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Introduction: Townscape is a complex environmental phenomenon in physical and perceptual terms, created by various layers of form, function, and meaning through the interaction with the human mind and playing an important role in promoting the visual and perceptual capabilities of urban spaces. Although looking at and reading the city merely as townscape will not be responsive to the complex urban problems, the attention to the townscape is necessary (though not enough) for reading the city text in order to respond to part of the urban issues and the rights of citizenship. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the visual and spatial quality of Qom's Imam Khomeini Square based on the view of the experts, seeking to answer the main research question as Based on the criteria and sub-criteria derived from Simon Bell Landscape Analysis Technique, which side of Qom’ s Imam Khomeini Square is prioritized for redesign intervention? Theoretical Framework: In visual analysis, different approaches to the subject can be adopted. Some of the most important approaches include the place approach, visual approach, subjective approach, physical approach, organizational approach, and visibility approach. Among the visual analysis approaches, the physical approach is selected as the theoretical framework of this paper, in turn based on the Simon Bell landscape analysis framework. In his book Elements of Visual Design in the Landscape, Bell proposes this framework to designers as an alphabet of aesthetics. The presentation of this alphabet follows a tripartite structure. First, the basic constituents of each landscape are investigated and discussed. Each of these basic elements may be varied in a number of ways. They may also be organized into different patterns. It is the combination of these three components— the element, its variation, and its organization— that describes the existing landscape patterns, or produces new visual designs and patterns. An appropriate design contributes to accurate choice of elements and variables and of coherently harmonious modes of organization. The components of the tripartite structure are as follows (Bell, 2007: 22). Basic elements: Point, line, plane, solid volume, open volume. Variables: Number, position, direction, orientation, size, shape (form), interval, texture, density, color, time, light, visual force, visual inertia. Patterns: The organizational principles can be grouped into three categories, as follows. Spatial: nearness, enclosure, interlock, continuity, similarity, figure and ground. Structural: balance, tension, rhythm, proportion, scale. Ordering: axis, symmetry, hierarchy, datum, transformation (Bell, 2007: 22). Methodology: To achieve the aim of this research, a descriptive-analytical method with a qualitative-quantitative approach was applied. For assessment of the current conditions, the required data were collected and analyzed based on the Simon Bell Landscape Analysis Technique using observation, photography, and the SWOT and AHP techniques. After the research literature was reviewed, an initial survey and analysis was made of the visual qualities supported by the framework through field observation and photography of the square. Then, the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of the tripartite organizing patterns of all the square sides were examined in SWOT tables. Next, the criteria and sub-criteria of the selected framework were weighted. For that purpose, the average viewpoints of thirty urban experts were taken into consideration using a questionnaire, evaluation matrices, and the AHP technique. The rate of inconsistency in the experts’ judgments was less than 0. 1, indicating the consistency and logical validity of the experts’ viewpoints. Results and Discussion: According to the research findings, the townscape analysis of Imam Khomeini Square based on the selected framework rates the spatial organizing pattern 43. 9%, the structural organizing pattern 38. 3%, and the ordering organizing pattern 17. 8%. Overall, the evaluation of townscape organizing patterns exhibited the highest value, i. e. 44. 4% of the score, on the eastern side, 29. 4% on the northern side, 16. 4% on the western side, and 9. 8% on the southern side. Conclusion: The results of the present study demonstrate that the spatial, structural, and ordering organizing patterns received the highest scores, in that order, from the experts’ viewpoints on the four sides of Imam Khomeini Square. In the spatial organizing pattern, the highest scores concerned the sub-criteria of figure and ground, interlock, enclosure, continuity, similarity, and nearness, in that order. In the structural organizing pattern, balance, proportion, rhythm, scale, and tension scored highest, and hierarchy, axis, symmetry, datum, and transformation obtained the highest scores in the ordering organizing pattern. The patterns of visual organizing exhibited the highest scores on the eastern, northern, western, and southern sides of the square, in that order. Therefore, the southern side of the square is prioritized to be redesigned.

