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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Suicide and suicidal ideation are quite real among bipolar patients and can occur in both phases of depression or mania, for this reason the aim of this study was to evaluate The effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment on reducing suicidal ideation and improving psychological resilience in Patients with bipolar disorder. The present study was a semi-experimental, pre-test and post-test type with control group. Among the bipolar patients of Kargarnejad Hospital in Kashan, a sample of 30 people (15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group) were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The instruments of this study were Beck Suicide Thought Questionnaire and Bond Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire, These Questionnaire were administered in two stages: pre-test and post-test. The experimental group underwent Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment in 8 sessions of 90 minutes twice a week. Univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. According to the results obtained in this study, Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment reduces suicidal ideation and improves psychological resilience and can be used as an effective treatment.

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of psychodrama on emotional cognitive regulation and self-harm in soldiers with traits or borderline personality disorder. The research was a semi-experimental method with a pre-test and post-test with a control group that was wating for treatment. The statistical population included all soldiers with traits or borderline personality disorder which had been referred to Army Ground Forces Psychiatric Subspeciality Hospital of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran for outpatient treatment during 2019, and 20 of them were selected by available purposive sampling methods and randomly divided in the experimental and control groups(10 people in each group). The experimental group was under treatment within 12 sessions of 90 minutes. Klonsky self-harm scales, Garnefski and kraaig cognitive emotion regulation scales were administered before the start of treatment and the end of treatment sessions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. The results showed an improvement in emotional cognitive regulation and a reduction in self-harm in the experimental group compared to the control group waiting for treatment. As a result, this treatment can be used to emotional cognitive regulation and self-harm in soldiers with traits or borderline personality traits or disorders.

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The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-kindness training on emotional dysregulation and academic burnouts of girl students with self-harming behavior. This was a quasi-experimental study with pre/post-test design and a control group. The population included all girl students had self-harming behavior in the second grade of the second high school of Rasht in the academic year of 2018-19. The sample consisted of 35 girl student had self-harming behavior that was randomly assigned to two groups (18people self-kindness training group and 17people control group). For data collection, we used Self-Harm Inventory, Structured Clinical Interview Based on DSM-V, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale and Academic Burnout Questionnaire. The experimental group received their kindness training in eight sessions and the control group received facade training. The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that the self-kindness training effective in reducing emotional dysregulation and academic burnout in students with self-harming behavior. The findings indicated that self-kindness of training can be used as a moderator of self-harming behavior and improving students' emotional problems in the form of a training package supplements.

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The aim of present research was mediating roles of defense mechanisms in relationships of attachment styles with fear of success among female students. The research method was descriptive and correlational by path analysis. The research population consisted of all female students at the khatam University during academic year of 2017-2018. A convenience sampling of 310 students were chosen. In order to collect data, Zuckerman and Allison Fear of Success Scale, Andrews Defense Style Scale and Hazan and Shavers Adult Attachment Style were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correction coefficient and path analysis. Results showed that neurosis defense mechanisms had mediator roles in relationships between attachment and fear of success. Also attachments affected fear of success directly. Based on these findings the importance of the role of defense mechanisms, in relationships between fear of success, with attachment were emphasized. It is suggested that in therapeutic and counseling sessions, the defense mechanism of individuals should be assessed so that the necessary steps to be taken in order individual could achieve the most success in their works and social relations.

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People who receive a cancer diagnosis, they have doubts about their past, present, and future, and are seriously challenged their relationships, their control over life, and their physical experiences. These experiences can change their sense of self. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the experience of "sense of self" in cancer survivors. The present qualitative research used interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 people with cancer. From the implementation of interpretive phenomenological analysis on the interview texts, the general concept of "self-disruption" was discovered, which includes seven conceptual clusters: temporal disruption, highlighted body, interference in agency, individual-self disruption, over differentiation, relational-self disruption, painful emotional experiences. With these results, it can be concluded that in the exposure of cancer, different dimensions of sense of self are damaged and disrupted, and its severity affects the patients' adaptation. These findings indicate that cancer survivors need to reconstruction their sense of self, and it should be considered by cancer-related service providers.

