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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives: In this study we evaluated the potential of Airborne Laser Scanner data in estimation of height, volume, basal area and DBH and canopy cover area of individual trees for the part of Shast kalate of Gorgan. Materials and Methods: In this study 125 trees that located in dominant story and without overlay with adjacent trees, were selected. Tree species, tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree crown diameter were measured. The height of trees was measured using a Vertex VL 402. Center coordinates of sample trees were determined using Differential Global Position System. After separating the crown border of a single tree and providing a polygon of the boundaries of them using aerial digital images, all of height and density metrics were created. Then, we explored the possibility of defining relationships between combination of airborne laser scanning data and height, volume, basal area, DBH and canopy cover area of individual trees using machine learning algorithms (random forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)). Results: The lowest RMSE% on independent validation data for height, volume, canopy cover, diameter at breasts, and basal area were 13. 39, 56. 88, 33. 17, 22. 34 and 25. 88%. Also, the results demonstrate that the ANN algorithm can be useful for modeling biophysical properties of the individual tree in the North of Iran. Conclusion: Overall, the results showed the ALS data has the ability to estimate of tree height, diameter at breasts and canopy cover but this data hasn’ t the ability to estimate the basal area and volume very accurate. Also, the results showed that between all algorithms, the ANN algorithm has a better performance than other algorithms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Indicator species are one of the important components in vegetation classification. Studying and determining these species on the roadside of old roads have great importance for habitat conservation of rare and endangered plant species. Awareness of the road age can be effective in preserve and developing the plant communities, as the road effect can be helpful in optimal management of vegetation during construction or maintaining of new roads. The purpose of this study was ecological classification as well as identification of indicator species in forest roadside with different ages in Nav-e-Asalem District, west of Guilan province. Materials and Methods: Data were collected by random sampling method; therefore, in the seven forest areas, 28 transects with length of 150 m were determined perpendicular to the road. The distance between the transects was 100 m. Five sample plots (30×5 m) on each transect were taken for collecting trees and shrub cover. In the center of the larger plots, 4 m2 sample plots were taken for collecting herbaceous species data. Species were identified using plant flora and, cover percentage was recorded in different strata (tree, shrubs and herbaceous) by Braun-Blanquet scale. Also, indicator species analysis was performed by ecological group sample in PC-ORD for Win Ver 5 software. Results: The results of indicator species analysis showed that 146 species were found in the roadside of old roads. The presence of tree and shrub was higher on the roadside of old roads compared to new ones. In this research, newly constructed roads (10 years) were occurred in two groups of second and fourth ecological species, also roads with medium ages (10-20 years) in the third ecological group and older roads (>20 years) in the first ecological species group. By using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), vegetation cover was classified into two groups: Viola alba Besser, Carpinus betulus L. and Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex divulsa Stokes. In this research, the presence of Alnus subcordata CAMey and Acer velutinum Boiss species were higher in the sample plots near the road compared to inside forest and the diversity of these tree species and their relative frequency decreased by increasing the distance from the roadside and moving to inside of forest. Also, Carex divulsa Stokes was identified as a rare species and Fagus orientalis Lipsky as a species with high frequency. Conclusion: The results of this research emphasized the importance of road age not only in determining the ecological species group, but also in identifying the indicator species in the area as well as in improving the classification results of tree, herbaceous and regeneration species in roadside area. Determination of the indicator species is effective not only in determining the extent of the ecological groups classified on the roadside, but also in improving the classification results of plant groups. Also, identifying the factors affecting ecological groups seems to be useful for proper management and sustainable exploitation of forest ecosystems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Plantation in each region, depending on Planted species, age, mixture and habitat conditions, can have different effects on stand quality and soil characteristics. The main objective of this study was to investigate the silvicultural characteristics of Pure and mixed plantations of Prunus avium L. and Acer velutinum Boiss. and the effect of those species on soil physic-chemical properties. Materials and Methods: In order to investigate silvicultural characteristics and soil physico chemical properties of two pure and mixed plantations of P. avium and A. velutinum, three planted area of P. avium (6000 m2), A. velutinum (8000 m2) and the mixed stand of two species (10000 m2) in forest plantation of west Haraz (Azdarsi) were selected. In each stand, the silvicultural characteristics (i. e. type of species, diameter in breath height, total height, trunk height and crown diameter) in four geographical directions and soil properties (i. e. pH, EC, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available potassium und phosphorus, texture and relative humidity) were compared in depth of 15 cm were compared. Results: Based on the results, the P. avium and A. velutinum trees in mixed stands had lower diameter and height values than those in pure ones. Trees volume in P. avium (0. 17 m3) was higher than those in A. velutinum (0. 11 m3) and mixture of two species had no significant impacts on volume of trees. Form factor index in pure and mixed stands of P. avium (1. 03 and 1. 07) were significantly higher than those in pure and mixed stands of A. velutinum (0. 85 and 0. 83). The highest and the lowest soil pH and EC were found in pure P. avium (6. 47, 72. 25 μ Scm-1) and pure A. velutinum (5. 96, 47. 80 μ Scm-1) plantations, respectively. Furthermore, the highest percentage of organic carbon and nitrogen content were observed in pure P. avium (1. 88% and 0. 12%) and the lowest one in mixed stand and A. velutinum (0. 92% and 0. 06%). The different studied tree stands did not show any significant differences in soil physical properties (i. e. texture, relative humidity and bulk density). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, pure plantation of native P. avium has a good relative success and in some of the studied factors showed better performance than pure A. velutinum. The combined planting of these two species together in most of the investigated factors does not show a better situation than pure planting of any species.

