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Cities as a living environment play a significant role in creating satisfaction, they indeed shape human's lifestyle and determine their life quality. Regarding the quality of man-made environments not only encourages them to cooperate, but also induces a sense of satisfaction among individuals. Urban growth and rapid urban expansion have caused various crises in terms of urban life including environmental challenges and declining the quality of urban environs. Following increased urbanization in our country and rapid changing space for several reasons in terms of urban texture, the quality of urban environs has seriously declined. When it comes to environmental quality, the emphasis is still over construction and physical shape. The paper tends to measure and zone the physical environment quality of the middle texture of Tabriz city based on recent statistics and data. The research method is based on the objectives applying descriptive-analytical in terms of its methodology. During first steps of sample collection, we initially measure the quality of urban environment through field studies preparing and filling out some questionnaires. And in the second step, we apply softwares including: EXCEL, CHOICE, EXPERT to measure the data and finally apply ARC GIS to display the research findings. However the yields of central tissue zoning of Tabriz reflect that 5. 77% of regional area is in an unfavorable condition, 19. 38% favorable condition and 74. 83% is in moderate utility status.

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Tourism today is one of the most important and effective economic issues and of the important factors of Outstanding communication, social and cultural in the worldwide is considered. In fact, the expansion of the economic, health, security and communication infrastructure in the twenty-first century has made tourism an inevitable reality in human life (Saghaei and Alizadeh, 2013: 2). Hence, tourism is one of the key industries in any society that can attract planners attention, Because it affects many sectors of society, including the economic, cultural and environmental sectors. On the other, The large volume of travel in recent years has made tourism one of the largest industries in the world (Kazemi et al, 2012: 48), So that the income of tourism and tourist With transportation of passengers in about 17 percent of total world exports make up. Given the growing importance of tourism in today's world and the competitiveness of the tourism market around the world, Tourist destinations are increasingly competing with each other to attract tourists. The expansion of the tourism industry in every part of the world requires special conditions and conditions such as climate, ancient artifacts, natural attractions, traditions, infrastructure, facilities and equipment (Pourahmad et al, 2013: 2). So each of the tourist destinations should try to increase their share of the industry and its revenues. On the other hand, On the other hand, Should be noted in today's competitive world, The first trip to a tourist destination It does not mean the success of tourism destination, It is also a repetition of the trip to the tourist destinations and the introduction and promotion of it for potential tourists, which can serve the purpose of tourism in the long run. Hence, loyalty to the destination of tourism and its influential factors play a significant role in their long-term success. Therefore, efforts should be Loyalty to the destination of tourism and the factors that create this loyalty are identified and strengthened. Given the importance of brand loyalty to tourism destinations, The present study aims to investigate the factors affecting the loyalty of tourists to the tourism destination of Tabriz. Emission reduction of carbon dioxide and its impact on global warming process is one of the most important results in the use of renewable energy sources. In urban areas, solar systems stationed on building roofs are the most appropriate utilization method of stable source of solar energy. Urban compactness is a major urban form parameter that affects the accessibility of solar renewable energy in the built environment, so it is essential that the effects of urban compactness on buildings utilization of solar energy, be surveyed. The aim of this study is the evaluation of solar energy potential in urban areas and determination of the relation between urban compactness indicators and solar energy potential in the local scale. In this study, the annual solar radiation modeling for each of the building surfaces of the study area, over one year period, was performed using the Solar Analyst model. On the other hand, the relation between various compactness indicators including site coverage, plot ratio, volume-area ratio, Entropy, population density and building density with Annual solar radiation received by the study area was explored and using least squares regression model, the relationship between the solar radiation and urban compactness indicators was determined. Also potential of using two types of active solar systems including Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems (PV) and Solar Thermal Collectors (STC) was evaluated. According to the results, the annual solar irradiation increase from 507 (in compression areas) to 741 (in scattered areas) Kilowatt hours per square meter. Volume-area ratio shows the highest determination coefficient, R2 equal to 0/805 with annual solar radiation. Also in the study area, the building roofs potential for the development of PV systems much more than STC systems, influenced by the degree of urban compactness.

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The situation of hospitals, especially in comparison to other urban and street network from one side of and population density on the other hand of urban residents has an important role in the physical and psychological comfort. In addition, hospitals can to determine radius of performance and jurisdiction to determine the optimal location for this function to be effective. This research aims to evaluate the location of the existing hospitals in the city is the best place to deploy them. The research method is descriptive-analytic. To collect the required data from field studies used. For collecting required information and data is used field studies and According to information obtained, To review the study area in terms of access to communication road, green space, away from industrial centers, military, and the fault, as well as for weighting the criteria, is used the AHP model. Then, using a decision model of TOPSIS in GIS software, valuation of criteria in the study area and mapping in accordance with the selection criteria, finally The Intersect map of the standards that represent the best place for construction of the hospital in this range are extracted. The results of integrating layers, Land area suitable for the area for service users – treatment Classified in seven categories which finally lands a great right and good for the construction of health centers were identified. Analytic Hierarchy Process Model AHP with GIS can be used as effective tool in site selection of hospitals.

