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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Internet of thing as a novel technology has a potential prospective for efficiency of services in dissimilar industries and its importance identified by governments, organizations and scientific societies with amplification producing of articles in this field. Main aim of recent research is review of implementation feasibility study of internet of thing technology in defensive organizations logistic. In this research tried with declaration of definitions and premiums of internet of thing technology, lead defensive organizations to use of this technology in order to increasing productivity at all aspects of logistic. In respect of aim, it is an expansive research, in respect of essence, it is of kind of descriptive research and on behalf of time, it is of sectional researches. Statistical society of recent research consist of personnel and supplies managers in one of the settled defensive units in Tehran city that using random sampling method and Kukuran formula with choose of 217 individuals as a sample persons. To collect data, we should use of questionnaire tools and analyzing data done by S. P. S. S software. In data collecting unit, firstly design questionnaire and distributed between 30 persons of sample individuals and after of amendment and confirmation of stability and validity, at last 217 questionnaire analyzed; in analyzing data in respect of abnormality of data distribution, used of parametric tests(binomial and Fridman). Results of research hypotheses test show that implementation feasibility of internet of thing technology in noted organization logistic approved wise human, finance and temporal factors.

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Azari Amin

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the researcher has determined how to use virtual networks as applicatory to improve knowledge sharing in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question of the research is that how to use virtual networks in line with improving knowledge sharing in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the present study, after extracting the model of the effect of virtual networks application on improving knowledge sharing based on the meta-synthesis of previous studies, in order to test the model, the survey method was used. The statistical population of the research is the staff of the Ministry of Defense. In order to analyze the data, in the first two stages, using themes analysis, responses to the open-ended questions of the questionnaire were analyzed and also in the quantitative part, the results of the response of respondents to the closed-ended questions after the data entering into the software was done by descriptive and inferential method. The results of the study showed that the average personal and interpersonal skills of respondents has been better than other skills, but in general, the average of amount of performance factor in virtual networks has been low, which indicates the limited role and the use of the staff of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in these networks. Also, with increasing the level of education, the performance increases, so that the average performance of the Ph. D. armed forces of Iran is more than two other degrees.

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One of the most important issues in defense economics is the impact of defense spending on economic growth, and so far numerous studies have been carried out using various models. In a new specification, Aizenman & Glick (2003, 2006) assume that the effect of defense spending on economic growth is a nonlinear function of the effective military threats of foreign countries, and if there are large external threats, increasing defense spending can help boost economic growth. In this regard, the main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of defense expenditures on Iran's economic growth according to the level of external threats during the period of 1979-2015. For this purpose, based on the Aizenman & Glick (2003, 2006) studies, a model for Iranian economy has been designed and to estimate it, is used the Johansen-Juselius co-integration method. Also, the average defense burden of the Middle East countries has been used as an indicator of external threats. The findings of this research show that the impact of defense burden on Iran's economic growth depends on the level of the external threat index. As the level of external threats increases, the negative impact of defense spending on economic growth decreases, and it can be expected that with the passage of external threats from its threshold, the impact of defense spending on the economic growth will be positive.

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The Aircraft Cargos Heavy C-130 in the Army Air Force Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, As one of the most effective support battle aircraft in the world (especially during the Holy Defense years), has played a significant role in the missions provided to this force. The present research is related to an Electronic Warfare Airborne to Standoff Jamming mission, And its main purpose " The Feasibility Study of Using the C-130 Aircraft to Standoff Jamming the Mission Electronic Warfare Airborne. " Is considered; And The main question raised in this research is: "Is it possible to use the C-130 to Aircraft to Standoff Jamming an electronic warfare Airborne mission? " In this research, a population of about 120 people was selected using the Cochran formula in a sample population of 48 people. Also, for gathering information, tools such as interviews, questionnaires and study documents have been used, Also, the validity of questionnaires Visited by prominent scholars And reliability of questionnaires Using Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0. 824. Eventually, Findings with a mixed approach Using descriptive and inferential statistics, Has been analyzed And the results are: " Due to Airborne threats And new technological approaches to weapons And smart guidance systems, The need to pay attention to Electronic Warfare Airborne With all its components and indicators; That is, electronic support, Electronic attack And tactical electronic protection of the aircraft Is applicable And applying it To strengthen and Development of martial power As air force operational And other parts of the AJA, Is serious.

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Sourni Hamid | Ershad Maryam

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In this study, the relationship of spirituality in the workplace with the occupational motivation is investigated. The research procedure is applicable and correlation in terms of purpose and descriptive research method, respectively. Requisite data are gathered by employing questionnaire tools. Statistical universe comprises the personnel of the South-West district of Khatam-al-anbia Air Defense in which 196 people are randomly chosen as samples. Spirituality in workplace questio nnaire by Mylymn et. al. and Utrecht work engagement questionnaire are used. In order to analyze the obtained data from the collected questionnaires, correlation test and simple linear regression analysis are used to examine the theorems which measure the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Results demonstrate that spirituality and its dimensions having effects on occupational motivation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's army personnel.

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Internal revenue has been and has been used by unit commanders as a source of financing for the Ajay funds for a long time. Given the severe restriction of appropriations allocated by the country management and planning organization to the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent years and the lack of credits needed by the units, it is necessary to pay more attention to internal revenue-raising activities and remove its obstacles. The financing of part of Ajay's finances has become increasingly apparent. In this descriptive study with the mixed analysis approach, it has been attempted to explain the barriers of AJA's activities in the areas of legal barriers, structural barriers, educational and cultural barriers and cultural barriers, ways of removing those barriers. Review and provide appropriate solutionsIn this regard, according to the study of documents and opinions of experts and respondents, no significant legal barriers were identified in the area of Ajara internal revenue, but other factors such as structural, educational and skill barriers, and cultural barriers were identified as important indicators. The manner in which cultural barriers are identified is the most important barrier to AJA's activities. The population under study in this study is the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the statistical population of all senior officers and senior staff working in the AJA, DARAJAF and Force headquarters who have had leadership and management jobs.

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Organizational culture has a strong impact nature that can play an important role in internal control of employee behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational culture in preventing organizational behavior. The research population consisted of 500 staff members of Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Station. 220 samples were selected using Cochran sampling formula and stratified sampling method. This research is a descriptive and correlational method. For this purpose, the required information was collected using two questionnaires of organizational culture (Denison, 2000) and Bass & Perry's Misbehavior and Aggression Questionnaire (1992). Their reliability was 81% and 76%, respectively. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation test, multivariate regression) and analyzed using SPSS software. The research hypotheses were analyzed. Analysis of the data showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and organizational behavior, and organizational culture can significantly predict organizational behaviors.

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