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Background and Objectives: Regarding to the destruction process of natural forests, increasing human population and increasing demand for ecosystem services, the forest development and the forestry will be unavoidable. Forestry projects have grown in recent years due to environmental and socioeconomic importance and have been raised as a developmental activity and development internationally. Therefore, before any implementation of the forestry project, it should be possible to locate the susceptible areas and evaluate the ecological capability of the area. In recent years, using of multi-criteria evaluation methods has been expanded and hierarchical and network analysis have been more widely considered. The network analysis process, while maintaining all the capabilities of AHP, can address its serious constraints, including not considering the interdependencies between decision elements and assuming that the relationship between decision elements is hierarchical and one-sided, and the appropriate framework for analyzing various issues. Therefore, ANP is a suitable method for discussing multi-criteria decision-making. This research was conducted for evaluation of ecological ability of Arangeh drainage basin located in Alborz province. ANP and geographical information system have been used in order to evaluate the forestation ability in the area. Materials and Methods: According to previous studies and experts opinion, the indexes that were suitable for the area’ s condition, were specified and after establishing of network, the questionnaires were distributed among experts and they compared the clusters and effective factors in forestry in a pair and scored by help of comparison and evaluation of the effective options in evaluating the power of forestry, it is done through questionnaire and the final weight of options calculated by the super matrix limit it was determined through Super Decision software. Nine sub-criteria related to these clusters have been provided that includes slope, elevation, aspect, soil texture, erosion, temperature, rainfall, cover and types of vegetation in the environment of the geographical information systems with a certain clarification. Comparison and evaluation of effective options in evaluation of ecological ability for forestation by questionnaire and the final weight of options by calculating limited supermatrix is fulfilled in every questionnaire. The map of criteria has been standardized in the fuzzy range of 0-255 by using IDRISI software, then the options are converted to information layers and the weight-carrying layers of indexes in the geographical information systems of area are assimilated by WLC technic. Results: The final plans of forestry ability of the area are obtained in four classes. The results of evaluation indicate that 4. 6 percent has high proportion, 13. 9 percent has average proportion; 19. 2 percent has low and 962. 1 percent have a very low proportion for forest development. Results of this study indicate that the elevation criteria has the highest and erosion criteria has the least impact to determine the appropriate areas for forestry in the studied areas. Conclusion: Although considering the acquired results in this study and according to potential map of the region, forestry in Arangeh watershed is possible and the forest development has a proper to mediocre potential in 18. 5 percent of the total area. The western parts of the center are in the region of Arenghe as a priority for forestry, and it's advisable to check other uses for parts of the area that show inappropriate and highly inappropriate potential.

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Background and Objectives: Cellulose Nano-fiber (CNF) and lignocellulose Nano-fiber (LCNF) are the most abundant bio-Nano-polymers that attracted much attention in researches and applications during recent decades. Super disk grinding method has prominent characteristics compared to the other methods such as simplicity, high speed, and high yield of production and owning single-stage process. Materials and Methods: In this study, old corrugated container (OCC) was converted to lignocellulose microfibers (LCMF) and LCNF. LCNF was produced with ultra-fine friction grinding process, as a simple, fast and one-step downsizing method. The objective of this study was to investigate the grinding method on morphological characteristics (fiber diameter and distribution) with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX/EDS) analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), suspension stability and air permeability of papers made from LCMF and LCNF. Results: The average diameter of LCMF and LCNF obtained was 47± 10 μ m and 69± 10 nm, respectively. The EDX/EDS analysis showed that the LCMF and LCNF contain substantial amounts of organic matter (predominantly C, N and O). The results of TGA showed that most of weight losses of LCMF and LCNF are among 250-350 ˚ C, which related to main components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) degradation. The suspension of LCMF was unstable over checking stability time (after 2 min. ), while the LCNF suspension had a long-term stability. The air-permeability of LCMF and LCNF papers was 25. 6 and 1. 06 μ mPa-1s-1, respectively. With downsizing lignocellulose fibers from micro to Nano scale, specific surface and bonding area increased and higher uniformity and lower porosity obtained. Conclusions: In general, the results of this study showed that the production of LCNF and its paper from OCC pulp were succeeded. Further investigations on the production of LCNF and evaluation its potential to produce different products compared to CNF pure (free of lignin and hemicelluloses) can bring many practical and industrial benefits (conservation of the environment and the lack of use of bleaching sequences) to further commercialization of this value-added product.

