In the book Kafi, the late Kulayni has narrated a narration about the breastfeeding of Abu Talib during the Prophet's infancy. This narration is considered unusual and unimaginable and is mentioned only in that book among the earlier sources. The absence of this narration in earlier sources caused some to consider it fake. The main issue of the research is to examine the document and content of this narrative. In this article, by examining the validity and content, it was shown that the document of this narration is weak. In addition, due to the fact that the narration is bound in this book, the attribution of issuing such a narration to the infallible is not established. Although it is medically possible for men to be breastfeed, and there are rules in jurisprudence about this, it is still unusual for men to do so. Therefore, due to the weakness of the document, individuality, conflict with historical reports and unconventionality, the narration of Abu Talib's breastfeeding to the Prophet (PBUH) seems to be invalid.