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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The pattern of urban growth in the years after World War II has been sprawl that caused horizontal expansion and negative consequences for cities. For example loss of agricultural land and orchards, drain the old tissues from the crowd, problems of service to citizens, environmental problems and pollution and etc. Now the 6th district of Tehran as a central part of the city faced with challenges like environmental problems, reduce neighborhood identity, population decline and etc. Therefore, in this study Was selected principles of urban smart growth for reducing problems and increase the efficiency of this region. The aim of this study was initially measure density / distribution degree in the region 6 of Tehran and then analyzed and adjusted 6 indicators urban smart growth theory (density, mixed use, public transportation, open and green spaces, reconstruction of old part of cities and sense of place) by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Methodology: This research is applied and the research Methodology is descriptive-analytical. The data collection tool is library documents and survey. The statistical population was residents of district 6 that by using Cochran formula was calculated total 160 questionnaires for residents and 30 questionnaires for experts. Results and discussion: Environmental damage, pollution, swallowed agricultural land around cities, increasing immigration, the separation of work place from residence, increased urban travels, increased use of private cars on day trips, increased fuel consumption, low density urban texture, increased costs for municipal services to marginalized regions, being inconsistent and unbalanced access to utilities in the city and consequently, social and cultural problems is the problem of urban sprawl. As noted above, in response to issues and crises of cities in the 1970s and 1980s, several theories have been proposed Such as sustainable development, environmental justice, new urbanism, Green Urbanization in the 1990s and more recently smart growth theory in planning system in 1990s. Smart growth arose as a response to the urban sprawl problems and the negative consequences in U. S and it defines the principles for dense development and redevelopment within urban areas and reduce the uncontrolled and urban sprawl. Smart growth Principles and implementation of operational strategies this approach, seeking to take advantage of social, economic, environmental, and physical and they attempt for making balance between these dimensions in cities. According to Walmesley, Smart Growth is kind of planning that with use of social, economic and environmental factors led to development to established areas and equipped with the necessary infrastructure and areas that could be equipped with the required facilities. According to the 6th district of Tehran, considered as central, old part and the heart of Tehran metropolis we can use this theory to reduce problems of region. After Studies on the theory and principles of urban smart growth, in this study, we used the six principles that were common to most definitions and perspectives and fits well with the characteristics and problems in the study area. The pattern of urban growth in the years after World War II has been sprawl that caused horizontal expansion and negative consequences for cities. Urban Smart Growth includes six common characteristics: 1 – it limits the peripheral development. 2 – encourages land use with high-density. 3-focuses on mixed zoning. 4 – reduces trips that are personal transportation. 5 – Emphasizes on the reconstruction and revitalization of older areas. 6-to protecting open spaces (Down, 2005, 368). In this study, first of all, the physical form of the 6th district of Tehran was measured by calculating the Shannon entropy formula and 0. 862 obtained and Ln (6) is equal to 1. 79. So the physical development is considered as a dense region because the obtained value tends towards compactness. Next, we used urban smart growth indicators (density, mixed use, public transport, conservating green spaces, development towards existing communities and rebuild old parts (old texture) and a sense of place) to assess the 6 areas of 6th district of Tehran and with using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), all areas were assessed. We were assigned the same weight for six indicators because of survey of experts. Finally, in comparative assessment was found that 3th area of 6th region was known as compatible area with urban smart growth indicators. Conclusion: In the present study, we tried to evaluate physical and social parameters of the key principles of smart growth with equal weight zones and integrated for selected case studies. This evaluation makes be identified weaker areas of a region and the end of study we suggest the appropriate enforcement mechanisms for weakness of them. The findings show that physical form of 6th district is compact and in comparative assessment was found that 3th area of 6th region was known as compatible area with urban smart growth indicators. Rating areas are as follows: 5th area, 6th area, 1th area, 2th area, 4th area. Our results show that smart growth principles aren’ t in urban plans, existing condition of neighborhoods and urban regions, normally continuously. In most areas, the density has led to greater access to public transport but these areas act poorly in terms of preserving green spaces, mixed used in neighborhoods and sense of place because of excessive density and transportation cause congestion and disruption in neighborhood life and they reduce sense of place. So defining the appropriate level of assessment criteria and coordination with each other in the urban hierarchy In particular, the localization the size of these criterias, will yield better results.

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Introduction: Indicators of sustainability are different from the traditional indicators of economic, social and environmental performance. Traditional indicators – such as stockholder profits, asthma rates and water quality – measure changes in one part of a community as if they were entirely independent of the other parts. Working with sustainability indicators therefore provides the potential of translating the ideals and values of sustainable development into measures for assessing the progress that cities are making. Such assessment in turn provides the basis upon which to seek new directions for policies and programmes that are important to shifting cities towards more sustainable paths to development and growth. In this regard, Creative city is a place with strong potentials for arts, culture, creativity and innovation which is characterized by four scenarios of creative human capital, quality of life, innovation and social capital aimed at the application of sustainable development indicators. Also, concepts such inventions and creativity in all scientific fields, creative industries, elements of sustainable economy and environment are the criteria underlying complete social welfare and improved quality of life as well as the livability of the city. As a result, given that city and its quality of life are directly influenced by the attitude towards urban issues, urban creativity as a strategic approach affects the above criteria. Actually, modern urban planning shows an avalanche of varying initiatives focused on creative urban development, in particular by centring on culture and arts as multifaceted cornerstones for innovative development of the city. For this purpose, the creative class has a major impact on the study of factors that can motivate competition in urban areas. In the conceptual model of this research, the application of creative class as human and social capital will encourage innovation in urban environments, which would result in improved quality of life of residents. Now, if this component of creative city is applied to all indicators of sustainability, the foundation for the realization of a creative city will be laid. In this regard, competition and collusion of realizable and conflicting elements as well as conformity are the main barriers to sustainable urban development and creative city. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between sustainable development indicators and criteria of creative cities in Yazd Province with an eye toward the implementation of sustainable creative city. Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytical study and statistical population consists of 21 cities of Yazd Province, The research draw on 50 indicators of sustainable development and 30 indicators of creative. For data analysis, Decision Tree and Neural Network Model were used. Furthermore, to test the relationship between the variables, inferential statistics tests such as correlation coefficient, multiple regression and path analysis were employed. Results and discussion: In many programs, especially in urban and regional planning, the number of population and spatial-temporal distribution is of particular importance. According to the official statistics of Iran, Yazd province had a population of 401, 868 people in 1976 which increased to 1, 074, 428 people in 2011. In recent decades, in addition to population growth there has been an increase in the numbers of cities as well. This has led to unbalanced distribution of population in this Province, giving rise to urban imbalances and inequalities. Accordingly, a study of indicators of sustainable development in Yazd province shows Yazd and Mybod fall in the group pf sustainable cities. Also, the results of path analysis about the indicators of a creative city show that innovation variable (0. 672) 0 and education (0. 537) have the largest effects in the cities of Yazd province in terms of sustainable development and creative city respectively. Also multiple correlation coefficients (R) confirm the relationship between indicators of creative city and sustainable urban development (as a combined index) in cities of Yazd province with a rate of 0. 569. Decision Tree findings are indicative of high impact indicators Human Capital and Innovation The realization of creative cities in the cities of Yazd. In smaller cities of the province, investment in social capital can be a precursor to attract the creative class and the formation of innovation why always these cities accounted for a large share of public participation in all aspects of urban development. Finally, given its substantial human capital, numerous experts high growth rate and multiple technology centers, the city of Yazd has great potentials in using renewable energy (solar, wind) and advancing toward the realization of a creative city. Conclusion: Finally, suggestions that can help the realization of creative cities in Yazd province include Joint decision urban management organizations in the set up a committee urban landscape for visual harmony of urban landscapes in cities of Yazd Strengthen relationship with urban management and citizens; improve the Status of technology infrastructure and urban services, Design elements and symbols of urban Based on history, culture, art, social and economic characteristics of cities And the use of local materials In combination with the breathtaking scenery of music and color Centers, axes and urban public spaces In order to increase participation of citizens in urban areas and the expansion of social interaction, Prediction construction public and private parking in urban centers humanist With a focus on pedestrian and bicycle movement, Innovative use of color and materials In order to minimize energy consumption, The use of highly recyclable materials, Strengthening and creating spaces pause, coordination color panel buildings with facade paints, the use of cool colors and calming the land use religious, flooring distinct strengthening of walking, improving the readability of urban spaces, the use of warm color in land use commercial in order to increase Capability Forward in space, Create the relationship between industrial clusters Available at cities with centers of higher education and universities to support creative ideas, The creation of urban spaces with the capacity to attract and retain creative class of urban and Use of the new sciences in industrial production with the establishment of high-tech industries.