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Iran is located in semi-arid region and its annual rainfall average is about one-third of the world's rainfall. In recent decades, in addition to population growth, increasing global temperatures led to wide variations in the earth's surface and has resulted changes to the time and place of precipitation. According to close relationship between the hydrological cycle and climate system, any change in climate elements such as precipitation, can have an important impact on the availability of water. The purpose of this research is investigate effects of climate change on spatial and temporal variations of water supply in Tasoj basin by using of HADCM3 model results. In this regard, was used from down scaling data of A2 scenario and then recharge for the period 2030-2013 was predicted by HELP3 hydrological model. The results showed that amount recharge of groundwater in this basin is fluctuating from 12 to 67 mm per year under the A2 scenario. In the future, the western region of the study area will be lower recharge than in other parts of the basin. The reason will be the combined effects of geological and climatic factors. Because of the fine-grained sediments along temperature, evaporation increase and reduced precipitation will be effective in reducing the recharge of this region. Also cross-correlation between precipitation and groundwater recharge showed that southern half of the basin than the northern half will responded in a shorter time period to precipitation changes.

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The streams of rivers are extremely complex in nature. Rivers are beneficial for natural vegetation, animals, living organisms and human communities. The river provides the possibility of drinking water and irrigation of agricultural fields. Rivers are considered as active land cultivators with erosion and sedimentation. Some of the negative effects of rivers such as floods are considered as a natural disaster. Such natural disasters have been shown when the river by anthropogenic activities by changing the shape of the river and arched their plans change. Meandering parts of the rivers are vulnerable to floods. Therefore, river studies are very important in terms of hydraulic characteristics, sediment, width to depth ratio, morphology and arched plan. Kaleibar Chai basin has located on the North West of the country. This research pays attention to the arcuate plan of Kaleibar River from the city of Kaleibar to Jananloo village (one of the branches of Aras River). The study region is part of Kaleibar Chai River with 72 km of length. The channel consists of right, waving, meandering, and braided patterns. The study of horizontal plan of the river in relation to different active processes shows the mutual relationship between hydrological parameters and the materials in the river. The continual changes in sinuosity index in the channel are indicators of variations in the river behavior. For doing this research we used Google Earth and DEM 10m images. The river was divided into 4 openings in which topographic conditions were considered. The river sinuosity index was calculated for all 4 openings in GIS software under the formula: TSI=. In this equation TCI is topographic sinuosity index, CL is the length of the river channel, Al is the aerial length of the beginning and ending part of the channel. The maximum sinuosity index for different lengths of the Kaleibar Chai River was estimated at 1. 05 to 1. 83. The heterogeneity of bed materials causes erosion and deposition on the river bed of Kaleibar Chai. Erosion and depositional processes occur in the area during the spring and fall floods. The variety of materials and their sizes cause erosion and the collapse of the brinks and the loop in sinuosity index, which finally lead to channel changes. The study of sinuosity index and the identification of rivers patterns help ease the planning procedure.

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Emission reduction of carbon dioxide and its impact on global warming process is one of the most important results in the use of renewable energy sources. In urban areas, solar systems stationed on building roofs are the most appropriate utilization method of stable source of solar energy. Urban compactness is a major urban form parameter that affects the accessibility of solar renewable energy in the built environment, so it is essential that the effects of urban compactness on buildings utilization of solar energy, be surveyed. The aim of this study is the evaluation of solar energy potential in urban areas and determination of the relation between urban compactness indicators and solar energy potential in the local scale. In this study, the annual solar radiation modeling for each of the building surfaces of the study area, over one year period, was performed using the Solar Analyst model. On the other hand, the relation between various compactness indicators including site coverage, plot ratio, volume-area ratio, Entropy, population density and building density with Annual solar radiation received by the study area was explored and using least squares regression model, the relationship between the solar radiation and urban compactness indicators was determined. Also potential of using two types of active solar systems including Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems (PV) and Solar Thermal Collectors (STC) was evaluated. According to the results, the annual solar irradiation increase from 507 (in compression areas) to 741 (in scattered areas) Kilowatt hours per square meter. Volume-area ratio shows the highest determination coefficient, R2 equal to 0/805 with annual solar radiation. Also in the study area, the building roofs potential for the development of PV systems much more than STC systems, influenced by the degree of urban compactness.

