The purpose of this study was to present a model of strategies for improving the effectiveness of Sports teaching methods in primary schools in Iran with the grounded theory approach. This research had a qualitative approach and the method of data theory (grounded theory) has been used as a research method. The method of data collection, the study of theoretical fundamentals and open and deep interviews with 13 outstanding professors in the field of sports management specializing in the field of sports schools as well as elite country teachers of the country. Sampling method was purposefully and to the extent of theoretical saturation. The validity of this research was examined by interviewees and then specialist professors and confirmed. Reliability was also achieved through the use of the results of the audit process of the results of 77. 9%. For data analysis, continuous comparison method has been used during three stages of open, axial and selective coding. Analysis of the data showed that 23 conceptual codes and 13 main categories are the most important strategies for improving the effectiveness of the teaching method of sport in primary schools of Iran. It was suggested to teachers and practitioners of physical education courses to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching method of the strategies extracted from this research (teaching method (applying new teaching methods and active teaching method), evaluation (continuous, purposeful). And create attractive classes).