Electronic waste (E-waste) consists of obsolete electrical or electronic devices. Electronic waste recycling is of importance when it comes to protecting resources and environment. Today, nearly 1. 3 billion tons/year of waste is produced worldwide, which is expected to increase to 4. 3 billion tons/year by 2025. E-waste from old PCs is predicted to increase to 500 percent over a decade, and by 2020, compared to 2007, the disposal of cell phones will be increased by almost 18 times. Understanding and distinguishing different components of E-waste can help their efficient recycling. Sophisticated electronic devices contain approximately 60 different elements, which include valuable and hazardous materials. The most valuable component of E-waste is PCB, which contain many hazardous materials besides valuable metals. To prevent human and environmental poisoning, it is necessary to analyze the properties and compounds of different materials in E-waste and to find ways of re-managing it using healthy and environmentally friendly processes. In this paper, we focus on the general E-wasteland problems, such as the classification of E-waste, its constituents, various eco-friendly waste management and recycling processes, as well as considering valuable metals extraction. Despite many efforts to develop the recycling technology, this technology has many disadvantages due to the complexity of Ewaste treatment systems. Therefore, the disadvantages of each process are discussed by considering technical problems and environmental protection level.