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1. Introduction: Congestion charging schemes are implemented in an increasing number of cities as a method of reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. Studies such as Schade & Schlag (2000: 93) and Huber et al. (2020: 666) indicate that public acceptability plays a crucial role in the success of these schemes. According to research findings (Schmö cker et al., 2012: 15-17; Fujii et al., 2004: 290-293), factors influencing public acceptability vary by socioeconomic context. Given the absence of such studies in Iran, this paper investigates what factors affect the public acceptability of congestion charging schemes (2018-19) in Tehran. The answer to this question can be useful for urban authorities to better manage congestion charging schemes. 2. Theoretical Framework: 2. 1 Factors effective on public acceptance: It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of acceptability and acceptance. Acceptability concerns the attitude towards a specific object like congestion pricing. In contrast, acceptance pertains to some kind of behavior exhibited as a reaction to an object. It is assumed that attitudes guide people’ s behaviors and reactions (Schade & Schlag, 2000: 5). Indeed, the public acceptability of congestion charging schemes is a crucial factor in specification of people’ s reactions or behaviors in regard to them. A review of the literature on the public acceptability of transport pricing policies indicates several effective factors, including justice or fairness (Gu et al., 2018: 98; Jakobsson et al., 2000: 154-153; Ittner et al., 2003), expected effectiveness (Schuitema et al., 2010: 588; Jakobsson et al., 2000: 155-156), trust in the government (Sugiarto et al., 2020: 144-145; Grisolí a et al., 2015: 38), perceived intrusiveness (Huber et al., 2020: 657), revenue allocation (Glavic et al., 2017: 81; Ubbels & Verhoef, 2005), problem awareness (Jaensirisak et al., 2005: 149-150; Schmö cker et al., 2012: 10), complexity (Gu et al., 2018: 98), social norms (Jakobsson et al., 2000: 154; Schade & Schlag, 2003: 48), and privacy (Ison & Rye, 2005: 461). The context (social, political, and economic) determines which of these factors are most effective on public judgment. 2. 2. Case study: The implementation of the congestion pricing scheme in Tehran started in 1980. Since then, the entry of private cars to the central business district (CBD) has been limited, and only drivers with permits have had access to the area. The main policy for reduction of congestion in the CBD of Tehran, specification of limited access areas has been implemented for nearly forty years. In 2018, the city administrators decided to change this policy to facilitate public access to the district, and proposed a congestion charging zone and a low-emission zone. All citizens can pay for daily charges to drive into the former zone, and have limited access (based on the number of days) into the latter. The main purpose of our research is to investigate what factors influence the public acceptability of this new congestion pricing scheme for the CBD of Tehran in two consecutive years (2018-2019). 3. Methodology: The content analysis method is applied to analyze almost 350 online comments made by users on the news about Tehran congestion pricing schemes in 2018-2019. 4. Result and Discussion: The findings indicate that six effective factors, including justice, trust, influence, intrusiveness, complexity, and revenue allocation, are critical in specification of the public opinion about the Tehran congestion pricing scheme. Problem awareness, social norms, and privacy— the other factors identified in the review of the literature— are not observed in the content analysis of the comments. The investigation demonstrates that the public acceptability of the Tehran congestion pricing scheme is heavily affected by two variables. Firstly, a low level of public trust in government policies causes a negative attitude toward them, with some arguing that the Tehran congestion pricing policy is not aimed at environmental concerns or congestion management, and it is the financial advantage of such policies that encourages the administrators to adopt them. Secondly, the public evaluates the Tehran congestion pricing scheme as unjust and unfair. According to the findings, low-income groups and residents of the congestion area perceive the scheme as less just because it does not consider their needs and conditions. This causes an increase in the sense of social discrimination, especially among low-income groups. Furthermore, the results show that the perceived effectiveness of the Tehran congestion pricing decreases in the second year of the implementation of the scheme. 5. Conclusion: The results indicate that the lack of trust in local administrative policies and the sense of injustice are the most crucial variables in the public judgment of the Tehran congestion pricing scheme. Based on these findings, the authors provide recommendations for further studies on the impacts of the Tehran congestion scheme on public welfare in different income groups and the way the pricing systems can be adjusted to their different socio-economic needs. Furthermore, investigation of the methods of building trust in pricing policies can be useful for local administrators to better implement congestion pricing schemes around Iran.

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Introduction: Cities are changing in the contemporary world, and the most important tools for this transformation involve the time component and it synthesis with culture, art, and technology to reproduce urban spaces. The result is the concept of nightlife and urban night spaces. Due to the importance of time in contemporary life and changing time structures resulting from lifestyle transformation, better utilization of time in urban life can be achieved in these spaces, and the vitality of daily activities can extend into the night hours. In the city of Yazd, Iran, night spaces encourage greater presence in space, especially in hot seasons, and enhance the city vitality, which is currently one of the most important urban management concerns, temporally distributing population density and keeping them in space for longer periods of time. Given that night urban spaces require their own design considerations, this study was aimed at explaining the factors and criteria that affect urban night space design. Theoretical Framework: Two dimensions were identified for night spaces through a review of the literature on the definition of nightlife and 24-hour cities and their analysis from the aspect of night urban space design. These included sociability arising from the physical space and perception of the function of space. Then, criteria and indicators were defined for the above dimensions. Methodology: After the effective criteria were extracted from the literature and experience, they were prioritized using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods and evaluated with respect to Kashani Street in Yazd. The most important advantage of this hybrid method, focused more on the qualitative aspect, involved the assessment and analysis of quantitative data in urban spaces and confirmation of the accuracy of the results through interpretation and enrichment. In order to prioritize the criteria in the quantitative method, the questionnaire tool and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Friedman tests were used (The reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 812). In the qualitative method, these criteria were analyzed using environmental assessment techniques (field study and observation at different times in the period from 7 PM to 12 AM and open interviews) on Kashani Street. Results and Discussion: The prioritization of the criteria indicated that flexibility had no effect on urban nightlife. Moreover, attendance exhibited the greatest and safety had the least impacts on the development of urban night spaces. The criteria were prioritized as attendance, security, inclusiveness, attractiveness, legibility, continuity, enclosure, spatial enticement, eventfulness, visual accessibility, and safety. A qualitative evaluation of these criteria in regard to Kashani Street demonstrated that the most important criteria, including attendance and security, provided the greatest potentials of this street for turning into an urban night space due to the