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Aims and background: The aim of the present study was to compare the electromyography activity of the lower limb muscles during three different running patterns in pronated feet individuals with and without low back pain. Material and Methods: The present study was cross-sectional. 45 adult males (15 male with pronated feet, 15 male with both low back pain and pronated feet and 15 male with normal feet) volunteered to participate in the present study. Electromyography activity of the eight lower limb muscles (gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus longus, tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and gluteus medius) were recorded during three running patterns. MANOVA test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The electromyography amplitude of the tibialis anterior during loading response phase while running with forefoot pattern in both pronated group (p=0. 042) and pronated feet individuals with low back pain (p=0. 039) were lower than that healthy group. Main effect of running pattern on electromyography amplitude of vastus medialis and rectus femoris muscles in three groups were not statistically significant during loading phase (p>0. 05). Conclusion: Foot pronation affects the activity of the lower limb muscles by structural alterations in the ankle and foot joints. These changes in the pronated feet individuals with low back pain were greater than that pronated feet individuals without low back pain.

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Aims and background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of schema therapy on Pain Acceptance, Pain Self-Efficacy, pain intensity and emotion regulation in spinal column surgery patients suffering from pain in Milad hospital. Materials and Methods: In this study semi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design was used, 96 male peopel who were eligible for inclusion criteria and underwent spinal surgery assigned to experimental and control groups by chance and the experimental ones received interventional therapy. This study was to analyze the data from the test ANCOVA. Results: Results showed that schema therapy is effective and ipmroved Pain Acceptance and Pain Self-Efficacy and reducing amount of pain Intensity and emotion management. Conclusion: The results revealed that schema therapy focuses on challenge and change process to create improvement and is appropriate for post operation pain management in patients with such a surgeries. According to the result of this study the schema therapy can be used as secondary prevention of pain consequences in these patients.

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Aims and background: There is ample evidence that pain is a common problem in multiple sclerosis patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acceptance-based therapy and commitment to acceptance in female patients with multiple sclerosis. Material and Methods: The research method was semi-experimental pre-test-post-test with control group. Among patients with multiple sclerosis who visited Imam Sadegh Hospital in Aligudarz, 30 were randomly selected and replaced in two experimental and control groups (15 in each group). The subjects answered the McCracken et al. Pain acceptance questionnaire has been filled in three stages: pre-test, post-test, and one month later in the follow-up phase. The experimental group underwent 10-hour group therapy sessions based on Welsh and Sorrel acceptance and commitment methods, but the control group did not receive any intervention. Results: To analyze the data, repeated analysis of variance was used. The results showed that the difference between the research stages, groups and the interaction of research stages and groups in changing pain acceptance was significant (p <0. 05). Conclusion: These findings, while confirming the effectiveness of acceptance-based therapy and commitment to pain acceptance, showed that acceptance-based therapy and commitment can be used as a psychological intervention along with other interventions to reduce the problems of these patients.

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Aims and background: Fibromyalgia is a common chronic pain disorder. Various psychological treatments have been somewhat effective in reduction of symptoms severity and increasing mental health of these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group acceptance and commitment therapy on pain catastrophizing and depression of women with fibromyalgia. Materials and methods: This was an experimental single-blind clinical trial study with pretest – posttest design and control group. The statistical population included all women with fibromyalgia who referred to rheumatology specialists in Ardabil within 2019. The subjects were 36 patients with fibromyalgia who were selected based on convenience sampling and were randomly divided into experimental (N=18) and control (N=18) group. Patients were evaluated by two questionnaires including Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Beck Depression Inventory-II. Data were analyzed by MANCOVA. Findings: There was a significant difference in pain catastrophizing and depression between the acceptance and commitment group and the control group after treatment. Conclusions: Psychological therapies can be effective in reducing symptoms severity and improve the mental health of women with fibromyalgia and it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological status of these patients.

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Aims and background: Gaze direction recognition is one of the new treatment methods for neck pain. The positive effects of stabilization exercises in various studies on neck pain have also been confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding a gaze direction recognition program to common stabilizing exercises on neck pain intensity, muscular endurance and proprioception of women with chronic non-specific neck pain. Materials and methods: Forty five women with chronic neck pain were divided into three equal groups: stabilization exercises, combination and control. Pain intensity, muscle endurance, and proprioception were measured by visual pain scale, (progressive iso-inertial lifting evaluation) PILE endurance test and neck joint repositioning error test respectively in the pre-test and after eight weeks of training in training groups. Analysis of variance with repeated measures and paired t-test were used to evaluate the results. (α <0. 05). Findings: Performing exercises in two training groups had a significant effect on pain intensity and proprioception, somehow adding a gaze direction recognition program to common stabilizing exercises led to more improvement in pain intensity and proprioception. (P <0. 05). Conclusion: Considering that adding a gaze direction recognition program to stabilizing exercises can lead to better results in reducing the severity of pain and increasing the proprioception. The use of these exercises along with other exercises is recommended for female with non-specific chronic neck pain.

