Since a long time ago, allegory has been discussed as a significant issue in philosophical and literary domains. And as a matter of fact, scholars, thinkers and literary men have studied it since the golden days of the Greek civilization. Nowadays as a result of the growth and development of linguistics, metaphor has seen a particular attention as a mental-lingual process by the linguists; that is especially the cognitive linguists. According to linguists, metaphor is a device for reflection, comprehension and recognition of abstract concepts. In this article the author introduces the modern views in this scope with emphasize on the opinions of cognitive linguists; especially George Likav, and further on introduces metaphor in Gheysar Aminpour's poetry in his last book of poetry entitled "The Grammar of Love". While Licav emphasizes on the contemporary theories, he uses metaphor in a different concept; in other words mapping between the realms in a conceptual system.