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Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to produce NFC/Ag nanocomposites for improving the mechanical and antibacterial paper properties. Materials and Methodes: Silver nanoparticles was reduced on nanofibrillated cellulose at the level of 5 and 10 ppm by NaBH, then nanocomposite NFC /Ag at 5, 10, 15% w/w was used to improve mechanical and antibacterial paper properties. Results: The results showed that the density and burst index of the treated paper with Ag nanoparticles increased. Also, the brightness of treated paper with nanocomposite NFC /Ag decreased and opacity index increased. Antibacterial properties investigated against gram negative (E. colie) and gram positive (S. aureus) bacteria. The results showed that low amounts of silver in the treated paper inhibited bacterial growth. Conclusion: The results show that the NFC / Ag Nanocomposite antibacterial properties were higher than NFC film treated with Ag nanoparticles by immersion method because of the Ag nanoparticle deposited on the NFC.

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Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study is the production of decorative antibacterial melamine papers veneers using chitosan nanoparticles. Today, for many uses, there is a need for composite products that are well paid. Melamine Laminated is the most widely used veneer for wood-based composite product in the world, according to the FAO report. Melamine veneers are used as a decorative and protective layer on the surface of wood-based composite products such as particleboard and fiberboard, which then can be used in laminate flooring, furniture such as the computer tables and kitchen worktops. Research on antimicrobial coatings to protect surfaces using nanomaterials that can prevent the spread of diseases in human societies has received much attention. Therefore, the development of Nano-structure coatings with antimicrobial properties has been interested considerably. Materials and Methods: In this study, immersion of decor-base paper in melamine formaldehyde resin treated with chitosan nanoparticles was used for the production of antibacterial melamine decorative veneers. Then, the moisture content of produced melamine coatings was reduced to a range of 5 to 7% by a laboratory drying agent. The specimens were evaluated using XRD, FESEM and FTIR techniques. For biologic tests of papers, bacterial inhibition zone measurement method and Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were used as two indicator bacteria in biological tests. Results: The results showed that the chitosan nanoparticle concentrations were effective on the antimicrobial activity of melamine coatings and its effect on the gram-positive bacteria was stronger and increased the diameter of the inhibition zone. Melamine coatings containing 1. 5% of Nano chitosan had the highest microbial effect. Conclusion: Melamine coatings treated with chitosan nanoparticles had high antimicrobial properties. Considering all the results of the present research and economic costs of using chitosan nanoparticles, consumption less than 1% by weight was determined as optimum consumption. It should be noted that with a better distribution of resin nanoparticles at the matrix surface, also in small amounts, significant antibacterial properties can be added to the melamine coatings produced.

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Background and Objectives: Paper is considered as a composite produced of lignocellulosic fibers and mineral and/or organic additives. The lignocellulosic fibers shortage together with economical, technical and environmental aspects ever increased mineral fillers application in papermaking. In order to improve the recycled pulp properties, the filler consumption is highly considered, recently. Therefore, effects of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and its premixing with isolated soy protein (ISP) on paper properties recycled from writing and printing papers were investigated. Materials and Methods: Pulp recycled from printing and writing papers was supplied from Atrak Pulp and Paper Co. stock preparation point without any additives. PCC (10, 12 and 15% based on O. D paper mass) and ISP (10 and 15% based on PCC mass) were added individually and as the premixed composite to the recycled pulp. Laboratory hand sheets (60 g/m2) were made and have been compared according to SEM images, opacity, brightness, caliper, grammage, bulk and burst strength. Results: SEM images revealed fillers presence in paper structure and its flocculation due to the ISP polymer usage. Increasing of filler addition replacing the recycled fibers reduced caliper, grammage and burst index of paper and also increased the bulk and brightness, continuously. Individually addition of ISP and without filler increased grammage and caliper and reclined burst index, without effect on the other properties. PCC-ISP premixing drastically improved caliper, bulk and the paper grammage, but opacity and brightness were stable compared to ISP-free samples. Conclusion: PCC-ISP premixing enhanced bulk, caliper, grammage, brightness and in some cases burst strength of paper from recycled printing and writing papers. Retention behavior of ISP polymer was proved by scanning electron microscopy observations, in addition to the physical properties. The retention role is an important benefit regarding to several aspects of economical and environmental due to higher productivity and the biomaterial loss reduction, resp. Processing features also take benefits because of blockage and shutdown decrease and production rate increment. Lipophilic part of ISP is probably hindered fiber bonding, resulted in structure strengthening, unevenly.

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