This investigation intended to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure Spiritual, Religious, and Mystic Experiences (SRME) in university students. Based on reviews of theories in Islamic and western mysticism including Rumi's, Ibn-e-Arabi's, and Rudoff Otto's ideas about religious experiences, Gnostic interpretations of Koranic verses and prophet's traditions, a frame of references for the scale construction was developed. A structured interviews with college students, were also carried out. Finally a questionnaire with 102 items was developed and was administered on 337 students (180 females, and 157 males). To determine internal consistency of the questionnaire, the item-total correlation coefficient was utilized and to calculate discriminant power (DP) of each question the top 27% and the low 27% of the sample in the spirituality scale were compared. On the basis of the Item-total correlation and discriminant power of items, 27 items were recognized as inappropriate and were therefore dropped from the questionnaire. Factor analysis was conducted on the remaining 75 items. In the first analysis 19 factors were extracted with the Egenvalue of 1. However, according to the Egenvalue of 2 and steepness of Screeplot, six factors were extracted and the final analysis was accomplished with emphasis on these factors. These 6 factors include: ''feeling of satisfaction and meaning in life", "effect of relationship with God in life", "spiritual action and actualization", "transcendental mystic experiences", "negative experiences", "religious and social activities".