The role of alternate hosts in cucurbits fields in relation to the activity and survival of Phytophthora drechsleri was investigated in some regions of Fars province. Due to interference by Pythium spp., isolation of P. drechsleri from roots of various weeds on CMA supplemented with pimarcin (10 ppm) and ampicillin (500 ppm) (CMAPA) was not successful. Addition of hymexazol (50 ppm) to CMAPA resulted in exclusion of Pythium spp and isolation of P. drechsleri from the following prennial and annual weeds. Alhagi persarum, Chenopodium album, C. amaranticolor, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Melilotus officinalis and Rhaphanus raphinstrum. Only M. officinalis had visual field symptoms of wilting and root rot.The pathogen was not detected in roots of Amaranhus retroflexus, Carthamus oxyacantha, Convolovolus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, Euphorbia petiolata, Helintropium europeum, Lepidium draba, Malva rothundifolia, Physalis lanceifolia, Portulaca oleracea, Rumex acetosella, Solanum nigrum and Turgenia latifolia. The fungus could not be isolated also from roots of rotational crops such as barley, wheat, potato, alfalfa, com and pepper. All isolates of P. drechsleri from weeds grew at 37°C and were pathogenic on cantaloupes. Most of the weeds grown in autoclaved or non autoclaved virgin soils became infected after inoculation with zoospores of P. dreehsleri. Propopis stephaniana. P.laneeifolia, L. draba. C. oxyanatha and M. rotundifolia were not infected by zoospores of the pathogen. Inoculation of zoos pores to non cucurbit plants resulted in the appearance of disease symptoms within 2-3 weeks in Cieer arietinum, Lens eseulenta. Lepidium sativum, Medicago sativa and 3-4 weeks in Lathyrus ocloraus and Phaseolus areus. No chlamydospores were observed in roots of inoculated plants. zoospores were formed in root of inoculated plants if both mating types of the pathogen were present.