Shortly After the Discovery of Genes, and Especially the New Findings and Achievements in Genetics, it Became Clear that in Addition to Some Appearance and Physical Characteristics, Human Behavior is also Influenced by the Nature of his Internal Genetics. Hence, a New Interest and Motivation was Created Among a Group of Thinkers and Researchers in the Humanities to Study, Research and Defend the Genetic Foundations of Human Behavior, as well as to Combine their Knowledge with the Science of Genetics. Meanwhile, a New Generation of Thinkers and Researchers in Political Science and International Relations, with the Aim of Explaining Political Behaviors Based on the Nature of Human Genetics, began a Series of Studies and Researches that Eventually Led to the Emergence of New Interdisciplinary Knowledge Called "Genopolitics". However, so Far, Scientific Identity and their Achievements have not Been Carefully Studied in Domestic Research. This Study, by Using Tendency as Method, seeks to Snswer the Question: "What Intellectual System and Discourse, Historical Background, Founders and Influential Scientific Figures, Achievements and Challenges does Genopolitics Have? " The Findings of this Study Show that "Genopolitics is A Combined, Naturalistic, Empiricist-Rationalist and Justified Positivism Knowledge that has been Explains Political Behavior Based on the Genetic Nature Over more than Four Decades from the Beginning, with the Efforts of Researchers such as Hatemi, Dawes, Hibbing, Eaves, Dermott and Alford and Uses Behavioral Methods, such as the Study of Twins and Adoption, as a Coherent Interdisciplinary Knowledge.