Forfeiting is a financing method and is the least expensive, fastest and least risky method compared to traditional tools. It provides the financial needs of business activities and investors, including the need for international trading liquidity through Transfer of long-term demands without termination. Financing in this method is concluded in the form of a contract, relying on its instruments, such as bills and promissory notes, between the forfeiter and the creditor. In this study, the environment and financing instruments in the forfeiture contract and the impact of these relationships and tools on its pillars are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Nowadays, all transactions related to goods and services can be the subject of a Forfeiting contract because the exporter's sole responsibility to the importer is the goods' quality and reliability. In recent years, transactions that focus on developing oil and gas fields and raw materials such as oil, mineral raw materials and durable goods using standard tools in forfeiting such as draft, promissory notes, letters of credit and transferable payment guarantees, can be financed.