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The mechanisms of climbing rainfall in different areas follow different patterns. Identification of those patterns can increase the environmental planning. The stability indicators which are known as instability indicators are relations through which we can study the amount of instability of convection of the atmosphere in any area for studying and predicting falls. These indicators are used for convection activities and basically are studied by thermodynamics diagrams and Radio sounds data. The main aim of this paper is studying the chronological features of precipitations over 5 mm. and determining convection precipitation parts of Tabriz spring station based on higher layers of atmosphere. the Tabriz station precipitation data were received from the weather organization cartulary regarding the 35 – year statistic periods and precipitation data for over 5 mm. were chosen while the time frequency was studied. After choosing the samples, the skew – T diagrams of precipitation days inadittion to the instability indicators such as (LI-TT – SI – KI – PW-CAPE)were analyzed. The processing of these data in seasonal scale indicate a frequent happening of those instabilities. The maximum occur once of the precipitations for the April with 131 frequency cases and minimum of this precipitator is in June with 35 cases were observed. The results of drawing skew – t diagrams and measuring the instability indicators show that the role of convection factor is important in spring precipitations because the convection factor is only the main factor not only the amount of convection is critical but also the needed instability for rain is provided. In general, after studying 263 rain samples in spring, it turned out that the convection factor has the most important role in rain occurrence in May and June and the hazards of flood threaten the area.

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The aim of the research is recognizing mechanisms of the heavy rainfalls in the west and southwest of Iran using synoptic and thermodynamic method. For analysis of case study at April 2016, At first was obtained and calculated hourly rainfall data from 70 weather stations in the research area and 10 weather stations bordering the research area. Then rainfall amounts in stations were calculated and zoned using Arc/Map10. After that Ki, Li, TTi, Cape and SWEAT instability indexes was calculated for Kermanshah and Ahwaz weather stations. Finally, the synoptic maps were analyzed. According to instability indexes, mostly atmospheric instability has been moderate and favorable conditions could be observed for convection and thunder storm, lightening and snow fall. The analysis of the sea level synoptic maps have shown that a few days before the rainfall, the study area has been under the influence of the Siberian high, and simultaneously cyclones centers were formed above the Mediterranean Sea. Their eastern-ward movements created the condition for instability and rainfall in the area. Cold air downfall from high-pressure centers toward the backside of the Mediterranean trough and lower latitudes beside the dislocation of warm humid air to the fore side of the trough created the front and resulted in intensifying the rainy system that finally resulted in heavy rainfall in the area. The atmospheric physical and dynamic indexes show that during the rainfall, voracity positive values, jet stream wind and negative omega figures were in their maximum.

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Rural development programs are part of the country's development plans that are used to transform the socio-economic development of the rural community. This is becoming more pronounced among Third World countries, where governments play a major role in restructuring society in order to coordinate with specific political and economic objectives. Therefore, rural development goals are not limited to one section, but rather improvements in productivity, increase Employment, food security, housing and education and health. Sustainable development is one of the most important and most effective economic instruments to achieve the desired level of growth and movement towards productive and trusted economies, which refers to the transformation of economic, social, cultural and environmental sustainability for the long-term welfare of the whole society. In this regard, one of the ways to move towards sustainable development in the current situation of villages is to pay attention to tourism. Tourism has many branches and species. One of its kinds is rural tourism, which includes a wide range of attractions and activities defined in agricultural or non-urban areas and competes with other tourism sectors such as coastal and urban tourism. According to the above, the current research is conducted with the general purpose of measuring and assessing the sustainability levels of rural areas around tourism centers in Ardebil and seeking to answer this question. What is the level of sustainability of rural development in the tourism centers of Ardebil?

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The concept of identity has always been of interest to scholars, and it seems that the issue of identity as a central issue is the focus of the attention of various human and social sciences. The necessity of discussing identity comes from the fact that having a definition of self is essential for every human being and human being feel self-confident by identity. So far, the concept of identity has been explored from a variety of dimensions, such as national, religious, ethnic, racial, sexual, spatial, identity and so on. But a new concept of identity, which is the same urban identity, has, in recent years, become independent of identity issues. Urban growth seems to have convinced different scholars of various sciences to make urban identity more precise. Although this has been a concern for geographers and urban planners and environmental psychologists over the decades, a broad movement has started in the social sciences, especially in urban sociology, to examine this issue.

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Pervasive cold days are one of the abnormal continental events that have a lot of effects on environment and human activity. These events are created as a result of formation of complex atmospheric patterns. In these patterns, knowledge of how these atmospheric systems interact can be very useful in prediction of the similar conditions and reduction the contingency damages. On this basis in this present research, it has been tried to analyze the earth's temperature conditions and dynamic and synoptic conditions of different levels of atmosphere on 21 January 1964 as pervasive cold day in Iran by using data from minimum temperature gained in different parts of the country and also the atmospheric data from 1960 to 2010. In this day 98. 4 % of the area has been affected by the cold. The results of synoptic and dynamic analysis of atmospheric systems that creating the cold of this day showed that created a blocking system in west and center of Europe and establishment a low height system in north of Russia and the opposite movements of these two systems to each other has caused that cold polar air from northern Scandinavia have moved to Iran. It has also been recognized that height factor has performed an important role in cold extremity in this day across the country.

