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Social consensus is the basis and the foundation of every planning and policy making in societies; determining its level and some of its associated factors can lead to the development of societies. The aim of the current study is to determine the level of social consensus in the city of Ilam and to identify some of its related factors. The study was carried out as a survey and the data were collected by questionnaire. The sample comprised 380 subjects dwelling in Ilam. The descriptive findings revealed that the level of universal social consensus among the respondents was at the medium level. The results of F-test showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between social participation, social class, and the level of education and social consensus. Fatalism was negatively and significantly related to social consensus. All the variables that entered regression equation were able to explain 40% of the variance of the dependent variable in which social participation with 36% and social class with. 09% had the most and the least portion respectively. It can be suggested that the formation of false consensus in the society has been one of the main obstacles for creating universal social consensus; therefore, actions should be taken to decrease this false consensus.

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Nowadays, to have a critical look toward spatial issues necessitates a criticism of and a transformation in our behavior (theoretical and practical) toward space. Such a stance can be used as a method to describe, interpret and criticize “ everyday life” and identify spatial issues from the same perspective. Spatial reading first appears in theoretical traditions and components affecting it. During the last fifty years, in line with the “ spatial turn” of social theories, “ everyday life” has gradually penetrated spatial studies. Interpreting space as a social, multi-layered and relational affair is an assumption of such a turn. During this period, theories are considered as a component of space production in “ social production of Space” theories. This encouraged us to undertake a thorough investigation of social theories and categorize them on the basis of spatial interpretation, so that we may acquire a more comprehensive view to understand, analyze the issues, and provide spatial solutions. Therefore, we first investigate the assumptions of social theories (in macro and micro levels emphasizing space, everyday life, and action) and then, based on the concept of action as an important spatial layer, we will discuss the three theories of scenario, practice and controversy. Finally, these theories are considered for their applications in spatial reading, categorization and its different dimensions. Therefore, the principals of any theory are described in a descriptive-analytical framework based on logical reasoning and by relying on library and internet resources. The results show that these theories are applicable in a level of spatial reading.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of emotional intelligence in predicting social interactions and moral and social security in urban space. this study is a correlation analysis. The research population included all people over 18 years of age living in Ardebil city, which according to the latest census was 115, 000 people. Using Cochran formula, 384 individuals were selected as the sample, using a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The research tool in this study consisted of three questionnaires-one on emotional intelligence and the others on social and moral feeling. Correlation and regression tests were used for testing hypothises. The results showed that social interaction, social and moral security increased with increasing emotional intelligence.

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The urban culture, due to density, heterogeneity, and relative lack of close personal relations, has made human relationships very unclear, superficial and transient. For this reason, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the urban culture and social interactions in urban spaces in Malayer. It is a survey-analytical research. On the basis of Cochran formula, using a multistage sampling method, 385 individuals were selected as the sample, therefore the unit of analysis was the individual. The data gathering tool was a standardized questionnaire with a reliability of 0. 826. Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression were used for data analysis. The findings showed that there was a direct and significant relationship between urban culture and social interactions. But this relationship differs between the components of urban culture (altruism, lawabiding, responsibility, individualism, attention to the environment, alienation) and social interactions. Responsibility had the strongest and lawabiding had the weakest relationship to social interactions and the relationship between altruism and social interactions was negative. According to Beta values, responsibility (0. 382) had the greatest effect and altruism (-0. 095) had a negative and least effect on social interactions. The final results showed that there was a significant relationship between urban culture and social interactions and the power of determinacy and predicting value of urban culture on social interactions is very strong (0. 646). With proper planning, education and cultural investment, social interactions in urban spaces can be optimally directed and with a redefinition of modern urban culture and Iranian identity, we can witness the rise of altruism and law-abiding in urban interactions.

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Abbasi Khayam



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In this article, the phenomenon of individual alienation in the Moscow metropolitan area is studied in Mikhail Bulgakov's long story "The Dog". The long story "Heart of a Dog" echoes Bulgakov's frustration with the Russian Revolution of 1917 AD. The question in this article concerns the way the phenomenon of urban alienation in the Soviet Union emerged as a model in Soviet fiction, and how Bulgakov attempted to shape, describe, and solve this problem. This research lies in the interpretive paradigm and utilized the qualitative method and the story under study is selected by the “ famous sample” sampling technique. In analyzing this story from a sociological point of view, alienation theories of Marx, Max Weber and Simmel were also utilized. The results showed that Bolgakov, by analyzing the story in the form of Fabel and Joke succeeded in the application of Marxian ideaology of Leninist-Stalinist for depicting human urban proletarians in the first years of the October Revolution and the analysis of its negative consequences. Apart from this result, the author has also pursued and stated additional goals such as his explicit opposition to the Russian October Revolution.

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The present study aims to do a sociological study of cultural factors which hinder sustainable urban development in the city of Ahwaz. The data were collected, using a random stratified sampling technique, by a survey of a sample of 500 out of a population of 331556 households living in Ahwaz. The dependent variable-lack of sustainable urban development-was measured both attitudinal and practical indices. Independent variables included management style, ethnicity, fatalism, traditionalism and the level of aspirations, which were derived from the views of sociologists of the evolutionary school of development and the renovation School of development. Research questionnaire had face validity and its reliability was estimated by Cronbach's alpha. Analysis of the findings confirmed all research hypotheses except attitude-based traditionalism that was not confirmed. The results of the study showed that the prediction equation predicts 33. 6 percent of the variance of the dependent variable. The results of multivariate path analysis also showed that the variables level of aspiration, ethnicity and traditionalism directly and variables fatalism, ethnicity and traditionalism indirectly, had the most impact on lack of sustainable urban development.

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The new era has been described as the globalization era. It's an allembracing phenomenon with multiple dimensions that has crossed geographical borders and covered all countries. Thus, studying its outcomes and consequences is one of the most essential issues in social sciences. So, this paper aims to dp a sociological investigation of sociocultural dimensions of globalization and its effects on citizenship culture. In doing so, 400 citizens, who were between 18 to 65 years old and resided in the city of Tehran were chosen by multi-clustere sampling. the data were gathered by questionnaire. Socio-cultural aspects of globalization were under consideration. The concept of citizenship culture was measured by such components as rule of law, social responsibility and social participation. The findings showed that there was significant relationship between socio-cultural dimensions of globalization and citizenship culture. Based on multivariable regression, the mass media has the most influence on citizenship culture.

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