density of activities and appropriate population. In contrast, criteria such as attractiveness, continuity, spatial enticement, and eventfulness required plenty of design and planning to create urban night spaces. Conclusion: Based on the results, the design considerations of night urban spaces were classified into two categories: creator factors and supporter factors. The former concerns attraction and construction of night spaces, while the latter pertains to their population maintenance and how space is used to specify the type and quality of space experience. The creator factors included attendance, security, inclusiveness, and attractiveness. The supporter factors included legibility, continuity, enclosure, spatial enticement, eventfulness, visual accessibility, and safety. The creator factors indicated the potentials of spaces for creation of the night space, reinforced through synthesis with the supporter factors and bringing about the correct performance of night spaces through improvement of the quality of the space experience. This proposed two-fold framework could serve to complement the other aspects of night urban spaces (economic, cultural, governance, tourism, etc. ) and to function as a guide to design of such spaces. In Yazd, night spaces provide contemporary responses to the new lifestyle to meet the needs of different groups, especially the youth, who can lead cultural challenges to creative use of their abilities. Combination of nocturnal spaces with urban tourism can create a new experience of being there at historical places and presenting the contemporary assets of the city along with its historical assets. It provides a booming service economy for sustainable urban development.

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Introduction: Public spaces have always had a close connection to human beings and created a form of interaction in space that, in turn, has formed social relations and socialized public spaces. Besides, the neglect of and lack of concern for the standards for open public spaces has made them empty and inutile. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire knowledge about the factors developing and improving sociability in open public spaces to revive them on various scales. The present study aims to identify and analyze the factors affecting the quality of public spaces in residential areas and their impact on the interaction between residents. Accordingly, the main purpose of this research is to assess and evaluate the factors interpreting the quality of shared public spaces in terms of sociability; given that this quality is highly effective on the amiability of the environment and the quality of its residents’ lives. The set of effective activities and parameters are significant in environment socialization. Theoretical Framework: Theorists have presented models based on the above concept to categorize the quality and sociability of spaces. In this article, conclusions have been made— according to the space theory of John Panther and Counter and Gustavon’ s emphasis on meaning and the significance of its interaction with the environment— regarding the idea that the quality of sociable spaces is the consequent of three aspects, each developing one of the triple qualities in the environment: physical, active, and semantic. The latter is of great significance in terms of the improvement made in the sociability between individuals within the environment. For this purpose, a theoretical framework was established to obtain the effective qualitative components of a favorable design of open public spaces, focusing on the potential of sociability in public spaces and entailing the improvement of such environments. Methodology: The descriptive-inferential research method was adopted in this article. First, the quality of open public spaces within residential complexes was assessed, and quantitative data were collected and categorized to determine the proportions, criteria, and spectrum of sociable quality in open spaces. The inclusion criteria considered in this study was to be a resident of one of four residential complexes in Municipal District 6 of the city of Shiraz, Iran. The sample size was calculated using the Cochran formula as 122 individuals in each residential complex. The simple random sampling method was used for sampling. The collected data were authenticated by the residents of the residential complexes through the evaluation method of questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaires was verified through Cranach’ s alpha method— with each factor evaluated individually first, followed by the whole questionnaire. The validity coefficient was assumed to be 0. 61, and the sample size was determined as 488 of the residents of the four residential complexes, based on the results from the Cochran formula. The results obtained from the questionnaires were used in the statistical test, using the Pearson correlation coefficient to verify the hypotheses of the research, based on the fact that the scale in this study was interval, and the relationship was linear. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software. Results and Discussion: The results of this research were focused on the impact of the quality of open public spaces on the emergence of sociable environments in residential complexes in the three physical, active, and semantic dimensions. The study also assessed sociability in residential areas according to the conceptual model, as compared to factors such as security, flexibility, penetrability, activity, sociability, spatial identity, and environmental perception. In the physical dimension, the relationship between physics and sociability was found significant. The most important conclusions made regarding the physical factors in residential complexes emphasized the use of symbols and elements to organize the environment. On the other hand, ease, secure access, and flexible navigation proved effective in the development of interaction between users and the environment, as well as social activity in sociable spaces. In the active and social dimensions, a significant relationship was observed between activity and sociability. The users’ attention to sociable spaces in shared public spaces in residential complexes and social relations and activities conform to the arrangement of open public spaces, appropriate behavior patterns toward the environment, and elements that pertain to environment-fitting activities. Other factors that enhance sociability in these dimensions include accessibility and legibility— especially effective in the active dimension. In the semantic dimension, a significant connection can be seen between sense and sociability. The impact of sociability on the attachment and connection of man to a place is signified through the several forms of connection made by people to the environment. In this dimension, the multiplicity and sequence of spaces are also signified. Consequently, among the three major aspects defining the quality of open public spaces— physical, active, and semantic— the semantic dimension and its relevant components attracted the largest amount of attention from users, and proved to have the greatest impact on sociability in the open spaces between residential complexes. This needs to be included more effectively in the theories of public space design. This study demonstrates how active and physical components affiliate with the concepts and semantics of a place to create a pleasant public space and provide sociability as well. Conclusion: The findings of this research— providing useful methods for design of open public spaces with an enhanced potential for sociability in the interaction and communication between users— can be decomposed into four branches: creation of active environments, creation of public spaces, association and interaction, and enhancement of mutual understanding with the behaviors of the environment. These findings can improve the quality of open public spaces. Given the hierarchy of human needs and social dimensions, open spaces in residential complexes form the foundation of social life, creating a background for the emergence and growth of creativity, sociability, collective interaction, communication, entertainment, events, and activities— social, economic, and leisure. Hence, open spaces in residential complexes constitute the fundamental element of the building space and the heart of social affairs.

