Since love forms the core intellection and wisdom system of Mowlavi, all ideas and addresses expressed in Moulawi's works is made based on love. For this reason, analysis of the connection between the inner and outer world in Massnavi is also done regarding the attitude that Mowlavi- as the creator of the work- had on love. According to this approach, love for Moulawi is like the purgatory world between the inner and outer world. In this respect according to Mowlavi, issues interpreted in terms and expressions such as the correspondence of countries ad people, intuition and the unseen, appearance and interior, abstract and concrete, territory and heavenly kingdom, earth and sky, body and soul etc all depend on love and one of its manifestations. Based on this view, love and God's fondness and love for recognition has become the motivation for a movement due to which everything has become absolutely concrete from abstract – finite has raised from the infinite, form from inform, and eternity from preexistence- and therefore maybe it could be claimed that the entire creation has appeared in this manner.This research intends to discover some manifestations of such belief in Massnavi written by Moulawi and further on elaborate it. The research method is descriptive- analytic, and by considering the title and the demands of the study, it has utilized the hermeneutics approach for the interpretation and paraphrase parts of Massnavi's text.In brief the outcome of the study shows that in line with the common belief of mystics who claims that humankind is the mirror of truth and God's representative, Mowlavi believes that love in mankind is like a purgatory which draws thought towards the domain of manifestation and expression. Therefore from an ontological point of view, love is like a mirror which reflects the beings of the other world within appeals and representations of this world.