This study was carried out in order to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Modified Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (MSEIS) in Iranian sample. MSEIS is a self-report 41-item questionnaire to assess the trait emotional intelligence. For this purpose, the MSEIS, SCL-90-R, GHQ-28 and NEO-FFI-R were completed by a sample of 677 Tabriz University students (304 males, 373 females) aged 18-30 years (mean, 21). As it was predicted, there were significant correlations between the MSEIS and the above questionnaires. This correlation was negative and significant with the subscales of the SCL-90-R, GHQ-28 and its subscales and nearoticism (N). Also there were positive and significant correlations with the conscientiousness (C), extroversion (E) and agreeableness (A). Form the three models that suggested by exploratory factor analysis, only the four factor model was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (p>0.01). This finding was consistent with the revised model of Mayer and Salovey (1997). The overall reliability coefficient (internal consistency) of the MSEIS was 84 and this index for the four factors was .78, .65, .61, and .62. In general, the MSEIS have a satisfactory psychometric property.