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Introduction: Urban development through development of internal neighborhoods is an attempt to restore urban life to the deteriorated areas of cities. In order to facilitate this process, planning and implementation of flagship development has been considered as one of the policies used for urban neighborhood regeneration and provision of the requirements for the residents’ presence and concern for different dimensions of development. Regeneration of the historical and deteriorated areas in cities has been addressed in the recent literature on urban planning worldwide. Inefficiency is a major problem in historical and deteriorated urban areas, where automatic update and change is no longer possible. As in many other countries, the current process of extension of deteriorated urban areas in Iran indicates that problems will be complicated if no precautionary measures are taken, and no appropriate policies or operating plans are adopted. Implementation of flagship development has been considered as a solution. A main purpose of flagship development is to help achieve urban regeneration goals, an approach taken up as a comprehensive strategy for making positive changes in a place with signs of deterioration. This strategy is aimed at quality improvement, with integrated economic, social, and physical goals. Flagship development is applied in order to improve a place that is in the process of decaying and deteriorating, and its advocatesare agreed that an urban area will not achieve regeneration without such projects, since it causes a series of reactions that will lead to regeneration of the urban fabric. On the other hand, it is not the case that we hope to achieve development over a vast urban area simply by relying on this project, as many projects all around the world have failed to achieve their main purpose, i. e. to regenerate a decaying fabric. Theoretical Framework: Evaluation is possible throughout the urban regeneration process, from the stage of problem identification to the implementation of projects and the review of the decision-making process. Through presentation of mobility and development indicators, therefore, the present study has developed into an appropriate, generalizable structure for assessment of the impact of flagship development and catalyst projects after implementation at the neighborhood scale. It evaluates the effects of an example of these projects in the Gowdal Mosalla neighborhood in the historical city of Yazd, Iran. The theoretical framework of the research involves three main parameters based on the overall literature and practical experience: the physical parameter, the residential parameter, and the activity parameter. The activity parameter includes the indicators of dependency burden, percentage of active population, percentage of commercial use, active commercial use, employment rate, and men’ s rate of immigration. The physical parameter includes the indicators of access to infrastructure, access to parking space, population density, residential renovation, percentage of non-arid land, sustainable buildings, new buildings, percentage of administrative use. The residential parameter includes the indicators of percentage of indigenous population, percentage of tenancy, active housing, single-family housing, home access to primary schools, access to local parks, access to sports venues, youth population, number of students, level of education, and coefficient of residence. Methodology: A research method based on the quantitative methodology, regression analysis was used in this study to analyze the effects of each indicator on each factor, and the matrix of impact assessment, known as Leopold Matrix, was used for evaluation after the implementation of the flagship development and the neighborhood regeneration. The final results were obtained after 25 evaluation indicators pertaining to urban regeneration and flagship development were extracted from the established overall literature and practical experience, and secondary data on 93 urban blocks of the Gowdal Mosalla neighborhood were analyzed in SPSS 21. Results and Discussion: The research findings demonstrate that the project performed at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of Yazd has the greatest effects on the physical parameter, followed by the residential parameter and, eventually, the activity parameter at the scale of the Gowdal Mosalla neighborhood, and it can be approved as a positive flagship development through provision of modification options. The results indicate the closest relationships between the indicator of native quality and the residential status of the fabric, between the indicator of access to services and the status of the residential environment, and between the indicators of population at the age of activity and percentage of commercial land use and the activity and economic status of the neighborhood. Population density, administrative level, and the stability of buildings affect the mobility and physical development of the neighborhood. Conclusion: In future planning, it is necessary to consider indicators that focus on improvement of the residential parameter, especially through consolidation of the existing indigenous population and absorption of the young population. Moreover, the extracted theoretical framework will be effective for planning flagship developments and evaluating them in future practice and research.