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Aims and background: Non-specific chronic low back pain is the most common type of chronic low back pain. The use of rehabilitation to achieve a more rapid improvement in patient with chronic low back Pain has always been taken into account. Materials and methods: This study was a semi-experimental, and its design was two-groups with pretestposttest. For this purpose, 40 elderly women patients with non-specific chronic low back pain to selected by convenience sampling in 2 equal groups of 20 patients. The experimental group performed core stability exercises for 4 weeks, every week, and three sessions. In order to assess Reduce pain, physical function and risk of falling of subject, visual analog scale of pain, Functional tests and questionnaires fall risk was used. The data was analyzed using a Anova test with repeated measurements to determine the statistical significance (P≤ 0. 05). Findings: The findings of the present study showed that 12 sessions of core stabilizing exercises reduced pain, increased function and reduced the risk of elderly women with chronic non-specific low back pain in people in the experimental group compared to the controlled group. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that core stability exercises have a significant effect on reduced pain, physical function and the risk of elderly women suffering from chronic non-specific low back pain. Therefore, it is recommended that rehabilitation clinics pay special attention to central stability training in their treatment programs

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Aims and background: People respond to chronic pain in various ways and pain adjustment is not the same in different individuals. The aim of the current study is the assessment of the level of chronic pain adjustment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients based on the quality of life, physical disability, and the level of their depression. In addition, the role of three variables, pain catastrophizing, fear of movement, and self-efficacy in a relationship with chronic pain adjustment was assessed. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 123 RA patients who had chronic pain and were over 18 years old were included. Patients were attending the outpatient rheumatology clinic, Shariati Hospital from May 2017 until May 2018. Patients were assessed by the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ), Physical Disability Questionnaire (PDQ), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS), Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK), and Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS). Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression methods. Findings: Our results showed that there is an association between self-efficacy, fear of movement, and pain catastrophizing with chronic pain adjustment (P<0. 01). According to the multiple linear regression analysis, fear of movement and pain catastrophizing are in a correlation with the physical disability. The finding demonstrated that self-efficacy and pain catastrophizing variables influence the patient’ s depression. In addition, pain catastrophizing, fear of movement, and self-efficacy influenced the patient’ s physical and mental quality of life. Conclusion: The relationship between pain and physical disability and other aspects of chronic pain adjustment are adjusted by pain beleifs and pain coping strategies.

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Aims and background: According to high prevalence of nonspecific chronic low back pain and its consequences on daily activities and lifestyle, it seems to be effective to treat and prevent injury by studying about new approaches and physical therapy. However, the most effective method for performing the exercise therapy has not been identified so far. The main purpose of this study was to compare the effects of stability training alone and in combination with pain education on pain and function and proprioception in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. Material and Methods: current study method was semi experimental. Fourty five women with non-specific chronic low back pain were divided in to 3 groups, stability training with pain education (n=15), stability training without pain education (n=15) and control (n=15). The training groups completed training 3 times a week for 6 weeks; training lasted 45 min in each session. pain, disability and lumbopelvic proprioception respectively were measured by using visual analogue scale, the Oswestry questionnaire and universal goniometer. In order to analyze the internal group differences, paired sample T-test was used and, to check the between group differences, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was applied in SPSS version 20 (α ≤ 0. 05). Results: Both training interventions were affective on pain, disability, and lumbopelvic proprioception. Also, there was significant difference between groups in dependent variables, while, differences in the control group was not significant. Conclusion: Findings revealed that both (stability training alone and combination with pain education) groups has improvement on reducing pain, disability, and lumbopelvic propriception. Regarding the improvement of the measured variables in two training groups, it is suggested that a combination of these exercises be used in the treatment of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain in future.

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Aims and background: Increased serum lactate is seen during surgery due to tissue hypoxia. There have been reports of propofol infusion syndrome due to long-term use of this drug, especially in intensive care patients. This study was conducted to evaluate the factors affecting serum lactate levels in patients under general anesthesia with propofol in spine surgery. Material and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 70 patients undergoing elective spine surgery (laminectomy) in the operating room of Rasoul Akram Hospital in 1398 were included in the study. Propofol was used to maintain anesthesia. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, pH, arterial bicarbonate, arterial dioxide pressure, arterial base excess and serum lactate were measured and recorded during surgery and at the end of surgery. Parameters determining serum lactate levels were examined in a logistic regression model. Results: Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that ASA, hemoglobin, blood transfusion and mean arterial blood pressure were significant predictors of high serum lactate in patients (P <0. 05). The variables of hemoglobin, blood transfusion and arterial bicarbonate of patients are statistically significant in predicting high open arterial access in patients (P <0. 05). Conclusion: Hemoglobin, blood transfusion and mean arterial blood pressure predict the development of high serum lactate in patients under general anesthesia with propofol.

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