The results showed that students considered this phenomenon in the research process important and necessary. Conclusion: Although this qualitative study does not aim to generalize the findings, however, according to the outcome space indicates that the phenomenon of information seeking and retrieval in the research process is of considerable necessity and importance. Therefore, this should be considered in the university's educational and research programs, and the path in which students experience this phenomenon should be paved to minimize limitations and problems. The results of this study will provide new insights into studies in the field. Suggestions have been given to the designers of the user's information system to improve the systems so that they can improve the interaction of users with the system during the search experience. It can also help IT professionals understand users' feelings and experiences so that they can better serve their students. In addition, it helps university education and research administrators recognize students' problems and limitations and take practical, purposeful, and useful steps to improve their education and research based on user experience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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bjective: Knowledge is a combination of experiences, values, contextual information and specific insights that provide a framework for evaluating and interpreting new experiences. Therefore, having knowledgeable people for the organization is a valuable and shared asset that creates significant educational and learning benefits and is a powerful mechanism for improving organizational productivity and survival. Knowledge sharing creates opportunities to maximize the organization's ability to meet needs and increase efficiency to solve problems and achieve competitive advantage. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of organizational information culture dimensions on the tendency to share the knowledge of the staff of the Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz Branch. This study was conducted in terms of research environment in Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz Branch. University is an educational, cultural and research organization that uses a set of specialized forces and uses different information systems has an irreplaceable role in producing knowledge and training efficient human resources for social activities and in this regard seeks to improve their situation. Therefore, it is important to study the component of knowledge sharing and its underlying conditions in order to provide better conditions for the use of this intangible asset. Methodology: This research is of applied type and because it sought to use real information and different statistical methods to test the hypotheses, it was done by analytical survey method. The research population was the staff of the Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz Branch, numbered 380 people, which was selected using the Krejcie and Morgan’ s sample size determination table and the sample size of 181 people was selected by simple random sampling method. The research data were distributed by distributing a 55-item researcher-made questionnaire based on a study by Choo, et al. (2006), Choo (2013) and Hausmann, Williams, Hardy and Schubert (2014) and Vick, Nagano & Popadiuk (2015) for organizational information culture and Lee, Lee & Kang (2005) and Hemati (2010) for the tendency to share knowledge after confirming the validity and reliability (α = 0. 9). Then, the data were entered into SPSS version 21 software and analyzed. Findings: The results showed that the status of the two dimensions of information management and information values and norms are below average and have an unfavorable situation based on the Nunnally sale spectrum (measurement of desirability). However, other dimensions were above average and at a relatively good level. Also, the result of the hypothesis test using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression showed that organizational information culture has a positive and significant effect (r = 660 and P-Value> 0. 05) on the tendency of employees to share knowledge. Conclusion: Based on the findings, organizational information culture has the ability to predict the tendency of employees to share knowledge. Since most of the problems of organizations regarding knowledge sharing are related to cultural and process issues, paying attention to the dimensions of organizational information culture can help managers identify barriers, change, and improve conditions as a facilitator.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (93)
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Objective: Knowledge management (KM) is a concept of managing knowledge in the company. The implementation of concept has different levels in each company. Organizations implement KM practices and technologies based on the promise of increasing their effectiveness, efficiency, and competitiveness. The concept of maturity can be used for defining the state of effectiveness of an organization or the state of its capability and competency in managing the processes, programs or projects effectively. KM maturity is a guide or measure of the company's position in managing of knowledge. The multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is widely used method to evaluate criteria that are typically multiple. crisp decision-making method is not appropriate because many of the maintenance goals taken as criteria are nonmonetary and difficult to be quantified. Type-2 fuzzy sets are used for modeling uncertainty and imprecision in a better way because of fuzzy membership function. Some fuzzy multicriteria methods have recently been extended by using type-2 fuzzy sets. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a widely used multicriteria method that can take into account various and conflicting criteria at the same time. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate KM maturity using Analytic Hierarchy Process method under interval type-2 fuzzy environment. Methodology: This research is a descriptive survey. KM dimensions were ranked by a panel of experts, which consists of seven members. Experts panel consist of faculty of management who published papers and books in KM field. To clarify the evaluation process, an IT company is taken as a case and using APQC's (American Productivity and Quality Center) model. APQC’ s Levels of KM maturity provide a road map for moving from immature, inconsistent KM activities to mature; disciplined approaches aligned with strategic business imperatives. The survey sample population consisted of 273 employees and managers of the case. Findings: According to fuzzy analytic hierarchy process results KM process (0. 24), technology (0. 23), evaluation (0. 20), KM culture (0. 18) and leadership (0. 15) are the most important dimensions of KM maturity. it was revealed that the importance of KM processes could be ordered as following: Knowledge Capturing, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Transferring, and Knowledge Reusing. Also, the results showed the case is located on third level of Km maturity (standardize). The primary focus at Level 3 is to manage the KM strategy, processes, and approaches identified and defined in Level 2. Conclusion: An important part of the results revealed how to use fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for evaluating KM maturity and the importance of processes and technology in KM maturity. In addition, the case is located on third level of KM maturity; during this third level, the KM team often evolves into a KM Center of Excellence with oversight responsibilities for the KM approaches and processes. Oversight includes identifying opportunities to apply select KM approaches and processes, securing funding and resources for the pilots, marketing and communicating the strategy, implementing a change management strategy, and refining the KM approaches and processes into standard, replicable methodologies.

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    1 (93)
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Objective: The aim of this study is to present a brief discussion of the digital image watermarking for texts in order to prove the documents authentication and copyright protection and to introduce a new method of digital watermarking of printed and handwritten Persian documents image for tamper detection and recovery. Methodology: This paper is based on an applied research. In this study, 20 Persian manuscripts and 35 printed texts were used to simulate the algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, using the information of the image pixels and combining it with a hidden key, we produced the digital watermark and embedded it in the text image. We then intentionally attacked the image and extracted the hidden watermark in the text. Finally, due to the self-recovery capability of the method, the tampered areas were detected and the document was restored to its original form. Findings: In all 55 test images, separate watermark were embedded according to the proposed algorithm. To evaluate proposed system the three types of attacks includes adding, removing and updating, 30 random images were selected. In 20 images, all three types of manipulation were applied. Then the watermark was extracted and the results were studied. The accuracy of proposed method in detecting and correcting tampered areas was calculated according to two metrics: Tamper Detection Accuracy (TDA) and Tamper Recognition Accuracy (TRA). The algorithm was able to identify manipulated areas with an accuracy of 93. 82 percent and correct and recover changes with an accuracy of 92. 27 percent. It is important to note that the results obtained are based on the number of correctly identified bits. Therefore, the accuracy of less than 100 percent does not mean inability to detect some manipulated areas; Rather, as can be deduced from the intuitive results, this means that despite the correct diagnosis of the tampered area, only some pixels of that area have not been correctly detected or recovered and therefore do not have a negative effect on the final tamper proofing. For imperceptibility test, PSNR value is estimated. The average value of PSNR in the suggested method is 40. 18 dB. Conclusion: Determining the documents authenticity without the availability of the original documents is one of the main necessities. Digital watermarking is one of the most powerful tools for document authentication and protection of copyright. Our proposed method has two special features that are considered to be its advantages over other methods. The first feature is the ability to work with all kinds of Persian text images. In addition to the ability to run on printed texts, it is also possible to model in handwritten texts as well as the combination of text and image. Another advantage is good rate of tamper detection and the ability to self-recovery of tampered images. The numerical and intuitive results indicate the efficiency of proposed scheme and so can be implemented for all handwritten and electronic printed texts. Therefore, this method can be used to protect the security of printed and handwritten documents in digital libraries, e-learning, e-government and any electronic document exchange system.

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