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Introduction: An important aspect of improving the quality of urban life is existence of appropriate facilities and infrastructures on urban passages, including the design and construction of urban overpasses and underpasses, as a large-scale urban project. One of the goals of urban development projects is to reduce traffic load in cities and to address people’ s demands and solve their problems in that regard. Implementation of such projects will undoubtedly be effective in improvement of the quality of urban furniture and provision of comfort and welfare for citizens. They involve a wide range of stakeholders with different levels of interest, and there is an essential need for adequate communication and exchange between them. The present study addresses stakeholders’ prioritization and communication in a project involving the construction of an intersection with multi-level crossroads in the city of Urmia, Iran using the interestpower matrix as an empirical method and social network analysis as a rationalist method. Theoretical framework: Improper management of stakeholders in an urban project can cause political, social, and cultural problems. The created challenges are not purely technical, and require the management of stakeholders based on their social, cultural, and political backgrounds with different strategies and goals (Aaltonen & Kujala, 2016). In the literature, methods of stakeholder analysis are divided into two categories: empirical and rational. Empiricists assert that knowledge is inductive and obtained through experience; therefore, the analysis of stakeholders is based on a small number of them (the key stakeholders). This model is based on the fact that the key stakeholders have a great deal of information about their expectations and other stakeholders. Decision-makers can make optimal decisions making subjective judgments in that regard. However, many researchers have criticized this approach for several reasons, including the negligence of some stakeholders and their mediating measures affecting other stakeholders and, ultimately, the project. Moreover, the accuracy of the results decreases as the complexity of the project increases, resulting in the formation of a rationalist approach to stakeholder analysis. The basis of knowledge acquisition in the rationalist approach is knowledge independent of experience. In this approach, trust in results is enhanced through an attempt to involve all stakeholders rather than to focus on the key ones. The decisions reflect the actual relationships between stakeholders, making up an excellent way to identify hidden stakeholders who may have little evident impact. However, they can cause overall disruptions in urban development projects (Yang, 2014). Methodology: In this qualitative research, which was performed using a one-sample case study, documents on the project and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The purposeful sampling method and the snowball technique were used, and 17 stakeholders were finally identified for the project. The data were analyzed using the interest-power matrix (with the brainstorming technique) and the NodeXL software (for social network analysis). Results and discussion: The results demonstrate that the primary stakeholders in the interest-power matrix include the municipality, people, city council, and residents, in that order. Moreover, the municipal stakeholder, who has gained the greatest interest and power to influence the project, has been the implementer as well. On the other hand, the Water and Wastewater Company, the Department of Electricity, and the Telecommunications Company have obtained the least interest and power in the project. As for the distribution of stakeholders in the interest-power matrix, no specific focal points were achieved in the upper quarters of the matrix. In the social networks analysis, however, people, municipalities, city councils, and contractors exhibited the highest priorities, and suppliers, the environment, and oil companies had the lowest priorities. The residents, city council, and municipality played the most crucial role in the communication between all the stakeholders. In terms of communication power, the military organization was highest, located adjacent to the project. Furthermore, the response times between the stakeholders and the frequency of response were relatively unfavorable. Finally, an urban development project could achieve different results in terms of its stakeholders’ importance and prioritization through changes in its use and framework although it has a significant impact on the city, and involves a wide range of stakeholders. Conclusion: The comparison between the findings of the empiricist and rationalist methods in the identification of the most crucial stakeholders exhibits high convergence. There are differences, however, in the identification of the least important stakeholders. Use of empiricist and rationalist methods can help identify, prioritize, and manage stakeholders. To some extent, they cover each other’ s shortcomings, and use of a combination of the two methods to analyze stakeholders can perhaps be the right solution. The findings of this research can help the managers of urban transport development projects that involve large numbers of stakeholders to manage them as successfully as possible and to identify and analyze the positions and importance of the stakeholders involved in such large-scale projects, especially those who seem to have less prominent roles but greater influence. The project may gain better cost, time, and quality during the construction phases, which involve the greatest fund and longest time, by spending less time and cost but involving a wider range of effective stakeholders in the initial phases.

