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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Identify factors contributing to the spread of soil erosion, and zoning is an important tool to manage and control this phenomenon and to determine appropriate ways are to deal with spreading this phenomenon. In this research, using analysis network process model and GIS has been estimated zoning map of soil erosion in the catchment tea castle in West, East Azerbaijan Province. For this purpose, by examine the sources and expert opinion, effective factors such as slope, aspect, lithology, land use, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), annual precipitation and soil is provided of the geographic information system environment. Then, using Arc GIS software and extracted coefficient, the analysis network process prepared to zone map soil erosion and in five classes: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results showed that 37. 12 percent of the area that includes 118. 56 square kilometers, is located in risk classes the high and very high. Furthermore, necessary to explain that in the southern and central parts of the basin is the amount of soil erosion high. These areas showed critical situations and acute erosion. And due to dam construction, Ghale Chai should be placed the priority programs and plans of soil conservation and watershed management.

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The increasing shortage of the renewable water resources in the country has made the farm water needs estimation to become as one of the important priorities in agricultural water management. Farm water needs are normally controlled by climatologic factors. It equals to the reference evapotranspiration which is corrected by a scaling factor associated to the crop kind and to local characteristics. In this research, using Landsat satellite imagery, we estimated and compared the crop coefficients for main agricultural crops in the Moghan cultivation industry, from two procedures: the first based on evapotranspiration measuring, and the second based on NDVI measuring. The comparisons in the case of the five main crops showed that the Root Mean Square Errors are within an acceptable range, leass than 0. 28. In the following, the evapotranspiration based crop coefficient has been used in order to estimate farm water needs. Farm's water needs are indeed estimated by six methods: a combination of two actual evapotranspiration and three reference evapotranspiration ways. Among the six methods, the Metric/PenmanMonteith method was selected for final step, i. e. farm irrigation needs. The farm irrigation needs is equivalent to farm water need minus effective rain. We compared four different ways for estimating the effective rains but preferred the FAO method assigned for low slopes. Based on our results, farm irrigation needs in the Moghan cultivation industry range from 270 mm (for rainfed barley) to 1500 mm (olive groves). Statistical investigation in three years data revealed a dependency between yield performance and evapotranspiration rate. In addition, it showed that yield performance is correlated with crop spectral indices such as NDVI, LAI and SAVI. The primary goal of this research is to estimate local agricultural crop coefficient in the Moghan cultivation industry. The second goal is to investigate of relationships between crop coefficient and crop spectral indices in order to make the crop coefficient estimable directly from spectral indices.

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Drought is one of the natural disasters that may occur in any climate. In recent decades, Iran has been affected by severe droughts and its harmful effects in various sectors, such as agriculture, environment and water resources of the country. Today, vegetation indices, which are obtained through remote sensing technology, are used to identify and analyze agricultural droughts. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of NDVI, EVI and VCI vegetation indices in agricultural drought identification and analysis in Karkheh basin. In order to calculate these indices, MODIS sensor Images (Terra satellite, MOD13A2 product) were used during the 2000-2017 statistical period. The accuracy of these profiles was evaluated with the ZSI index calculated at 11 meteorological stations located in Karkheh basin for the statistical period of 2000-2017. The results showed that the changes of NDVI, EVI and VCI in the studied stations were approximately the same during the statistical period. Based on NDVI, EVI and VCI values, the lowest and highest vegetation cover was observed in 2000, dehno station and 2001, helilan-seymareh station, respectively. The ZSI survey showed that most stations Faced with droughts from 2000 to 2008, and the most severe drought occurred in 2008, nazarabad station. Then, in order to validation of the results, the vegetation indices with ZSI index were evaluated. Pearson correlation between mean vegetation indices of NDVI, EVI and VCI with mean ZSI was 0. 766, 0. 725 and 0. 776, respectively, and all vegetation indices with ZSI index are significant at 0. 99% confidence level. As seen, according to the results, the ZSI index confirms the results of NDVI, EVI, and VCI. So, according to the results, there is no conformity of meteorological and agricultural droughts in all years, Therefore, in addition to other precipitation, climate variables should also be considered.

