The tumultuous history of physical education and sporting activities in the world is a testament to the claim that sport can play a constructive role in building friendly international relations and, regardless of any ambiguity or hostility between governments, bring nations closer together and pave the way for world peace. . But if a war breaks out between the two groups, athletes and sports organizations are among the most influential and militant in advancing it. During the eight-year Iraq-Iran war against Ba'athist aggressors, various civilian organizations have played a role in Iran. اند. This article analyzes the performance of the Iranian Physical Education Organization in helping and supporting the war in the historical period from 1980 to 1988. The main method of historical research is documentary and the method of analysis and analysis is summary content using first-hand documents and sources. The second and the informed narration and oral history of the managers of the Physical Education Organization has been done. This study shows that in this historical period, the Physical Education Organization has set up organizational structures and organizations to support the war, collecting cash and non-cash donations to the front. Providing and sending troops to the fronts, allocating facilities and stadiums and sports spaces to the front and the war, encouraging the sports heroes to the warriors and the people during the war, organizing training classes for the warriors and rebuilding the spaces and sports stadiums damaged by The war has helped.