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Introduction: The appearance of a city can influence the creation of good or bad feelings to a large extent, depending on the structure and characteristics of the physical elements of the city. Citizens remember a city with an image of its urban spaces, especially the streets and squares, or of certain views, and it is their experience of the city’ s physical environment that creates the image. On that basis, visual perception of the physical spaces of the city has a greater effect than other senses on the creation of different emotions in citizens. Appropriate urban views can play an effective role in the formation of clear, legible perceptions in people and in the acquisition of pleasant feelings about the city. Moreover, different perspectives can have different visual effects on the citizens of a city. A large number of studies have been carried out so far on various aspects of urban view. The present research analyzed urban views and their visual impacts on citizens, and sought to identify them along with methods of their categorization and explanation and conditions and factors that create and influence them. Urban views can have two major impacts on citizens in the form of likes and positive emotions or dislikes and negative emotions. Accordingly, attempts were made in this study to categorize the effects of urban views in general, which helped to draw the final conclusion. Theoretical framework: Data collection and analysis was based in this study on an interpretive paradigm within a contextual examination of popular feedback from urban perspectives and expert views thereon. Hence, the main framework of this research was based on Jack Nasar’ s definition of mental activity and emotion. He argues that the environment involves a large number of variables, and viewers go through some, pay attention to others, and evaluate what they see depending on internal and environmental factors. This assessment can include variable amounts of mental activity, and may also involve emotion, which is directly related to the structure of the form (visual environment), and requires little perception and mental activity. Methodology: Due to the nature of this research, the main approach adopted in the design was a qualitative one using the grounded theory method, based on Corbin and Strauss’ approach, including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding data analysis. Other important reasons besides the comprehensive nature of the research included the nature of the research questions and the lack of an established theory on classification of urban views. Attempts were made here to step into the participants’ world and observe the subject from their point of view, to achieve new discoveries in the field, and to develop empirical knowledge in the field. The researcher first selected the sources of information and observation, and then used data from the participants for exploration and completion of the final model. The data were collected through library and field studies, interviews, and semi-structured questionnaires. The population and the participants were selected using theoretical sampling, where sampling continues until the data are saturated. The participants in this research included residents of and experts in Sanandaj. Results and discussion: The results of the research showed the selective categories of observation effects and emotional responses including excitement, relaxation, pleasantness, and communication. Moreover, the causal conditions that create urban views, the contextual conditions, and the intervening conditions and their effects were obtained. The relationship between these categories and the outcome of the research was formulated and presented in a comprehensive model. The final core category was also summarized in the statement The city is a homogeneous or heterogeneous network of diverse urban views developed to upgrade or diminish citizens’ emotions. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that a large number of factors are involved in identification and analysis of an urban view, in isolation and with respect to each other. Therefore, an urban view is highly complex, and is not easy to compare to another, with many factors involved to be examined and analyzed. It is better for the effects of different views on a city to be proportionate, so that their effects on citizens are desirable and balanced in the long run. For example, axial views may evoke a sense of dynamism or boredom in citizens, but broad or panoramic views may be exhilarating. According to the principle of diversity and complexity in aesthetics, these effects had better be combined, intertwined, and coexistent in a balanced manner for citizens’ different applications in response to their different emotional and spiritual states.

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Introduction: There are growing concerns worldwide about the interdependencies between city life and mental well-being. Perceived stress is a mental disorder induced by urbanization. Today, the quality of the environment that is built and the neighborhood in which residents live is recognized as the main source of stress. In addition, recent research in the context of psychology suggests that urban life is stressful. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the relationship between neighborhood quality and perceived stress. For that purpose, two neighborhoods in the city of Isfahan, Iran are selected. Theoretical Framework: Perceived stress is affected by numerous factors such as individual characteristics, lifestyles, life events, and job variables. The physical quality of the built environment is a factor which is generally underestimated (Beil & Hanes, 2013). Green space is a physical quality of the built environment which affects mental health, and decreases residents’ stress (Roe et al., 2013; Wolch et al., 2014). Another environmental variable which affects the mental health of residents is the transportation pattern. The walkability and bikeability of a neighborhood is strongly correlated with the residents’ mental health (Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 2016). There is a great deal of evidence that the accessibility of a walking or bicycling route is significantly