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Introduction: At present, warmer urban environment is one of the Naagahanh unsustainable urban development is associated with a reduced vegetation. Therefore, knowledge of ground temperature for geosciences, such as changes in the global environment and especially urban weather, is necessary. temperature as one of the most significant climatic parameters can be one of the main factors is tropical in town planning That the leading type of dedicated facility in the city and even determines the structure, shape and texture of urban. Unbridled and unplanned growth of cities, especially big cities of the country are looking to increase their environmental degradation and increasing pollution has been followed. The indiscriminate construction process and reduce the space required for the development of green space as breathing lungs Dramatic changes in the micro-climate in cities, especially in large cities led. Today, because of the importance of thermal remote sensing for environmental studies, many researchers in basic research thermal remote sensing and sensors technology development and application of new thermal data necessary to know. Methodology: The studied region is between 50 degrees and 19 minutes longitude to 50 degrees and 25 minutes eastern, 30 degrees and 45 minutes latitude to north 30 degrees and 32 minutes in zone 39 located. The highest slope is 69. 87 and the lowest slope 1%, the minimum annual temperature 18. 1 c° and the maximum annual temperature 32. 37 ° c. The space of area is 615. 6 square kilometers and regional climate is dry based on Domarten method. In this study, spatial distribution and variation of surface temperature were analyzed base on land use maps and vegetation index in the city of BEHBAHAN. For this purpose, ETM+ and OLI images of Landsat satellite were used. After geometric and atmospheric Corrections, images were classified using Maximum Likelihood Algorithm, and temperature changes were evaluated by LCM model. To extract the surface temperature of three steps: A: Convert the digital number to radiationNumber of ETM digital conversion of radiation to be used the following formula: L=LMIN+(LMAX-LMIN)/(QCALMAX-QCALMIN )QCAL-QCALMINWhereQCALMIN: The Digital Numeric ValueQCALMAX: Most digital valueQCAL: Digital at the pixel numberLMIN: Spectral Band 6 in the amount of zero emission value DN (W m-2 sr-2 μ m-1)LMAX: radiation value of 6 band in the amount in the DN 255 (W m-2 sr-2 μ m-1) Values LMIN (2. 200) and LMAX (10. 55) of the extracted image file and Heather in the relationship. B: Converted spectral radiance temperature blackbodyTB = K2/(Ln(K1/L+1))ETM using thermal-band data from Planck equation, the temperature blackbody radiation (TB) in which the radiation is assumed to be one, to be converted. WhereTB: Satellite effective temperature in KelvinsK1: The first calibration constant equal to 666. 09 W m-2 sr-2 μ m-1K2: The first calibration constant equal to 1282. 71L: Spectral radiance sensor (W m-2 sr-2 μ m-1)C; Be corrected radiationCorrection can restore correct radiation surface temperature as well as the quality of information obtained through thermal infrared data is effective. One of the operational and applied to obtain the radiation is (threshold method NDVI) Through the red and near infrared bands were obtainedNDVI = (float(b4)-float(b3))/(float(b4)+float(b3)) Where b4 b3 band 4 and band 3. Finally, after correcting the thermal image and calculate emissivity, land surface temperature is calculated using Equation 6. LST = TB/([1+[(λ *(TB/p))]*Lnε ])WhereTB: Brightness temperature λ : Radiance emitted wavelength (μ m 5/11)p= k / hcWhereh: Planck's constantc; speed of lightk: Stefan-Boltzmann constantε : Emissivity Results and discussion: The results showed that class 1 of temperature (Temperatures lower than 13° c), which indicates the coolest areas, has the most expansion in northern and southern mountains. In the urban core, this class of temperature was expanded as scattered spots according to urban parks in 2000, but on the contrary in 2014, urban areas were located in the first class of temperature because of significant temperature reduction compared to previous years. Overlaying the map of each Temperature class with land use maps showed that downtown and some parts of bare and agricultural lands in the west areas were located in the first temperature class, most bare and agricultural lands and some parts of pastures were located in second class, most of pasture lands in third class, and a little part of them were located in the fourth class. After the preparation of the temperature map, it attempted to detect the changes and review the changes during the studied period with the model LCM, which is extensively used in IDRISI Tiga software. These changes include reductions, increments and net changes for each class, and transition from one floor to another. The highest temperature drop was observed in the third floor with an average temperature of 16 ° C and the highest increase in the second floor with an average temperature of 14 ° C. This means that in 2013, in the western regions of the area (third floor), the air temperature was reduced and, naturally, the area of this class was lower than in 2000, and reduced area as shown in Fig. 7 and the results are added to the second floor temperature. In fact, the displacement of the area between the second and third temperature classes has occurred, and in general, the temperature has cooled down to 2000. Conclusion: The severity of the impact of human activity on the environment of cities, as concentrated areas of human use of the environment, depends heavily on the distance from urban centers. The farther away from urban centers and rural areas closer to the effects of human activities on the environment and reduced for certain changes. NDVI increase is the increase in the prevalence of vegetation and land cover is more homogeneous and homogeneous. but NDVI decrease introduce more varied (water, outdoor, bare soil, construction, etc. ) and more heterogeneous mosaic of land.

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Introduction: For successes in now competitive world, utilizing of skills in management is essential. Also effective managers are most important and rare source of every institution/ community that institution/ community’ s failure in optimum exploiting of resources could be related to unusable management of that. Thus, attending to importance of managers managing style is to the point that experts believe, if must be happen an effective and sustainable organization change, management culture of the organization should be changed. In rural area as a local community, from the last decades, local managers had a key and important role in rural management. In traditional attitude, local managers guide people based on this view that they are unable for changing themselves and community. In the event that, in new attitude, however managers as leader are known as effective element of community’ s changes, rural people could be effective in changing themselves and their community because of having the necessary capabilities, such as the power of the individual, social and economic status. Creating a systematic change of rural communities to collaborate and move in the direction towards progress and excellence, is one of natural results of the rural management leadership effectiveness. Each group in the rural community efforts to collaborate and share their experiences for Rural Development. But in the meantime, for the realization of this goal it’ s needed to management of human and natural systems, and facilitate the realization of this collaboration. Methodology: This research practical and developed study was conducted using descriptive-analytic methods. Data was collected through the documents library and field studies carried with the help of the questionnaire that designed and implemented based on management styles in form of Likert Spectrum. According to them, the four management styles among managers of Zaringol Dehestan from Aliabad Township and based on Likert scale was measured. After designing the research made questionnaire and its validity confirming by elites and experts, its reliability were examined that based on the Cronbach's alpha, its reliability level is 0. 76. Based on Cochran’ s formula with the five percent sample error in 9733 population of case study area, 247 householders were selected as sample community that by modifying number of samples in some rural point, increased to 269 Inventory. Results: The results of index management style analyzing, show that consultative management style is the common and prevailing attitude among most villages of the case study area. Also, there is meaningful direct correlation with moderate-intensity between managerial style and rural people participation. So by increasing the tendency of managers to consultation management style, the participation of villagers in the village and a sense of responsibility in the village rises. For analyzing the five aspects of management style builder including: confidence, motivation, interaction, communication, and decision on the participation had been used of multiple regression. Then adjusted coefficient of determination is equal to 0. 74 that respectively, suggested a role of independent variables in explaining the variance of the dependent variable. According to amount of F, independent variable are able to explain the depended variable changes so well. Also, B amount show that among 5 aspect of management style factors, interaction and confidence, had most efficiency on participation attracting and other aspect including to: decision communication and motivation are in next level of importance on participation attracting in rural area. Conclusion and Recommendation: Management of rural development in Iran has faced to numerous challenges and structural problems from the past decade until now. On the one hand, the traditional management structure in rural areas wasn’ t able to solving the problems due to the changing conditions and time circumstances and on the other hand, the new management structure in rural areas based on people's participation and bottom-up planning, for various reasons, including non-native and widespread government intervention and … could not solve today's problems in rural areas. At the same time, management styles through of variant aspects and indicators could help rural people's participation in rural development realization. So, management styles could be categorized to different patterns from expert opinion and based on variables such as the amount of communication, interaction, motivation, interests, change, decision-making and leadership and provide or forecasts different participatory and presence status for stakeholders of development. Today in rural management, despite efforts to establish collaborative structure, low average of some indicators such as interaction, confidence, decision-making and orientation cause to failure of traditional pattern and increasing tendency to participatory management's patterns. In the case study area of research, based on the results, the dominant paradigm of management is advisory management style and regression test results indicate a correlation between management styles and their impact on the participation of villagers in the village and approve this communication. Based on the results also, management style have important effect on attracting and promotion of the participation indicators of villagers. So, by increase in the averages of participative management styles indexes, imperative management decrease and participation had been improved. The results could be taken in line with previous research in this field such as Mirlotfi and Kheirabadi (2009) and Dina (2013) and the others that account management as a lever of influence on improving the performance, participation and organizational development. According to the results, the study offers could be adjusted and presented in the form of the following:-Using of young and participative managers-Using of educated managers-Using of experienced managers-Training the positive and negative points of different management styles to managers and also the ways of attracting the rural people participation to them before they appointment.

