Introduction: Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that, in addition to causing severe illness and epidemics in humans, has had many psychological consequences for individuals. This study was a narrative review and aimed to review studies on coronavirus and mental health. Method: In this study, search articles in English and Persian on keywords "coronavirus", "COVID-19", "SARS", "MERS", "mental health", "Stress", "burnout", "anxiety" and "depression" were performed. Results: In total, 88 full-text articles were reviewed. The results showed that during the spread of these viruses, stress, anxiety, depression and burnout in people, especially health workers, increased significantly. Factors such as social support, organizational support, education, and prevention programs can also help people cope better with the outbreak and improve their mental health. Conclusion: Although studies have been performed in different individuals, with different sample sizes and in different cultural contexts, in general, according to the findings, the prevalence of epidemics due to corona viruses reduces the mental health of individuals, especially Healthcare workers become involved in the disease, and coping with it requires timely and appropriate psychological intervention, accurate information, and social and organizational support.