effective on the general health of residents (Frank & Engelke, 2001). In addition, availability of public spaces is another variable of physical quality which affects residents’ mental health (Knö ll et al., 2018). Public spaces provide opportunities for residents to interact with each other. On the other hand, the increase in interaction among residents leads to a rise in their confidence, and, eventually, improves the physiological capability of residents when confronted with changes. Finally, appropriate physiological reactions decrease stress. A variable which can be considered here is environmental security. Studies have demonstrated that the violence present in urban communities and residential neighborhoods threatens mental health, and deeply affects psychological behavior (Clark et al., 2008). Moreover, another variable of environment quality is environmental comfort. For instance, living in neighborhoods which are highly polluted, whether with noise or light pollution, influences the sleep quality of residents, and eventually increases stress. In addition, non-standard houses with improper cooling or heating systems can influence the variables of mental health (Hale et al., 2013). The conceptual model of this paper expresses the relationship between the built environment variable and the mental health variable. In this model, environment beauty, functional attraction, physical form, and environmental comfort indicate the quality of the built environment as independent variables. Moreover, perceived stress is evaluated as a dependent variable from the viewpoint of mental health. Methodology: In this study, two questionnaires were used. One is the researcher-made questionnaire of built environment quality, and the other is the perceived stress scale (PSS-14). Two neighborhoods were selected for the study. The survey was conducted via face-to-face structured interviews, and yielded a total of 434 valid samples. Then, 203 individuals in the Moftabad neighborhood and 231 in the Mardavij neighborhood filled out the questionnaires as participants. The data has been analysed using normal and partial correlation coefficients and linear regression. Result and Discussion: The descriptive statistics on the dependent and independent variables in the examined neighborhoods were compared. Moftabad and Mardavij scored 0. 78 and 2. 98 in average on environmental beauty. The functional attraction in Moftabad and Mardavij was 0. 77 and 2. 81, respectively. The median scores on the variables of physical form and environmental comfort were 0. 71 and 1. 58 in Moftabad and 2. 94 and 2. 92 in Mardavij. In fact, all the environmental variables were scored on significantly lower by the Moftabad neighborhood than by Mardavij. The total scores on built environment quality were 0. 96 in Moftabad and 2. 91 in Mardavij. According to the results, it is concluded that the dependent variable, i. e. the level of perceived stress, is higher in the Moftabad neighborhood than in the Mardavij neighborhood. The median scores of stress are 2. 07 in Moftabad and 1. 04 in Mardavij. The findings indicate significant inverse relationships between the independent and dependent variables of the research. When the control variables are considered, however, the relationship is preserved, but its intensity decreases. Based on the results, the significance level of F-statistic is 0. 000 in all the three models. This finding, which is obtained through regression analysis and analysis of variance, indicates that the conceptual model of the research is well-fitted. In Moftabad, two variables (environmental beauty and environmental comfort) are capable of predicting the changes in the dependent variable. In this case, the standard coefficients of the above variables are-0. 537 and-0. 181, respectively. These statistics mean that environmental beauty predicts 53. 7%, and environmental comfort predicts 18. 1% of the changes in perceived stress in Moftabad. In the Mardavij neighborhood, environmental beauty, functional attraction, and environmental comfort exhibit the highest capability of predicting the dependent variable. They predict 22. 6%, 28. 9%, and 14. 3% of the changes in perceived stress, respectively. Moreover, in the proposed model for the full sample, environmental beauty, functional attraction, and environmental comfort predict 45. 9%, 26. 8%, and 24. 4% of the changes in perceived stress, respectively. In the second phase of modeling the changes in the dependent variable, the relationship between the built environment quality, i. e. the independent variable, and perceived stress, i. e. the dependent variable, was evaluated. Moreover, three models were proposed in this phase. According to the obtained results, ANOVA provides one significant F-statistic for each of the three models. The adjusted R-squared of the proposed model is greater in Moftabad than in the Mardavij neighborhood. On that basis, it can be stated that the effect of the built environment on stress is more in Moftabad residents than those of the Mardavij neighborhood. Based on the standard coefficient (Beta), the built environment quality of Moftabad predicts 67% of the changes in perceived stress, while the value of this variable in Mardavij is 46. 4%. Finally, the built environment quality determines 78. 3% of the changes in perceived stress in the full sample. Conclusion: The results of the present study introduced new aspects of the environmental factors effective on perceived stress. The main finding is that cities serve as powerful forces today in shaping the mental health of citizens. Therefore, treatment of mental disorders requires an interdisciplinary approach. In other words, the living environments of individuals, along with many personal, social, economic, personality, and family issues, are the major sources of mental disorders. To treat mental disorders, therefore, psychologists should interact with urban planners. Lastly, we conducted this research in one Iranian city, i. e. Isfahan. Researchers studying other cities and countries may report different results. The conclusion agreed on by all researchers, however, is that the relationship between urban planning and psychologists should be enhanced more than ever before to reduce the negative impacts of urban neighborhoods on mental disorders.