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Analysis of local management style and its impact on the participation of villagers in rural areas (Case study: rural area of Zarin gol Dehestan) Introduction For successes in now competitive world, utilizing of skills in management is essential. Also effective managers are most important and rare source of every institution/ community that institution/ community’ s failure in optimum exploiting of resources could be related to unusable management of that. Thus, attending to importance of managers managing style is to the point that experts believe, if must be happen an effective and sustainable organization change, management culture of the organization should be changed. In rural area as a local community, from the last decades, local managers had a key and important role in rural management. In traditional attitude, local managers guide people based on this view that they are unable for changing themselves and community. In the event that, in new attitude, however managers as leader are known as effective element of community’ s changes, rural people could be effective in changing themselves and their community because of having the necessary capabilities, such as the power of the individual, social and economic status. Creating a systematic change of rural communities to collaborate and move in the direction towards progress and excellence, is one of natural results of the rural management leadership effectiveness. Each group in the rural community efforts to collaborate and share their experiences for Rural Development. But in the meantime, for the realization of this goal it’ s needed to management of human and natural systems, and facilitate the realization of this collaboration. Methodology: This research practical and developed study was conducted using descriptive-analytic methods. Data was collected through the documents library and field studies carried with the help of the questionnaire that designed and implemented based on management styles in form of Likert Spectrum. According to them, the four management styles among managers of Zaringol Dehestan from Aliabad Township and based on Likert scale was measured. After designing the research made questionnaire and its validity confirming by elites and experts, its reliability were examined that based on the Cronbach's alpha, its reliability level is 0. 76. Based on Cochran’ s formula with the five percent sample error in 9733 population of case study area, 247 householders were selected as sample community that by modifying number of samples in some rural point, increased to 269 Inventory. ResultsThe results of index management style analyzing, show that consultative management style is the common and prevailing attitude among most villages of the case study area. Also, there is meaningful direct correlation with moderate-intensity between managerial style and rural people participation. So by increasing the tendency of managers to consultation management style, the participation of villagers in the village and a sense of responsibility in the village rises. For analyzing the five aspects of management style builder including: confidence, motivation, interaction, communication, and decision on the participation had been used of multiple regression. Then adjusted coefficient of determination is equal to 0. 74 that respectively, suggested a role of independent variables in explaining the variance of the dependent variable. According to amount of F, independent variable are able to explain the depended variable changes so well. Also, B amount show that among 5 aspect of management style factors, interaction and confidence, had most efficiency on participation attracting and other aspect including to: decision communication and motivation are in next level of importance on participation attracting in rural area. Conclusion: and RecommendationManagement of rural development in Iran has faced to numerous challenges and structural problems from the past decade until now. On the one hand, the traditional management structure in rural areas wasn’ t able to solving the problems due to the changing conditions and time circumstances and on the other hand, the new management structure in rural areas based on people's participation and bottom-up planning, for various reasons, including non-native and widespread government intervention and … could not solve today's problems in rural areas. At the same time, management styles through of variant aspects and indicators could help rural people's participation in rural development realization. So, management styles could be categorized to different patterns from expert opinion and based on variables such as the amount of communication, interaction, motivation, interests, change, decision-making and leadership and provide or forecasts different participatory and presence status for stakeholders of development. Today in rural management, despite efforts to establish collaborative structure, low average of some indicators such as interaction, confidence, decision-making and orientation cause to failure of traditional pattern and increasing tendency to participatory management's patterns. In the case study area of research, based on the results, the dominant paradigm of management is advisory management style and regression test results indicate a correlation between management styles and their impact on the participation of villagers in the village and approve this communication. Based on the results also, management style have important effect on attracting and promotion of the participation indicators of villagers. So, by increase in the averages of participative management styles indexes, imperative management decrease and participation had been improved. The results could be taken in line with previous research in this field such as Mirlotfi and Kheirabadi (2009) and Dina (2013) and the others that account management as a lever of influence on improving the performance, participation and organizational development. According to the results, the study offers could be adjusted and presented in the form of the following:-Using of young and participative managers-Using of educated managers-Using of experienced managers-Training the positive and negative points of different management styles to managers and also the ways of attracting the rural people participation to them before they appointment. Key words: : style of management, rural management, participation, accountability, rural development, Zaringol rural district.

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Introduction: A large part of the housing future of vulnerable segments is affected by large factors that can not be controlled by municipalities or other decision-making bodies in the housing sector. Therefore, it is imperative that institutions involved in providing housing for low-income groups, instead of trying to anticipate and control the future, prepare themselves for the future of economic, social, political, technological and other developments that are the first step in this direction. Developing future housing scenarios for vulnerable populations. Methodology: In this research, using this method, we try to draw a reasonable and believable future (scenarios) for low-income housing, helping planners find the best solutions to solve this problem. After reviewing the theoretical foundations, a series of influential impacts on the future of the Tehran metropolitan area were identified and examined based on the cross-impact analysis method. Results and discussion: According to the results of cross-impact analyzes of four drivers, the status of land policy, urban poverty, per capita income and population growth were among the key drivers. In the meantime, the growth rate of per capita income is reflected in the fact that it directly affects urban poverty and somehow represents it, and is expressed in terms of urban poverty. Conclusion: Accordingly, the framework of the scenarios is 3 uncertainties: 1. The urban poverty status of the Tehran metropolis. 2. The population growth rate of the Tehran metropolis. 2. Attitudes of the land. Forms the land management style. Based on 3 proponents and 8 possible scenarios, the third scenario and the eighth scenario, due to the contradiction between the simultaneous occurrence of decentralization from Tehran and the increase in the population growth rate, were internalized and eliminated. Also, the fifth and seventh scenarios, due to the contradiction between continuity of concentration in Tehran and the decline in population growth rate, were internal incompatibility and were removed from the list of scenarios. Thus, 4 scenarios remained, and scenario scenarios were presented for each of the scenarios.

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Introduction: Sprawl as one form of expansion entered the literature of urban management and planning in the last half-century. Some Iranian cities have experienced this kind of expansion at a rapid pace. These cities have faced numerous problems including unplanned development, an increase in informal settlements, a sharp and environmental fluctuation in land prices and housing, high infrastructure costs and urban services, conversion of agricultural lands, consumption of more energy and pollution. Iran urbanization ratio has risen from 28% in 1922 to 68. 5% in 2007. Urban development accelerated in the country after rising oil revenues as well as increase in the level of urban migrations following 1960s and 1970s. Taking into consideration an exogeneous nature of Iran’ s urban expansion, the motorization of cities, injection of oil revenues in the urban economy, the place of Iranian cities in the global economic system, and land bourgeoisie all demanded wide range of inland areas expansion into periphery which could well exemplified itself in urban sprawl. Babol is one of the medium-sized cities which is located to the northeast of Iran in Mazandaran Province. The corresponding latitude is 36 degree as opposed to 52 eastern longitude. The distance between this city and Tehran is 210 km. Its population amounted to be 250, 217 which is associated with 3, 036 hectares. The main question of this research is that what has been the pattern of expansion of Babol from 1957 to 2017? And what has this city changed in terms of spatial? Therefore, The main objective of this study is to find out the pattern of Babol expansion between 1957 and 2017as well as its spatial properties. Methodology: The research method has applied nature. It requires the application of Quantitative Technique. This research is conducted via descriptive-analytical method. The statistical society of this research is associated with city of Babol. The study period covers 1957 to 2017. Data gathering were conducted via documentary and field work technique. Data analysis demands application of GIS in order to analyze the rate, direction, and form of Babol sprawl during the study period. This is further followed by application of Holdren model regarding computation of degree of sprawl development in Babol. This study demands the usage of many variables including physical, economic, social and political ones along with 15 corresponding indicators. Results and discussion: This study suggests that the area of Babol has steadily risen from 1957 to 2017. Acccording to Holdren model over the entire study period from 1957 to 2017, approximately 74% of the city's horizontal growth is associated with population growth as apposed to 26% pertaining to sprawl development. This in turn has led to the integration of villages around the city. So far, 16 villages around this city have been merged within the legal range between 1957 and 2017. This dispersion is linearly attributed to both the northern and southern axes. It has led to physical changes in peripheral settlements. It has also changed the structure and functions of Babol. Conclusion: The construction of public residential housing complexes around the city of Babol, the migration of poor to the periphery and the absence of natural barriers has led to sprawl development of the city. In addition, the connecting interra urban axis played a significant role in this regard. The largest expansion of the city was occurred in the north on the Babol-Babolsar axis and on the Babol-Babolkenar axis and Babol-Bandpe in the south. It is argued that, transit roads located from west to the east of Mazandaran have affected the expansion of the city to the west and east. As such, most of the villages that have merged in Babol have been located along these connecting axes.

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Introduction: Urban physical growth and its pattern is one of the key issues in the field of urban planning because of its relation to the management of land as a scarce resource in cities. Analysis of urban physical expansion in metropolitan regions around the world shows the important direct and indirect impacts s of state policies on the city expansion. With regard to the city expansion, two different patterns are recognizable, including sprawl and compact (or continuous) expansion. State land use policies, along with rapid transformations in technology (i. e. transportation and information) have stimulated urban sprawl significantly in these regions. To explain the impacts s of state land use policies on metropolitan physical growth entails a spatiotemporal framework of analysis. In this article, we are to evaluate these impacts s in the Tehran metropolitan region. The city of Tehran as the centre of the region has experienced significant socio-political transformation over the past century, resulting in different social and economic changes in its surrounding settlements. These intensifying centre-surrounding relationships have led to shaping a particular pattern of physical expansion of cities in the region. This article aims to explain the pattern of city physical expansion in the surrounding area in relation to state urban land use policies. Methodology: As noted above, this article as a descriptive-analytical study attempts to analyze the impact of state urban land policies on the eastern cities of the Tehran metropolitan region, including Rudehen and Pardis. To do this, it analyses legal urban land use regulations and satellite data to explain, predict and simulate how these cities expand spatially in the region. Discussion: Rapid urbanization is an influential force to change the face of the earth. Then, it is necessary to explore and manage the spatial pattern of urbanization, especially in metropolitan regions. In recent years, there is an increasing interest to investigate land use change, urban expansion and related socio-economic processes in the Tehran metropolitan region. The city of Tehran has experienced a variety of socio-economic changes after the modernization period in Iran. Especially, after the 1970s when continuous expansion of Tehran has replaced with sprawl, socio-spatial landscape of its surrounding cities such as Rudehen and Pardis has also changed significantly. Diffusion of growth from the centre, i. e. from Tehran to its periphery, i. e. to its surrounding cities took place without any integrated, comprehensive regional planning. During 1966-1996, there were only two cities, including Tehran and Karaj, where the processes of urban land use and urban expansion were being managed through master plan. This article argues that while the region was experiencing rapid process of urbanization and physical expansion during this period, there was no will to manage and plan it regionally. The Physical growth of both Rudehen and Pardis is a function of macro policies of urban land use in the region. Pardis as a new town was established by state regulations to facilitate decentralization of population from the city of Tehran to its surrounding region. Pardis is, in fact, the embodiment of maximum intervention of the state into the production of the metropolitan region to the extent that the whole of urban planning process, from designing to selling, is essentially led by the state. The state is the owner of the city, and then it facilitates its physical expansion and growth because of economic benefits from land business. In the case of Rudehen, two different forces are working to stimulate urban physical expansion: first, low-income immigrants who are not able to reside in the city of Tehran because of high-value rent decide to reside in Rudehen; second, high-income immigrants who are seeking natural landscapes for pleasure find it a suitable place. The former creates the spaces of slums while the latter spaces of second homes. In general, we can interpret growth of the two cities as a reaction to socio-economic forces of the city of Tehran itself. Rudehen is expanded at both sides of Tehran road. In the case of Rudehen, its growth follows sprawl expansion, and Tehran road acts as a local force to control the pattern of urban sprawl. In other words, the urban sprawl decreases with increase in distance from the road. The northern part of the city has experienced more expansion than the southern part. With respect to Pardis, three different stages of physical growth are recognizable. First, the city continued to expand in a compact pattern of expansion until 1987. During this stage, Pardis, like Rudehen, expanded along Tehran road in a linear pattern. At the second stage, i. e. from 1987 to 2003, the expansion of the city gradually shifted towards sprawl pattern. Tehran road conditions this kind of expansion too. The city, at the third stage, has expanded along two main axes. One runs along the south-north corridor, the other along east-west corridor. The former axis shows the compact pattern of expansion while the latter axis exhibits sprawl. Analysis of data showed that in both cities, the dominant geographical orientation of expansion is similar. In other words, the dominant geographical orientation of the expansion is toward the west, i. e. toward the city of Tehran. Furthermore, the western part of the two cities is more compact than their eastern part, indicating the powerful gravity of the city of Tehran on the physical growth of its surrounding cities. Conclusion: Results showed that the physical growth of cities (i. e. Rudehen and Pardis) in the Tehran metropolitan region follows a different and complicated pattern in comparison with pre-modern urbanization of the region. This article argues that the spatiotemporal processes and patterns of peripheral urban expansion are a spatial reaction to dominant socio-economic structures and relations of the city of Tehran itself. Analysis of spatial and temporal trends of urban physical growth enables planners to prevent or reduce urban sprawl in the region. For this, strategies related to urban land use should be modified to shift from maximum intervention of the state to its minimum intervention. This entails that urban growth strategies should encourage public participation in the process of urban land use planning.