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The phenomenon of suicide is one of the most serious and important issues in the field of mental health, especially among university students as one of the most vulnerable groups in this field. Therefore, it is very important to identify the factors that can cause suicide in these people. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of help-seeking behaviors in relationship between loneliness and self-concealment with suicidal thoughts in university students. The research method was descriptive and research population included all Shahrekord azad university students in academic year 2019-2020 that among them, selected 200 participants by using of available sampling method. Data collection tools were Beck’ s standard scale of suicide ideation, Fischer & Farina Help-Seeking Scale, Asher and collage Loneliness Scale and Larson & Chastain Self-Concealment Scale. Data were analyzed by using of path analysis. The findings indicated that research model had a goodness of fit. According to the findings, both loneliness and self-concealment had significant relationship with suicidal thoughts by mediate role of help-seeking behaviors. Collectively, feelings of loneliness and self-concealment can have a negative effect on seeking psychological help and reinforce suicidal thoughts.

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Compulsive buying is a potentially dangerous and addictive behavior that causes a series of negative psychological and social consequences. So, the aim of current study was to investigate the mediating role of self-esteem and self-control in the relationship between family functioning and compulsive buying behavior. The research design was descriptive – correlational. From the female adolescents’ population of Nourabad high school students in academic year of 1398-1399, a total of 307 subjects were selected via multistage cluster sampling method and were tested by Family Assessment Device, Edwards Compulsive Buying Scale, Self-control Questionnaire and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. To analyze the data structural equation modeling were conducted. The results showed that direct effect of family functioning on compulsive buying behavior was significantly positive, the direct effect of self-esteem and direct effect of self-control on compulsive buying behavior were significantly negative. Also, results showed that the mediating role of self-esteem and self-control in the relationship between family functioning and compulsive buying behavior was significant. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that family functioning, self-esteem, and self-control are important factors affecting female adolescents’ compulsive buying Behavior.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive emotion regulation training on the experiential avoidance of women with obsessive-compulsive disorder in Kermanshah city. The present study was a quasi-experimental. The quasi-experimental design of the present study was pre-test, post-test and follow-up with a control group. In order to select the participants of the study, using Cochran formula, 1500 women aged 20 to 45 years were selected by available sampling. Of the 169 people who received the diagnosis of OCD, 40 people were randomly selected and matched and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The members were assigned in such a way that 20 people in the experimental group receive treatment protocol related to cognitive emotion regulation training and 20 people in the control group did not receive any intervention. The Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Questionnaire and the Multidimensional experiential avoidance Scale were completed in four stages: pre-test, post-test, and first and second follow-up at intervals (one month). For data analysis, the method of analysis of variance with repeated measures was used. The results showed that cognitive emotion regulation training was significant on experimental avoidance in post-test scores. Findings of this study had potentially significant practical effects for therapists to pay attention to the effectiveness of focused therapy on cognitive emotion regulation on the experiential avoidance of female patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of emotion regulation rraining on anxiety sensitivity and worry in women with panic disorder. This semi-experimental study was carried out using pre-test and post-test with control group from all panic disorder patients visited in Ardabil comprehensive health clinic in summer and fall 2018, 30 patients were selected through the availability sampling method and randomly were placed into two equal experimental and control groups. Experimental group experienced 8 weeks of Emotion Regulation, while control group were just followed. Anxiety Sensitivity questionnaire and Pennsylvania state worry questionnaire were used as the study instrument. Data were analyzed by descriptive indexes and analysis of covariance. The result of comparing post-test of scores in two group showed that there were significant difference in Anxiety Sensitivity and worry scores intervention group and the control group. In a way that this training reduced could Anxiety Sensitivity and worry in Women with Panic Disorder. According to the findings of the present study, emotion regulation training can be suggested as an efficient method to reduced anxiety sensitivity and worry in women with panic Disorder

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