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Introduction: Along with the rapid growth of urbanization and the issues of global warming, environmental pollution, the urban heat island, and climate change, thermal comfort has turned into one of the most influential factors in adaptation of the design of climate-related urban open spaces. Today, the high temperature in human-made areas has doubled the need to consider thermal comfort in open urban spaces. Thus, wind flow is regarded as one of the most influential climatic parameters, where the speed and movement of the wind affect human thermal comfort. Theoretical Framework: The traditional architecture and urban planning applied in the city of Isfahan, Iran makes up a unique local examples of Iranian architecture, which has been forced to provide many climatic solutions due to the hot, dry climatic conditions. In the past half century, however, a new pattern has emerged in building massing models as a result of the changes in the forms of housing space into different types of dense multi-family housing. Due to their extension and pervasiveness in Iran, these terraced housing models can be considered as part of the new urban planning trend in the country. Because of the increase in density and building surface ratios, however, part of the self-purification capacity of the urban environment has vanished, and certain construction models have become common in different climates with unfavorable conditions. As many cities are looking for solutions to apply compression and massing as far as possible, the drawbacks of the previous model have become more prominent, and a need has arisen for solutions to the current situation, in order to reduce the probable adverse consequences in the future. The consequences that may arise from this trend include a lack of thermal comfort in open urban spaces, an increase in heat exchange between indoor and outdoor spaces, and a rise in energy loss as a result. A master plan and an auxiliary force to urban designers and planners, the Booklet for Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the city of Isfahan always seeks to modify this pattern in the current situation. In the present study, therefore, attempts are made to consider the existing directions in the booklet and examine the role of physical factors in wind flow and its extent in the new fabric of the city. Methodology: Due to its applied nature, this research uses the descriptive-analytical method and documentary and field techniques for data collection. Moreover, the large eddy simulation (LES) model is used for analysis of the defined scenarios. Results and Discussion: In order to achieve its purposes, the present study was designed in three phases. Thus, the effective physical indicators were first extracted through examination of the theoretical foundations related to thermal comfort, and their overlap with the directions in the Booklet for Urban Planning and Building Regulations of Isfahan was then studied. In the final step, LES was conducted through definition of the probable scenarios based on terrace housing models of the dominant line in the new fabric of Isfahan. An analysis of the simulation of different scenarios confirmed that an increase in lot coverage ratio, among the extracted indicators, caused a sharp decrease in speed ratio, while an increase in building height led to a decrease in speed ratio, and density exhibited a different effect, which could be interpreted along with the other criteria. Conclusion: Based on the results, lot coverage ratio is the most effective parameter on air flow in the area, and density is not a suitable criterion for such measurement. Moreover, the effect of a change in lot coverage ratio on wind speed is greater than that of a change in building height. As for passage width, the fluctuations in speed ratio on narrow streets are far more limited than those on wide alleys and streets. Thus, speed is higher at the beginning and end of an alley than at the middle. In scenarios where building height is set between 10. 5 and 14 meters, therefore, proper conditions are provided for urban air quality, ventilation, and air pollution.

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Introduction: The development of wind energy in built environments is an old topic concerning sustainable urban residents, which has appealed to many researchers with the enhancement of new technologies and CFD techniques. This work seeks to study wind energy flows from the perspective of urban morphology. Methodology: In this research, the average numerical wind data have been collected from Isfahan meteorological station on the hottest day (21 July 2017) and the coldest day (20 January 2018) in the corresponding Iranian year for CFD studies on wind distribution in three urban configurations (traditional, gridded, and high-rise buildings) in local scale, which represents the overall structure of the morphological types in the city of Isfahan, Iran. The CFD have been numerically simulated and illustrated in the ENVI-met and DesignBuilder software to visualize the wind energy results obtained from each urban fabric. Results and Discussion: The simulation results demonstrate the following. 1) The results for the traditional fabric based on the maximum value of wind speed and direction obtained from the software include 2. 26 m/s on the hottest day and 2. 68 on the coldest, lying in the category of gentle breeze based on the Beaufort scale. In terms of the comfort zone for activities such as sitting, standing, and walking, this does not cause problems for citizens, and the texture lies in the comfort zone. 2) The results involving the maximum value of wind speed and direction in the gridded fabric include 2. 73 m/s on the hottest day and 2. 80 on the coldest. For high-rise buildings, maximum wind speed is 4. 26 m/s on the hottest day and 4. 08 on the coldest. On the basis of the Beaufort scale, therefore, gridded and high-rise buildings lie in the medium breeze category. Moreover, the comfort zone for the sitting and standing activities in the gridded fabric is not a problem for citizens, but makes them feel a little uncomfortable with the walking activity. For high-rise buildings, however, there are many problems, and citizens feel plenty of discomfort based on the comfort range for the sitting, standing, and walking activities. 3) The results obtained from the study of the two pieces of software demonstrate that the power and accuracy of the numerical simulation made by ENVI-met is greater than that of DesignBuilder due to the focus and design of the former software in the field of urban planning, providing researchers with more accurate documentation. Conclusion: The results of the analysis are as follows. 1) The traditional fabric has been designed entirely based on the principles of sustainability. The urban morphological parameters indicate the important role that urban architects and designers can play in optimal energy consumption with respect to wind flow by determining the morphological parametric criteria. 2) The overall analyses of the geometry of the two new fabrics (gridded and high-rise buildings) demonstrate that modern urban planning is in less accordance with the natural environment, including climatic conditions and indigenous culture. 3) The large differences between the three fabrics in terms of the different characteristics of urban morphology and the different effects of wind energy flow indicate the significant effect of urban morphology on potential wind flows, showing that the urban morphological indicators are significantly correlated with wind flow. 4) The results can be used as a practical guide for evaluation of the effects of urban wind flows and their interaction with urban morphology. The methods proposed in this study can be used as maximal analyses made for practical measures taken to reduce the negative effects of wind flow for urban management in Isfahan. Future extensions of this study, which is currently under investigation, will be aimed at a comprehensive examination of all climatic factors affecting urban morphology and, finally, achievement of an optimal, sustainable model for Isfahan and all climates in Iran along with the factors examined in this research.

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