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INTRODUCTION: The approach of the sustainable development as a framework for the analysis of the sustainability of rural settlements has received high value and credit. Here, achieving sustainable development without proper measuring, interpreting and explaining is of no significance. One of the necessary foundation for proper planning is to have knowledge of the capabilities and position of different regions in terms of the level of development and sustainability. Having knowledge of changes in sustainable development and knowing its structure, dimensions and spatial expansion in rural areas are considered as critical parameters for appropriate decision making and planning. In this regard, the easiest form of studying in the field of rural sustainable development from the geographical viewpoint is to study the spatial distribution of significant factors. Accordingly, the present study is to analyze and measure the spatial levels of rural settlements located in Qom province. Sustainability assessment has helped define the goals of sustainable development and progress assessment in order to achieve these them and is considered as part of the process of measuring the impact of different aspects of sustainable development. The sustainability assessment is the most significant tool in changing conditions for the sustainable development. The objective of sustainability measurement is to provide a general outline of the sustainability situation at the space level, which can be extended from the range of complete sustainability to the unsustainability, and ultimately provide areas for identifying the factors that contribute to sustainability. Regarding sustainability measurement, there are no fixed and definite indicators, and, according to conditions of different countries and time periods, certain indicators have been used to measure sustainability. The modern era of evaluation and measurement of sustainability began in the late 1940s, and with its generalization, net national product (NNP) and gross national product (GNP), GDP were defined as general indicators of sustainability. Finally, in 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) recommended that countries pay attention to the issue of sustainable development on the economic, social and environmental dimensions, simultaneously. Materials and Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the method of research. The statistical population of the study includes inhabited villages of Qom province. The required data are obtained by documentary method using data of the census on population and housing, culture of the Qom provinces, as well as with the reference to some government agencies and organizations. For weighing the indicators of the research the F'ANP model has been utilized; by using the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method VIKOR indicators were integrated and the final indicator of development was determined. Determining the spatial pattern of sustainable development was conducted by cluster analysis method using ARC GIS software; linear regression was utilized to measure the effective factors in the final indicator of development. Besides, EXCEL, SPSS and MATLAB software were used as analysis tools. Results and discussions: In this research, the weighing of indicators in the study was conducted using the F'ANP model. The final weight of the indicators derived from the F'ANP model showed that the percentages of literate population, literacy of men and literacy of women were 7. 9, 6. 72 and 6. 69, respectively. It also shows that the highest weight and dependency ratio, the population growth rate and the percentage of agricultural workers to all employees were 2. 85%, 3. 8% and 3. 16%, respectively, and had the lowest weight among the 23 indicators in the study. After weighing, indicators were combined using VIKOR technique. Finally, according to VIKOR scores, the villages under the study were ranked in four categories in terms of sustainable development levels by the cluster analysis method using in the GIS software. in the first category, the sustainable villages, there are 120 villages, in the second category, fairly sustainable villages, there are 37 villages, in the third category, villages with low sustainability, there are 8 villages and in the fourth category, the unsustainable villages, there are 15 villages. The results of regression analysis also showed that "literacy level" had the highest effect and "income level" had the least effect on the sustainability level of villages under the study. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that although the villages of Qom province compared to each other enjoy the sustainable level, this sustainability is not integrated. In other words, the sustainability of villages is not the same in all the indicators. This situation reflects the imperfect dynamics of the provincial settlement system in the province. Despite that, this province has a special political and religious status in the country. From the spatial aspect, the sustainability level of the province has followed a pattern indicative of (relative) spatial equality. This research also demonstrates the effectiveness of the F'ANP model in geographical studies. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the method of research. The statistical population of the study includes inhabited villages of Qom province. For weighing the indicators of the research the F'ANP model has been utilized; by using the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method VIKOR indicators were integrated and the final indicator of development was determined. Determining the spatial pattern of sustainable development was conducted by cluster analysis method using ARC GIS software; linear regression was utilized to measure the effective factors in the final indicator of development. Besides, EXCEL, SPSS and MATLAB software were used as analysis tools. The results of this study showed that although the villages of Qom province compared to each other enjoy the sustainable level, this sustainability is not integrated. In other words, the sustainability of villages is not the same in all the indicators. This situation reflects the imperfect dynamics of the provincial settlement system in the province. Despite that, this province has a special political and religious status in the country. From the spatial aspect, the sustainability level of the province has followed a pattern indicative of (relative) spatial equality. This research also demonstrates the effectiveness of the F'ANP model in geographical studies.

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Introduction: Road accidents around the world annually take many human lives or even amputation. Therefore, in order to reduce the indirect economic and social effects of such incidents, urgent action is required in various social, technical and engineering fields. General education, automobile standardization, and technical and geometric correction of roads are among the main measures. In the meantime, the identification of the causes of an accident is more preferable, because the method and the volume of the actions can vary due to a variety of causes. Therefore, in order to reduce the number and severity of road accidents, identifying accident points is one of the first steps. The most probable accident points are points where the number of accidents, including death, injury and damage were high, which should be reduced by taking immunization measures (Road Maintenance & Transportation Organization, 2007: 1)Investigation of accidental points in Iran due to the lack of a systematic planning in identifying and prioritizing these points and lack of proper database which includes history of accidents from all over the country is in poor and inadequate status. Therefore, no valid scientific method is used to identify and prioritize them, and the effectiveness and reduction of disasters in these areas are not evaluated even after allocating money and securing them. This research is an attempt to identify and prioritize the accidental points along the roads of Alborz province, to increase the effectiveness of executive measures and reduce the vulnerability of citizens and passengers of the province. Research Methodology: Alborz province has about 407 km of inter-urban road with the least length of the road in the country, while at the same time, due to the location of the province in the west, northwest and north of the country, it has the first place in the interurban traffic of the country. According to the data released by the Iran road maintenance and transportation Organization between the 16. 03. 2015 and 04. 04. 2015, more than 27 million traffic has been registered at the provincial level. The highest number of deceased was due to out-of-town accident with 58 people killed per 100 km in the province of Alborz. Despite having intelligent transportation system and the relatively high number of transportation facilities in the country, this road allocates the first place of road accidents to itself. The study of the above indicators shows that in recent years, along with increasing traffic volume in Alborz province, the number of accidents and consequently injured and killed road accidents has also been increased. Therefore, in order to minimize these accidents, it is necessary to identify the high-risk areas and geographical features of the location of these accidents and identify the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the roads of Alborz province. In this regard, the study of accident rate as well as the analysis of spatial patterns of accident distribution in Alborz is another necessity of this study. In this research, a reaction-based approach based on accidents recorded in the Disaster Information Management System of Red Crescent during the second half of 1391 (2013) and the first half of 1394 (2015), in addition to an estimation method for dispersion of accident points by GIS spatial analysis have been used to identify and categorize in the under study period. To determine the road accidental points in Alborz province, the kernel density estimation model was used. The kernel density estimation model, includes spatial analyzes in the Arc GIS software, to estimate the density for linear and point effects. This analysis is one of the best ways to identify hot spots, which can be used to identify accident points. Discussions and Findings: The indicators of the number and severity of the accidents, were determined by the use of presented models. In this research, a total of 617 accidents recorded in the studied time period using spatial information system. Of the total number of reported incidents, there have been 2724 accidents, 48 of which have caused death. The distribution pattern of recorded events indicates the spatial distribution of accidents in the three main roads of the province, including the Karaj-Chalous road (294 accidents), Karaj-Qazvin highways (282 accidents) and Mahdasht-Eshtehard (25 accidents). Using the kernel density estimation method in the Arc GIS environment, the density of accident points in the province has been studied and the results indicated that in the Karaj-Chalous road and the Karaj-Qazvin highways, the areas are the most accidental ones and the probability of accident is clearly high. The length of the route is 2. 5 km in the high accident area of the province and 11. 85 km belongs to the accident prone area. Results: Based on the obtained results from the kernel method, areas were divided into four categories of low accident-prone, relatively accident-prone, accident-prone and high accident-prone then were categorized separately into two main roads of the province based on same four categories.

