The research aims to identify needs, motivations and suitable occupations of working women in governmental sectors to improve their working motives. The research method is evaluation. The study focuses on the bio-psycho-social needs of Iranian working women in order to improve their motivation, as well as suitable or unsuitable occupations for Iranian women.The statistical sample consists of 762 employed women, selected randomly and 200 available clear-sighted persons. The research instruments are two researcher-made questionnaires. Intra-organizational questionnaire contains 35 items with 5 options that are based on the Likert scale. The questionnaire also includes an explanatory question and 7 statements with 4-6 options.Prior to the research a pilot study was conducted, and then 762 female governmental staff answered the questionnaire.External-organizational questionnaire consists of 20 items with 5 options based on Likert scale. This questionnaire also includes two explanatory questions. Similarly this questionnaire was primarily conducted on a pilot study. Following that 200 (half male and half female) experts completed the questionnaire.Results showed that, from the perspective of employed women bio-psycho-social needs such as financial needs, security feeling in their family, self actualization, social and occupational security, nondiscrimination, their roles reproduction should be considered in order to increase women’s participation motives. From the viewpoint of experts 7 job categories are completely suitable for women’s occupation, including educational, therapeutic, staff work, telephone answering (secretary), scientific, academic, investigative affairs, and servicing jobs. Accordingly 11 categories are fairly suitable, such as: financing and accounting, legislator, clientele, manufacturing, management, executive, military, technical and engineering, governorship, and presidency; and 6 ones such as jobs with frequent missions, judiciary , disciplinary, night shift, transportation affair, & specially suburban transport are inappropriate.95.92% of experts agree with the women’s occupation, because women have a potential in the country’s development.The other reasons included: governmental jobs provide more social prestige for women, government supports women more than men, governmental jobs prevent women's absurdity and uselessness, women are considered at the same level as men, governmental organizations are more secure for women, and governmental organizations fulfill women's individual and social needs. 4.08% of the experts-only men- were against women’s occupation, they justified their opposition by arguing that when women work their children are deprived of love and attention and even more women’s presence can bring up moral corruption at workplace.Finally the study concludes that by paying attention to women’s logical needs and demands, or the bio-psycho-social needs of women, and providing them with suitable occupations compatible with their natures, can increase their motivation and improve their working quality.