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This study aims to identify the spatial autocorrelation and spatial variation of sunshine hours in Iran. For this purpose, the sunshine hours to form a network database have been made in Iran. The data from the base of a 30-year period, the daily period from 1/01/1982 to 12/31/2012 AD to the present study, and intercellular dimensions of 15 × 15 km area stretching is studied. In order to achieve the sunshine hourly changes within a year, the sunshine of the Iran of spatial statistical methods, such as spatial autocorrelation global Moran, Moran's index of local Insulin, and hot spots was used by using the programming environment GIS. The results of this study showed that the spatial and temporal variation in sunshine hours in Iran is High-cluster pattern. In the meantime, based on local Moran and hot spots, South, South East and Central synoptic stations representing the provinces of Sistan and Baluchistan, Kerman, Shiraz, Isfahan and Yazd have positive spatial autocorrelation pattern, full sun pattern, and parts of North, North East and North West representing synoptic stations in Tabriz, Mazandaran, Mashhad and Semnan have a negative spatial autocorrelation, low sun pattern. In the study period, in most cases, a large part of the Iran, almost half of the total area, has had no significant pattern or spatial autocorrelation.

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As a result of Iran’ s geographical position towards atmospheric general circulation, most of its area has an arid or semi-arid climate. In this research, the author has calculated precipitation start using the daily precipitation information obtained from 30 stations located in 8 southern and south-western provinces of Iran during a 36 year statistical period and of course, based on selected criteria. In ten years, precipitations have started sooner than normally expected. Entire up to 700 HPa levels and sea level pressure maps belonging to 1st of September till the day of precipitation start have been illustrated with Grads software using atmospheric data obtained from Ncep/ncar site. Results of several objective observations of maps manifest that early precipitations in south and south-west sides of Iran are generally occurred in three main patterns. Pattern A) as African sub-tropical high pressure passes above central Mediterranean in a northward move and its eastern trough integrates with migratory anticyclone (deployed on the north side of Caspian Sea), it provides the necessary context for cold advection to move towards north of African high pressure. Afterwards, the migratory anticyclone trough integrates with anticyclone ridge of Arabian high pressure and therefore a very suitable situation is provided for advection of moisture to move inside the Sudan low system. In pattern B) almost thirty days before start of precipitations, the Azour anticyclone adopts a northward movement.

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The uncontrolled development of the city as a kind of risk arises. Drastic changes in land use around and inside the city limits of good land degradation and environmental pollution that can threaten human health and the environment. This research have taken place to predict the development of the City of Sari and surrounding villages and to achieve the perfect result from satellite imagery of Landsat series (years 1365 and 1394) and layers of information such as distance to fault, distance from the river, distance from Energy lines, sensitivity of rock units, distance from roads, urban development modeling with logistic regression model was used. With using ROC the validity of the model was calculated 0. 7603 that confirms the model probability results validity to predict urban growth. After mapping, the possibility of urban development and population growth prediction, two scenarios with historical approaches considering the normal development of the Environmental Approach to conserve forest, garden and water levels for the study area up to the year 1404 were defined and accordingly urban development in the direction lands was limited. According to calculations inside the city of sari within an area of 481. 88 hectares and a population of over 50, 507 people and in a range of 151. 36 hectares outside the city a population of over 12805 people in 1404 will be added. According to results, the management needs to necessary urban and rural administrative measures to comply with environmental issues for urban and rural areas that will be added in the next 10 years.

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The study, according to the importance of tectonic – geomorphology studies, deals with the assessment and classification of active tectonic of watershed in Kurdistan province with a comparative – quantitative approach based on the parameters of drainage network. The study includes quantitative estimation of parameters associated with tectonic drainage network and the use of hierarchical cluster analysis. The research findings showed that the studied basins are classified, tectonically active, in two different clusters. Relative comparison between the clusters show that the basins located on the first cluster have more tectonic activity with more different slopes. In this regard, the second cluster basins have less tectonic activity, more homogeneous and forming faster-cluster threshold. According to the results, it seems that the situation of the first cluster basins, with the higher tectonic activity, are due to their spatial distribution and, consequently, their impressionable of different tectonic focus particularly active faults. Also, the situation of the second cluster basins is interpreted with respect to their more homogeneous spatial position corresponding to the central region of the study area and slower activity of Sanandaj – Sirjan zone.

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