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INTRODUCTION: The approach of the sustainable development as a framework for the analysis of the sustainability of rural settlements has received high value and credit. Here, achieving sustainable development without proper measuring, interpreting and explaining is of no significance. One of the necessary foundation for proper planning is to have knowledge of the capabilities and position of different regions in terms of the level of development and sustainability. Having knowledge of changes in sustainable development and knowing its structure, dimensions and spatial expansion in rural areas are considered as critical parameters for appropriate decision making and planning. In this regard, the easiest form of studying in the field of rural sustainable development from the geographical viewpoint is to study the spatial distribution of significant factors. Accordingly, the present study is to analyze and measure the spatial levels of rural settlements located in Qom province. Sustainability assessment has helped define the goals of sustainable development and progress assessment in order to achieve these them and is considered as part of the process of measuring the impact of different aspects of sustainable development. The sustainability assessment is the most significant tool in changing conditions for the sustainable development. The objective of sustainability measurement is to provide a general outline of the sustainability situation at the space level, which can be extended from the range of complete sustainability to the unsustainability, and ultimately provide areas for identifying the factors that contribute to sustainability. Regarding sustainability measurement, there are no fixed and definite indicators, and, according to conditions of different countries and time periods, certain indicators have been used to measure sustainability. The modern era of evaluation and measurement of sustainability began in the late 1940s, and with its generalization, net national product (NNP) and gross national product (GNP), GDP were defined as general indicators of sustainability. Finally, in 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) recommended that countries pay attention to the issue of sustainable development on the economic, social and environmental dimensions, simultaneously. Materials and Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the method of research. The statistical population of the study includes inhabited villages of Qom province. The required data are obtained by documentary method using data of the census on population and housing, culture of the Qom provinces, as well as with the reference to some government agencies and organizations. For weighing the indicators of the research the F'ANP model has been utilized; by using the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method VIKOR indicators were integrated and the final indicator of development was determined. Determining the spatial pattern of sustainable development was conducted by cluster analysis method using ARC GIS software; linear regression was utilized to measure the effective factors in the final indicator of development. Besides, EXCEL, SPSS and MATLAB software were used as analysis tools. Results and discussions: In this research, the weighing of indicators in the study was conducted using the F'ANP model. The final weight of the indicators derived from the F'ANP model showed that the percentages of literate population, literacy of men and literacy of women were 7. 9, 6. 72 and 6. 69, respectively. It also shows that the highest weight and dependency ratio, the population growth rate and the percentage of agricultural workers to all employees were 2. 85%, 3. 8% and 3. 16%, respectively, and had the lowest weight among the 23 indicators in the study. After weighing, indicators were combined using VIKOR technique. Finally, according to VIKOR scores, the villages under the study were ranked in four categories in terms of sustainable development levels by the cluster analysis method using in the GIS software. in the first category, the sustainable villages, there are 120 villages, in the second category, fairly sustainable villages, there are 37 villages, in the third category, villages with low sustainability, there are 8 villages and in the fourth category, the unsustainable villages, there are 15 villages. The results of regression analysis also showed that "literacy level" had the highest effect and "income level" had the least effect on the sustainability level of villages under the study. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that although the villages of Qom province compared to each other enjoy the sustainable level, this sustainability is not integrated. In other words, the sustainability of villages is not the same in all the indicators. This situation reflects the imperfect dynamics of the provincial settlement system in the province. Despite that, this province has a special political and religious status in the country. From the spatial aspect, the sustainability level of the province has followed a pattern indicative of (relative) spatial equality. This research also demonstrates the effectiveness of the F'ANP model in geographical studies. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the method of research. The statistical population of the study includes inhabited villages of Qom province. For weighing the indicators of the research the F'ANP model has been utilized; by using the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method VIKOR indicators were integrated and the final indicator of development was determined. Determining the spatial pattern of sustainable development was conducted by cluster analysis method using ARC GIS software; linear regression was utilized to measure the effective factors in the final indicator of development. Besides, EXCEL, SPSS and MATLAB software were used as analysis tools. The results of this study showed that although the villages of Qom province compared to each other enjoy the sustainable level, this sustainability is not integrated. In other words, the sustainability of villages is not the same in all the indicators. This situation reflects the imperfect dynamics of the provincial settlement system in the province. Despite that, this province has a special political and religious status in the country. From the spatial aspect, the sustainability level of the province has followed a pattern indicative of (relative) spatial equality. This research also demonstrates the effectiveness of the F'ANP model in geographical studies.

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With the advent of the first urban plans since the beginning of the 21th century, a variety of such plans have been provided for different purposes, but their evaluation based on proper criteria has been underestimated. In Iranian cities, no urban plan has been evaluated based on correct indicators. In addition, urban planners have neglected the fact that evaluating urban plans can lead to the effectiveness of urban planning objectives and policies. This research is an applied study with the main objective of evaluating an area-based plan according to e-municipality criteria. Library and field work was done with a descriptive-survey approach to collect data. Then, the significance and the effect of the indicators were analyzed through the path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations. The product of the study was a conceptual model presented with all the corresponding steps. The results of the study indicate the significant effect of implementing the area-based management plan on the selected aspects in district 6 of Tehran. Moreover, the obtained average rating column shows that the plan implementation has had the greatest effect on the aspects of hardware and information and communication technology but the least effect on the socio-cultural aspects. The results also suggest the significant effect of the plan implementation on the selected aspects in districts 15 of Tehran. The average rating column shows the greatest effect of the plan on the aspects of human resources but the least effect on the socio-cultural aspects. It is concluded that the area-based plan should be revised by adding strategies that aim at the increase of temporal efficiency and temporal justice. Also, studies related to dynamic spatial rhythms as well as the concepts of efficiency and time justice should be utilized so as to enhance the responsive of managers. Urban planners have recently paid much attention to the preparation and implementation of certain projects on neighborhood and region scales to make urban facilities available to all citizens in urban spaces. One of the most important of these projects is the area-based plan. The main objective of this plan is to achieve fast and easy services and easier access of citizens to municipal services. As a matter of fact, if an area-based plan approved by the municipality is favorable enough and correctly implemented, e-municipality will be effectively established. As for Iran, this plan was operationalized in the municipality of Tehran in 1952. Tehran municipality tried to implement the plan for the efficient management of the newly emerging metropolis of Tehran and the improvement of services given to Tehran residents. In recent decades, various urban plans have been provided to develop the metropolitan regions of Tehran, but they have not been evaluated by the corresponding organizations. In fact, after an urban plan is implemented, it is better to evaluate it based on proper criteria. It is clear that various types of urban planning have a great effect on different aspects of people's lives, including income, employment, well-being, housing, health, education, social relationships, comfort, environment, personal security, and peace. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate urban plans based on appropriate indicators. Urbanization is occurring rapidly throughout the world, and soon the dominant model of human habitation will be urbanization and urban life. The increasing urbanization has many consequences, including an increase in the number of cities, population of cities, urban population of a country or a region, and the physical-spatial surface occupied in cities. In fact, the physical expansion of cities, which is nowadays of attraction for academic research, is gaining increasing importance due to its effects on other aspects of life and its leading cities to stability or instability (Zanganeh Shahraki, 2012: 3). These problems associated with the growth of urbanization in Iranian cities, especially in a metropolis like Tehran, have had undesirable consequences. Municipality is an organization responsible for urban affairs (Faridi et al., 2011) as the most important public institution, it has various responsibilities in cities. It has to undertake a variety of urban planning tasks to provide the citizens with various services and to improve urban issues including welfare, security, comfort and pleasure. Improvement of culture, social institutes, political infrastructures, and e-readiness to establish e-municipality are considered as the most important missions of the municipality (Shahnavazi et al., 2012) With regard to its large population (i. e. more than 8. 5 million as reported by the Statistics Center of Iran in 2012), Tehran metropolis faces major problems, and those problems are increased every day. This has resulted in seemingly insoluble obstacles in economic, cultural, social and political development. The urban areas in Tehran are faced with many challenges. The citizens' repeated visits to these areas to receive services, failure to provide some electronic services, lack of necessary facilities for professionals working in these areas, failure to completely achieve the objectives of the plan in the field of e-municipality, early utilization of some electronic systems, semi-electronic status of some services (e. g. issuance of the drilling licenses), allocation of insufficient budget to areas, and nonrule-based performance of managers and experts in some cases are a few examples of municipal problems that emerged after the area-based plan was implemented in the organizational structure of the district municipality. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the area-based plan in districts 6 and 15 of Tehran municipality based on the criteria of e-municipality. Analyses are conducted to determine and scrutinize the role of the criteria selected by the municipality for managing the area-based plan. Moreover, the relationship between the current pattern of this management and the criteria of the municipality model in the urban areas of districts 6 and 15 are investigated in order to improve the performance of this organization. In this case, the obstacles and problems are identified to provide the best solution with regard to the status quo, and modern and efficient management decisions are encouraged.