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Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) reflectance spectroscopy (400-2450nm(, which are at least as costly and time-consuming, are widely used in the estimation of physical and chemical properties of the soil. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of this method to estimate the amount of organic matter, carbonates and gypsum content of soil surface. In the present study, 115 profiles were identified based on the Hypercube technique, and the horizons were sampled and the amount of organic matter, carbonates and gypsum content were measured by standard methods. Reflectance spectra of all samples were measured using an ASD field-portable spectrometer in the laboratory. Soil samples were divided into two random groups (80% and 20%) for calibration and validation of models. PLSR and PCR models and different pre-processing methods i. e. First (FD) and Second Derivatives (SD), Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) and Standard Normal Variate (SNV) were applied and compared to estimate texture elements. The highest RPD of calibration and validation were obtained for PLSR with First derivative of reflectance+ Savitzky_Golay filter pre-processing technique which was classified as a good for the amount of organic matter and gypsum and was classified as a poorly for the amount of carbonates.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Vegetation is one of the essential factors in structure and function of terrestrial ecosystem and it is one of the principal loops in water-soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Several studies have demonstrated that vegetation covers are sensitive to alteration of climatic, edaphic, topographic and human activities. Thus, alteration in vegetation and its relation with the mentioned factors are important of high importance. In order to investigation of vegetation changes and its effective factors, the current study was conducted in Kharestan region placed in Fars province, Iran. In this regard, the images obtained from ETM Landsat 7 (2000-2017) and meteorological data gained from local and 17 regional meteorological stations were used. Using these images, temporal and spatial changes NDVI and NDVI anomaly were studied. A supervised classification method was used to extract land use map. Finally, the relationship of NDVI with climatic, topographic and anthropogenic factors was investigated. Relationship between NDVI and climatic and topographic factors was estimated using GWR and OLS methods, respectively. Generally, temporal variations showed a slow increasing trend in NDVI value. NDVI anomaly was mostly negative before 2008 but it turned to positive after 2009. NDVI spatial distribution showed an increasing tendency from north toward center and continued to south-west of the study area. The study shows that the vegetation cover change was caused by both natural factors and human activities. NDVI increased in agricultural and pasture lands. Also, natural vegetation has been affected by climatic factors more than irrigated vegetation (agricultural and gardens). Furthermore, vegetation variation influenced by topographic factors likes height, slope and aspect. Also, with an altitude over than 2500 m, NDVI showed a decreasing trend, on slopes lower than 5° it increased. NDVI values in north and east directions were higher than in southern aspects. The overall trend indicates an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation during the study period. The maximum positive and negative correlation between mean annual precipitation and NDVI using ordinary least squares method were 0. 93 and 0. 83, respectively. Also the maximum negative and positive correlation between NDVI and temperature were 0. 65 and 0. 5, respectively. The highest local R2 values between NDVI with precipitation and temperature were 0. 45 and 0. 44, respectively, which was observed in the central parts of the region. According to the obtained results through the present study, it can be stated that environmental factors like precipitation, altitude, slope and aspect are the Influential factors controlling vegetation in Kharestan (Fars province, Iran).

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SAADAT M. | Shah Hosseini R.

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Preparation of proper land use maps has always been one of the important goals of researchers and policymakers. The aim of this study was to provide a new method for preparing land use maps using remotely sensed data and satellite data imagery. For this Purpose, we used Landsat 8 data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Spectral Indices to extract land use map in the study area. After all required preprocessing, the training samples were provided. In this study, the training samples were utilized in two parts; in the first part they were used as inputs for image classification using supervised algorithms of maximum likelihood Classification (MLC) and support vector machine (SVM). In the second part, in order to applying Decision Tree Classification (DTC), these training samples were used to determine the spectral reflection of each end-member in the spectrum of electromagnetic waves (image bands, PCA, spectral indices, and DEM). Then, using these binary data and DTC, each end-member was identified and the Landuse/Landcover (LULC) map was extracted. In order to combine the classification results and achieve higher accuracy, the Majority Vote Classification (MVC) method was applied to prepare a new compilation of land use in the area. In order to evaluate the accuracy of produced maps, the statistical parameters extracted from the confusion matrix including overall accuracy, kappa coefficient, user and producer’ s accuracy were utilized. According to the results, the combined method (MVC) with a total accuracy of 93. 37% and kappa coefficient of 0. 91 had the highest accuracy. The overall accuracy of the DTC, SVM, and MLC were 89. 61, 88. 01 and 87. 6%, respectively. Due to the fact that in the nature most of the landuse are mixed and complicated, it would be better to use new methods that cover all aspects of the phenomena. In this research, the data extracted from the supervised classifications as well as the data derived from the DTC were combined and the results clearly illustrate the improvement of the final accuracy of the classification.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) reflectance spectroscopy (400-2450nm(, which are at least as costly and time-consuming, are widely used in the estimation of physical and chemical properties of the soil. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of this method to estimate the amount of organic matter, carbonates and gypsum content of soil surface. In the present study, 115 profiles were identified based on the Hypercube technique, and the horizons were sampled and the amount of organic matter, carbonates and gypsum content were measured by standard methods. Reflectance spectra of all samples were measured using an ASD field-portable spectrometer in the laboratory. Soil samples were divided into two random groups (80% and 20%) for calibration and validation of models. PLSR and PCR models and different pre-processing methods i. e. First (FD) and Second Derivatives (SD), Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) and Standard Normal Variate (SNV) were applied and compared to estimate texture elements. The highest RPD of calibration and validation were obtained for PLSR with First derivative of reflectance+ Savitzky_Golay filter pre-processing technique which was classified as a good for the amount of organic matter and gypsum and was classified as a poorly for the amount of carbonates.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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