Contemporary human being is exposed to the Globalization Phenomenon and to both its opportunities and threats. Western civilization has yielded human rights, democracy, development on one hand, and anxiety, depression and emptiness on the other hand. Living a meaningful and satisfying life is a basic need from which man has already been separated. Can Persian culture and literature serve as a response to this need?Reviewing Hafez' poetry, the present article is to seek some solutions for epistemological and psychological problems of contemporary human. Hafiz' poetry is like a stream in which the modern life can purify itself. It is like a garden in which man can gain tranquility and joy. In the light of Hafez' poetry one can practice living a meaningful life.Relying on God and His grace, and treating the world as a beauty, Hafez gives meaning to the man's life. His poems, full of social and psychological messages, teach the man tranquility, friendship, tolerance, giving up hypocrisy, how to get rid of depression and disappointment.