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Introduction: During the pursuit of environmental sustainability, attention to the responsibility of governments to reduce environmental degradation has steadily declined, and has instead focused on citizen's environmental behaviors. This increasing attention to the individual emphasizes the key role citizens play in the development and development of a sustainable society. So far, researchers have presented forms of citizenship that demonstrate endeavors for environmental sustainability. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the factors shaping the citizens' bio-behavioral behaviors and assess their knowledge and attitudes towards biofilm activities and behaviors in the 9th and 10th areas of Tehran. The 9th and 10th areas are among the 22 areas of Tehran, due to the high concentration of urban activities in them, the lack of open spaces and excessive transport of vehicles, high density of buildings and population, urban texture and. . . There are a lot of environmental problems and problems. In this regard, in these areas, a solution is needed to mitigate the negative impacts of these issues, in which urban biofilming is a modern and appropriate solution proposed and proposed by urban planners. One of the key indicators and key elements of this plan is to have biofilm citizens. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the level of commitment of the citizens in the 9th and 10th areas and its role in the feasibility of biophilic planning in these areas. During the pursuit of environmental sustainability, attention to the responsibility of governments to reduce environmental degradation has steadily declined, and has instead focused on citizen's environmental behaviors. This increasing attention to the individual emphasizes the key role citizens play in the development and development of a sustainable society. So far, researchers have presented forms of citizenship that demonstrate endeavors for environmental sustainability. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the factors shaping the citizens' bio-behavioral behaviors and assess their knowledge and attitudes towards biofilm activities and behaviors in the 9th and 10th areas of Tehran. The 9th and 10th areas are among the 22 areas of Tehran, due to the high concentration of urban activities in them, the lack of open spaces and excessive transport of vehicles, high density of buildings and population, urban texture and. . . There are a lot of environmental problems and problems. In this regard, in these areas, a solution is needed to mitigate the negative impacts of these issues, in which urban biofilming is a modern and appropriate solution proposed and proposed by urban planners. One of the key indicators and key elements of this plan is to have biofilm citizens. Therefore, The research method is descriptive-survey and of applied type. The statistical population of the residents of these two regions and the statistical sample based on the Cochran formula is 350 inhabitants of these two regions. To assess the content validity of the questionnaire, the formal validity (referring to experts) was used and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 824 the present study aims to investigate the level of commitment of the citizens in the 9th and 10th areas and its role in the feasibility of biophilic planning in these areas. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-survey and of applied type. The statistical population of the residents of these two regions and the statistical sample based on the Cochran formula is 350 inhabitants of these two regions. To assess the content validity of the questionnaire, the formal validity (referring to experts) was used and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 824. The research method is descriptive-survey and of applied type. The statistical population of the residents of these two regions and the statistical sample based on the Cochran formula is 350 inhabitants of these two regions. To assess the content validity of the questionnaire, the formal validity (referring to experts) was used and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 824. Results and discussion: In addition to descriptive tests, inferential tests such as Kolmogorov Smirnov, T-single sample and nanolayer were used to analyze the data. The results of the Smirnov test indicate that the test is normal and the results of a single-sample T test show that although none of the respondents belong to a particular group or institution, but the behaviors, attitudes identified, indicate that citizens' behaviors and rates The importance of the environment for them is in a desirable situation, but due to the lack of availability of conditions and the lack of biofilm infrastructure, the activities and biophysical awareness of undesirable citizens have been assessed. Because the biofilm behavior of citizens is affected by the local environment, the development of norms and infrastructure with a pro-environmental orientation will affect the multidimensional nature of citizenship. Conclusion: It can generally be concluded that citizens, if they are provided with the necessary conditions for the conduct of biofilm behavior, will act because evidence suggests that citizens in these areas are responsible for the conservation and development of nature in the area and are interested in doing Biofilm activities. Therefore, in order to create and develop a biophilic city with regard to its biofilm, while strengthening the infrastructure and providing an environment for the development and growth of citizens' bio-political activities and commitments, the curricula should be further focused on the aspect. Feelings and attitudes to the cognitive and knowledge side. It can generally be concluded that citizens, if they are provided with the necessary conditions for the conduct of biofilm behavior, will act because evidence suggests that citizens in these areas are responsible for the conservation and development of nature in the area and are interested in doing Biofilm activities. Therefore, in order to create and develop a biophilic city with regard to its biofilm, while strengthening the infrastructure and providing an environment for the development and growth of citizens' bio-political activities and commitments, the curricula should be further focused on the aspect. Feelings and attitudes to the cognitive and knowledge side.

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Introduction: In developed countries, housing includes an aspect of social well-being, and housing development programs are focused on qualitative improvements. In Iran, housing is a prime necessity, and its provision is consistent with the supply of food and clothing. The demand of housing has two dimensions: qualitative and quantitative. In the quantitative dimension, the need for housing includes recognizing things and stuff that raise the issue of the lack of shelter and accessibility to it. In examining the quantitative dimension of housing, in fact, the amount and degree of responsibility to housing demand, regardless of its quality is considered. Housing Indicators are perhaps the most important tool in house planning. Known indicators: In general, we can categorize housing indices into three main groups: A. Indicators of housing. B. Housing Quality Indicators. C. Economic Indicators of Housing. The housing sector in the city of Urumia is facing a lot of problems, which has caused instability in this area. As some of these problems, the age of a large number of residential units in the city, especially in central neighborhoods; Use of inadequate building materials, Lack of attention to the regional climate situation in the construction of housing, Failure to fully observe the laws and regulations of urban planning in the construction of housing, The lack of optimal distribution of utilities and urban amenities at residential neighborhoods, High dependence on non-renewable energies for heating and cooling of dwellings, And the incorrect disposal of residential units' wastes (sewage and waste). Considering the importance and long history of the housing issues, many research has been done in this area. According to the 2016 statistics of four provinces, Urumia city is the 637th urban areas; therefore, in addition to suffering from class discrimination among economic groups, Urumia metropolitan area is also threated by the spatial discrimination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing and urban services. Methodology: In the present research, the applied method is quantitative analytical with an applied and objective approach to measure the statistical areas of Urumia metropolitan area for their better management. It is based on library and documentary studies and data and statistics are collected by the Iranian Statistics Center in 2016. The first step in this research is to extract the quantitative, qualitative and socio-demographic variables of the housing, and convert them by percentage and different proportions to indices. We analyzed the moron statistics and the local spatial solidarity (Moran Test). Moran World Coefficient is one of the most important quantitative indicators to measure this situation. Results and discussion: Results indicate inequity in the distribution of services and quality indicators of housing. Spatial justice in relation to qualitative indicators separately, also shows the difference in the amount of injustice. In the figures in in the statistical domains where the set of factors (down-down) and (top-top) dominate the color, there is a spatial pattern of inequalities, so that it determines that part of the city is completely different from the other. Indicator for all factors that the pamphlet is considered to be the main and effective factor. 41 of the statistical domains, the highest of which are located in the 4th and 2nd regions, are in the top-to-high and 20 of the statistical domains where the highest of these domains are located in regions 1 and 3. The resulting findings Analysis of the data showed that the spatial dispersal pattern of Urmia metropolitan area follows the cluster model. Upper-high of 5/18%, the highest of which is in the 2nd and 4th regions, and 6/7% in the bottom-bottom and 35th / 2% in the bottom-up category and 78% in the top-bottom-up. In general, 21/18% of the departments are among the deprived areas of 18/18%, 33/53% have an average of 13/18%, and9/57% are fully entitled; and areas 3 and 1, 2 are more to be considered than inequalities The results of this study showed that the clusters in the 3rd and 2nd clusters in the regions 1 and 4 tend to be more strongly. Conclusion: The aim of the study is to study spatial inequalities, propose development strategies for achieving a balance between Urmia’ s metropolitan areas For this purpose, descriptive and analytical methods have been used based on the data available in the Center of Statistics of Iran. Having changed them into indices in question, raw data of Excel were entered to SPSS for performing factor analysis, so we achieved 35indices. The eight factors of the factor analysis were obtained, with four factors as the main factor and four The factor is known as a sub-agent and then the factors connected to the GIS environment are analyzed; This situation indicates the class difference and dichotomy in urban space and the difference in having the indexes studied in 1395, and the findings indicate unequal distribution of housing indices Among the citizens of Urmia city. The existence of inequality in living standards among one town's residents is not a new phenomenon cities around the world but in countries less developed like Iran the spatial variation of the cities has intensified due to the more pronounced socio-economic differences, therefore, the weakness and inefficiency of urban management and planning in the provision of good urban services have also created the cause of injustice in access to various urban services. Urumia city has been having an accelerated and ungovernable growth during the last recent years and have seen a considerable changes on its body and population due to its natural population growth, immigration, service expansion, headquarters center, socio-economic changes etc. With this rapid increase in the Urumia population, there was an atmosphere of inequality in the city, so knowing of this inequality seems essential to balance and in order to shape properly and also proper and justice based planning on sustainable development.

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Humans are different in expectations, tendencies, sensational and physical requirements. Obviously, house is the best place for addressing these personal requirements. Generally, they divided into two main categories: functional and socio-cultural requirements. Functional requirements are included a set of activities and socio-cultural requirements are originated from psychological issues. One of the most important subject of these issues is consideration of privacy. Generally, Humans are social entities. Although, they tend to positive communications with others, they need quiet and intimate atmospheres, which has a suitable territory alongside variety of associations. Accordingly, this atmosphere known as a safe and comfortable place for associated people, because of these privacy requirements are different in variety of Iranian climates. Traditional health and temperament physicians such as Ibn Sina has clearly emphasized on the effective formation of cultural and climatic factors in houses. Ibn Sina mentions that human have different treats and natures based on physical features variation’ s. Ultimately, differences in moral and physical characteristics lead humans to different and specific requirement. On of the most significant requirement is privacy. This privacy introduces by Privacy Psycology. Architectures have tried to find the best physical characteristics which able to liability of cultural-privacy requirements. These requirements can be fulfilled by temperament analysis in different climate at houses. In this paper, we are concentrate to recognize relation between diversity of human privacy requirement and we pay special attention to type houses of Iranian climates which privacy accepts to different way. Open-to-close places are considered by features’ houses in four climates. The level of acceptable privacy is graded in theirs. In following, privacy profile of houses drew up regarding on available privacy into these houses. Then, favorable privacy type of inhabitants recognized in four climate houses.

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Introduction: Today, urban issues and citizenship have become the most important issues affecting quantitative and qualitative dimensions of human life. In the pre-era period, the city was also important in the general sense of the word, but in contemporary times this significance was perceived by a wider range of people and a spectrum of perceived professionals. Therefore, addressing the new theories of the city, each of which is aimed at solving urban problems, improving the quality of life of citizens in cities, improving the quality of the city environment, managing the city, advancing the city to the desirability, etc., is more important than ever. Based on this, habitability is one of the recent debates and theories in urban planning, which, like other modern theories such as the mighty city, the creative city, the sustainable city, the resilient city, leads us to a more desirable city for sustainable living and development. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the Livability of Shahrekord, with emphasis on urban management. The purpose of this study, in terms of purpose (type of use), is an applied research. Methodology: The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of this research includes residents of Shahrekord city, and the statistical area of the whole area is located in Shahrekord. The number of statistical societies (160, 000) is considered. The sample size was 383 people based on the Cochran formula, and were randomly available. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS regression. Results and discussion: The results indicate that urban management in general has not done a decent job in the city of urban habitat, in the city of Kurdistan. On the other hand, in the context of the Livability, this is such that urban management has had an impact on the economic index, which is relatively good, indicating management action in improving the status and economic variables, and, on the other hand, management Urban social indicators have also been affected by low significance, indicating that Shahrekord urban management is not very impressive in improving the social status of the city, which, of course, should be taken further. The cultural and social, economic, and environmental patterns existing in the cities of the country are very different to achieving the pattern of sustainable development and Livability. Without considering the social issues, the passivity of the institutions and social organizations of the country in confronting the cultural outcry of foreigners, the lack of comprehensive cultural, social, economic, and environmental planning, the fundamental difference between the views of different generations of the country as well as the difference between the views Government and parts of society and in the transition of the culture of society is one of the most important reasons for this issue. It also seems that in order to achieve sustainable development in the field of habitability and the role of urban management in this regard, a new and important focus on public management and policy in the city of Shahrekord in the cultural, social, economic and Environmental issues and try to better understand the future outcomes of current cultural and social behaviors in order to improve the status of the cultural, social, economic and environmental environment and to achieve a developed and sustainable cultural and social model. Determine the future of the cities of the country. Failure to pay attention to this will not only not result in sustainable cultural, social, economic and environmental development, but will further change the standard of cultural, social, economic and environmental life in the cities of the country. Conclusion: Generally, urban management has no effect on urban Livability, indicating that urban management generally has not done a decent job in urban housing Livability. On the other hand, according to the dimensions of the habitability, this is such that urban management has an impact on the economic index, which is relatively good and shows the management's action in improving the status and economic variables, and also urban management on the social index with a significant low It has been impressive and shows that Shahr-e-Kord's urban management is notorious for improving the city's social situation, but more action is needed in this area. On the other hand, urban management has not had an impact on the environmental index, which indicates that urban management has not done the appropriate measures to improve the environmental status of the city. Also, based on Pearson's test, 95% confidence level was observed. In general, there is no relation between city management and city life-sustainability. On the other hand, there is a significant relationship between urban management and socio-economic index, and we have a relation between urban management and environmental index The results are not meaningful in accordance with regression. Results: Generally, urban management has no effect on urban Livability, indicating that urban management generally has not done a decent job in urban housing Livability. On the other hand, according to the dimensions of the habitability, this is such that urban management has an impact on the economic index, which is relatively good and shows the management's action in improving the status and economic variables, and also urban management on the social index with a significant low It has been impressive and shows that Shahr-e-Kord's urban management is notorious for improving the city's social situation, but more action is needed in this area. On the other hand, urban management has not had an impact on the environmental index, which indicates that urban management has not done the appropriate measures to improve the environmental status of the city. Also, based on Pearson's test, 95% confidence level was observed. In general, there is no relation between city management and city life-sustainability. On the other hand, there is a significant relationship between urban management and socio-economic index, and we have a relation between urban management and environmental index The results are not meaningful in accordance with regression results.

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Introduction: Tourism is one of the main levers of foreign exchange earnings by developed countries and many developed countries have accelerated their economic growth by facilitating the growth of this industry. The tourism industry has become so important in the economic and social development of countries that economists have called it invisible exports and refer to it as a key pillar of sustainable development. In recent years, the determination of macroeconomic authorities and decision-makers to develop an oil-free economy and the high potential of nature and climate in Iran has increased the importance of addressing tourism related issues in the country and The task of researchers in this regard is increasingly important. Iran is one of the top ten countries in terms of tourist attractions and is among the top five countries in terms of diversity but according to World Tourism Organization statistics in 2015, Iran ranks 97th out of 147 countries in the world and in the Middle East formations, it has dedicated rank 12, which is very low position with abilities of the country. Tourist and how to decide where to target him are the most important elements in tourism, given the high importance of influencing factors in target location selection, this study seeks to provide a practical and scientific analysis based on the "DEMATEL" method on the most influential factors among the numerous factors in the tourism industry to help macroeconomic policy makers optimize investment in the tourism industry. The main purpose of the present study is to identify the most effective and influential factors on choosing a place for tourism and their ranking by using "DEMATEL" method in Iran. One of the important points in tourism is the choice of destination for travel by the tourist. Everyone for choosing the destination for tourism considers some factors that In this study, we investigated these factors. Then the influence of these factors on each other is investigated and finally we determine the most effective and most influential factor. Therefore, targeted investment in the factors that have the greatest impact on the choice of destination by tourists that helping to increase the likelihood of tourists choosing the place and continue to grow the tourism industry. The World Tourism and Travel Council (2001-2004) identifies four main elements which are environmental capability, policy and tourism positioning capability, the natural and cultural infrastructures and resources that make up a destination for tourism. Several studies have been conducted in this field. For example, research was done in East Asian countries led to the Conclusion that the six factors of attraction, transportation, costs, security, proper market and natural factors are the most important factors in the field of tourism. Studies of the tourism industry in Iran have also been conducted in the past. For example, in a study, effective factors on tourist satisfaction using DEMATEL model has been investigated that human factors are the most important indicators, the most effective facilities and the most influential security factor. In another study examined the satisfaction rate of tourists in Gorgan. From the results of this study, four factors of service quality, environmental quality, quality of host society behavior and cost of service are identified as the main criteria, the first two factors having the most role and the second two factors having the most role. Methodology: The present study is a descriptive and applied analytic one and has been accomplished through library studies, brainstorming, field research, and expert interviews. DEMATEL" is one of a variety of multi-criteria decision-making methods based on pairwise comparisons. This technique utilizes the judgment of the experts in extracting the elements of a system and structuring them. DEMTEL's method helps in ranking the factors by identifying the most effective and influential factors as well as the factors that interact most with the other factors. The steps of the DEMATEL technique are as follows: 1-Library study and resource extraction. Filtering agents and finalizing agents with the help of industry and university experts 3-Factor weighting by industry and university experts 4-Direct Relationship Matrix Formation 5-Normalize the direct relation matrix 6-Computation of full correlation matrix 7-Creating causal graphs 8-Analysis of Findings: At first the factors were found through library studies, brainstorming, field research, and expert interviews. Next, these factors were prioritized and ranked using the DEMATEL method to obtain the most effective and influential factors. Results and discussion: The factors that were initially found and investigated are as follows: Places, recreational places, security, cost levels, geographic location, variety of attractions, uniqueness of attraction, area culture and customs, area people's lifestyle, hospitality culture, products and souvenirs, residential & commercial places, business centers, health status of the area, service centers, transportation performance, beauty and quality of urban architecture, political-religious status of the city of destination, language and dialect of the people of the area, city's popularity, destination and distance to destinationThis method prioritized and ranked the factors that have the most impact on transportation performance factors, natural attractions and historical sites, distance, geographic location, and dialect respectively had the most impact on people's choice of a place for tourism and according to other data, it can be said that geographical location, distance, and natural attractions have the most interaction with other factors, respectively, which means they have a lot of influence (influencer and influential) on other factors. Conclusion: Looking at the research, it can be deduced that influential factors are somehow derived from affective factors, so influencers are more important to people in choosing a place for tourism, so planning and managing these factors is a priority because managing effective factors can also manage and enhance their effectiveness. Given the importance of the topic, it is recommended that future research use other decision-making methods and compare the results with each other.

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Review of studies on entrepreneurship ecosystem shows that these studies suffer from some major weaknesses in theoretical and methodological aspects. These problems have led researchers to use the models presented by some researchers and international institutions which usually does not correspond to the regional nature of the research. In this paper, the key elements of entrepreneurship ecosystems and their role have been identified by studying the subject literature and presented a model for solving some problems. Introduction: Considering the importance of the ecosystem approach to entrepreneurship, the study of researches carried out in this field shows that these studies suffered from some of the major weaknesses in identifying and employing actors in this ecosystem in scientific research and determining their roles. It's a chocolate bar. Also, these problems have led researchers to use models provided by some researchers and international organizations that in some cases are not related to the geographic-regional nature of the research. Therefore, in this paper, attempts have been made to analyze the studies on the ecosystem of entrepreneurship, identifying key actors of this ecosystem and their role and providing a comprehensive model for solving some of the problems mentioned. Methodology This study is a descriptive study and according to the method of execution, it is a systematic study which is done by the qualitative meta-analysis method. Of the available papers, 70 items that were required were selected and used in the analyzes. Results and discussion: One of the weaknesses identified is the results of those articles that quantitatively analyze their data. The results of this type of study usually have zero and one approaches (there are none), and have provided an absolute view of the issues discussed. Another weakness identified is the weakness of the systemic approach in presenting the conclusions. In some of these studies, key elements of entrepreneurship ecosystems have been forgotten. Meanwhile, in analyzing information, various components of the ecosystem are considered to be effective. The third weakness is related to the geography studied in the research. In most studies, their geographic scope is limited to the place of business activity. The fourth weakness also relates to the repetition of the results of most researches and the mention of some obvious issues. At the first level, entrepreneurship ecosystems play four distinct identities. These elements include elements of governance, education, society and the geographical environment. Although there are large areas of activity for the government in the ecosystem, its role depends on the development of the economies of different societies. According to the results of the review of the content of articles written in the field of entrepreneurship ecosystem, there are 9 actors in various political, administrative, social, infrastructural and economic sectors of entrepreneurship. The most important element in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem is the state element, which has the widest activity basin. According to the results, the main role of the government in the field of entrepreneurship and the framework of entrepreneurship ecosystem can be summarized in three major political, legal, economic and cultural-social spheres; other areas of activity of this element depend on many areas of activity Above mentioned. Through political relations, in many cases, resources are also used to develop entrepreneurship beyond the political boundaries of the world. The performance of universities in the fields mentioned is dependent on the organizational culture that governs them and the degree of administrative-administrative independence. In developed countries, universities that have autonomy in their training curriculum and funding have an appropriate entrepreneurial culture and have a higher quality and wider performance in this area. Meanwhile, three major factors affecting students, professors and their cultural environment, especially in the field of knowledge-based entrepreneurship, are the main components of this ecosystem. Society is the third most active element of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, which entrepreneurs are part of. The results indicate that the activity of this element is heavily dependent on the activity of the two previous elements (government and educational institutions). This issue also differs in developed and developing societies. In this way, in developed societies, the community plays an active role in soft infrastructure such as networking, clustering, and physical infrastructure, such as creating growth centers, as well as in entrepreneurship education. While in developing countries, the role of society is largely in supplying capital and encouraging entrepreneurship and in the limited form of networking. This seems to be related to the extent to which community participation in the formulation and enforcement of laws is in place. Clusters, institutions and international institutions and networks, in a variety of fields such as networking, creating entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial education, innovation, the promotion of entrepreneurship culture, investment and activity Legal issues such as patents and trademarks, consulting, participation in creating physical infrastructure, and the right atmosphere for entrepreneurs are active. Conclusion: The results obtained from the review of the theoretical and methodological framework of the articles in compliance with the principles of the paradigm of entrepreneurship ecosystem show that most of the studies carried out in this area have fundamental defects in terms of the ideological framework and the methodology used. The root of this gap is due to the lack of understanding of the concept of ecosystem by entrepreneurship researchers. Among these theoretical gaps, the boundary between the scope of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem is within the boundaries of an area or country. The attempt to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem is another theoretical gap that has been studied in this area. Studies that have used qualitative methods for data collection and analysis, usually have the results and nature of their work more consistent with the concept of entrepreneurship ecosystem. Only the attention of one or more actors in collecting and analyzing information makes it possible to consider one or a small group of actors as factors and influencers in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. While all components of the ecosystem are effective in its success or failure.

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The study seeks to explore the geo-economic and geopolitical functions of the two American and Chinese global actors in the Asia-Pacific region. China as the greatest economic and military power of the Pacific region and, for the next decade, as one of the world's only superpowers, is a Western member of the Pacific and has many interests and economic and military partners in the region. . The two countries are playing a role with two models of cooperation and competing in the Pacific. With increasing economic, technological and military power in China, US concern over the country is increasing. On the one hand, the United States can not take advantage of China's large geo-economic capabilities for its dynamic economy and, on the other hand, China's rapidly expanding economic and military power and the geo-nuclear, territorial, border and security disputes that China has with its Pacific neighbors, the pretext of intervention And provides US oversight in the region. The findings of the research show that the great geo-economic potential of China and the huge benefits that China's growing economy and market, and the role of the country's global role in the global arena will give the prospect of geo-economic cooperation between the two countries more than geopolitical competitions in this century Although the United States will not be able to take advantage of the geopolitical benefits of the Pacific region Introduction: The Asia Pacific region is a macro region that covers the East and West Pacific and includes all the countries of East Asia, the Southeast, the countries of the Australian continent and the vast Russian territory. On the Pacific coast is North, Central and South America. The US is a Western Pacific and is due to its direct presence in the region (since World War II), with geo-nuclear cooperation and geopolitical rivalry with actors in the region. The twenty-first century, the economists and strategists and great scholars (including Brzezinski, Mirsammer, Kissinger, Taro, Gilpin, etc. ) of the Asian-Pacific Century, know that half the population of the planet and the consumption market, the capital of capital and origin Technology will focus in this area. As a result, the United States will devote a large part of its political, economic and security focus to this area in the coming years, so that it can take advantage of the benefits of the Asia-Pacific economic benefits. Methodology: The methodology of this research is based on the importance of the subject in the present, analytical-descriptive, and at the same time taking advantage of the broad-scale analogy of the Pacific region at the heart of geo-economic cooperation and the geopolitical rivalry between America and China. This research uses library information and documentation, including important foreign and domestic sources, such as geopolitical, geopolitical, international relations, political economy, and international credentials and figures to support the approach used in this paper. Is. Also, the views of professors in this field have been used to reinforce scientific arguments. Forward research has used scientific and rational arguments during the analysis of documents, and has reached a major conclusion of the future of geoeconomic cooperation and the geopolitical rivalry of America with China. Results and discussion: Most Americans (Taro, Nai, Kissinger, Brzezinski, Gilpin, Ferguson, Zakaria, etc. ) believe that the American Dodger, if it is to mean America's exceptional superiority in military, economic and soft power sources, At the center of the global power balance and management of global interests, it has not ended, although it has been a major weakness. Contrary to what the claimants claim on the start of the Chinese Dome, we have not yet entered the post-American world, certainly the continuity of the American Damage will not be as if it had passed in the twentieth century. The share of the United States in the world economy, which after the Second World War, and up to a decade later, had half the world production, has been declining, and this situation will continue. In the words of Brzezinski, power in the 21st century will be scattered and distributed, with the growth of developed countries and the acquisition of a part of the global contribution of the economy cake, it will reduce the contribution of such powerful powers as the United States, and the complexity resulting from the emergence of many more developed countries, and to In addition to increasing the role of non-state actors, it will be difficult for the country to influence and organize actions for a powerful country like the United States. In the 21st century, leadership does not mean domination, the United States should be ready for a partner in the world to partner in this century. Today, with less advent and lessening American power in the international arena and confronting a more complex world, and many diverse actors, they must make strategic and intelligent choices in both internal and external dimensions, so that in the next few decades they can overcome their supreme power or promise. Conclusion: The study examines the economic, political and security capabilities of the United States and China and the requirements for geo-economic cooperation between the two countries. China has a keen interest in geo-communal cooperation with the United States and the world, thanks to its vast material and human capacities, the rapid and sustained economic growth (more than four decades), and the ability to export goods and services over the United States. That's why pursuing a policy of dé tente and cooperation instead of geopolitical competition in its foreign relations. But at the same time, the United States has put geopolitical competition and geo-economic cooperation and in the recent period (2020-2016) the geopolitical and geopolitical competition in its foreign relations agenda. Given that these two major powers account for about 40% of the world's economy and will account for half the global economic contribution over the next decade, the need for the two countries in the future will necessitate geo-communal cooperation more than geopolitical competition.

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Introduction: Today, most theorists on the development and reduction of deprivation, especially rural development, believe that sustainable development cannot be achieved without people's participation, and that the transition period has been made easier, faster and less costly with people's participation. Rural civil society with a participatory approach has played a fundamental and fundamental role in the comprehensive development of rural communities. This role will be fulfilled by providing public facilities such as drinking water, baths and schools to improve the living conditions of the villagers and their participation (Roumani et al., 1977: 64). Theoretical: There has been much debate about the word participation and its literal meaning, but overall its meaning can be described as involvement, activity, and effectiveness (Alavi Tabar, 2000: 15). People's participation means voluntary cooperation and their freedom in the development process (Ibrahimzadeh, 1998: 2). Social participation is in particular the concept of conscious, spontaneous, voluntary and purposeful participation of individuals and groups in social affairs of the community and to facilitate work, expedite and facilitate the conduct of community affairs and contribute to social development goals (Ennorouzi et al., 1386: 95). People's participation in the development process is so credible that they see development as equal to participation. Participation is a process of decision-making and problem-solving, and is applied to individuals and groups who have different interests, interests, expertise, and perspectives and work to benefit those whose decisions and actions will affect them (Tiamsoon). Sirisirisak, 2009: 406). Research Methodology: In order to achieve the goals of the research, careful selection of appropriate research methods and tools is essential. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and its data are obtained by library method (for formulating theoretical principles of the subject) and field method (questionnaire). In order to collect field data, after trying to identify the research variables, a questionnaire was used to collect the required data in the study area. For data collection, the sample was distributed and distributed among the local population. Therefore, the statistical population of this study consisted of 8 villages in Bisheh suburb in the central part of Ghaemshahr city. 188 specimens were identified based on Cochran soft formula and Census formula of 1395 and error of 0. 07%. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by the faculty of geography at Sari Branch of Azad University. Reliability of the research instrument was calculated by Cronbach's alpha at acceptable level (0. 756%) indicating that the research instrument was appropriate. The collected data were analyzed according to the type of research question by appropriate statistical methods such as (one-sample t-test, cluster analysis, independent sample t-test and by-pass model). Conclusion: The results of the one-sample t-test of the average calculated barriers of local people's participation in rural development were compared with the hypothetical average (3) and showed that the true mean of total respondents' perceptions of economic-financial, personal and personality barriers, institutional and information, and The correlation is larger than 3 and is moderately high, and is significant and generalizable to the whole population, given the significance of these barriers, which is less than 0. 05. According to the final centers of the clusters, the mean values of the variables in the second cluster are relatively higher than the other clusters. This indicates that in the second cluster, given the sample size, the barriers to local people's participation in rural development are greater than in the first cluster. The results of ANOVA table show which variables have the most role in clustering. Therefore, the significance of social, cultural, economic, financial, individual and personality, institutional and organizational barriers and information and communication barriers of error smaller than 0. 01 have the greatest role in separating clusters. Therefore, respondents' opinion was divided into two groups. The results of WASPAS model showed that the highest Qi was observed in the village of Pashaklafrakti and the lowest Qi was observed in Pashaklafaraki village. This means that the villages with higher Qi have more severe barriers to local people's participation in rural development. And less Qi villages have less barriers to local people's participation in rural development.

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