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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Contemporary human being is exposed to the Globalization Phenomenon and to both its opportunities and threats. Western civilization has yielded human rights, democracy, development on one hand, and anxiety, depression and emptiness on the other hand. Living a meaningful and satisfying life is a basic need from which man has already been separated. Can Persian culture and literature serve as a response to this need?Reviewing Hafez' poetry, the present article is to seek some solutions for epistemological and psychological problems of contemporary human. Hafiz' poetry is like a stream in which the modern life can purify itself. It is like a garden in which man can gain tranquility and joy. In the light of Hafez' poetry one can practice living a meaningful life.Relying on God and His grace, and treating the world as a beauty, Hafez gives meaning to the man's life. His poems, full of social and psychological messages, teach the man tranquility, friendship, tolerance, giving up hypocrisy, how to get rid of depression and disappointment.

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One of the important books on symbolic words and expressions of Sufism is Rashf-ol-Alhaz fi Kashf-ol- Alfaz by Sharaf id-Din Hosein Ibn-e Olfati Tabrizi, edited by Najib Mayel Heravi. The book consists of 300 mystical and Gnostic expressions. The same contents are attributed to both Fakhr id-Din Araqi in an appendix to his Divan, edited by Sáeed Nafisi, as "Estelahat-e Fakhr id-Din Araqi", and to Aziz Nasafi, in a book entitled "Loqat va Estelah-at-e Orafa". The overall sameness of the three copies, whether in their divisions of the contents or in their entries and definitions, proves that one of them must have been the original book. Yet, misattribution of the book to these two authors is not in doubt; nor is it possible to identify the real author unless a reliable copy is available. Relying on the exhaustive review of all the available copies and manuscripts, and the analyticalcomparative study of them could provide a text with a careful edition.

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Abdi-beik Navidi is among the "mostofi"-s, historians and poets of Shah-Tahmasb age. Imitating Nezami, he attempted to write "Xamse" two times in his lifetime. Despite the fact that Abdi-beik is considered as a pioneer of the movement of imitating Nezami, and in comparison with the other poets of his time, his work has been studied less in Iran. The focus of the present article is to inquire about the poetic characteristics of Abdi-beik's " Majnoon-o-Leili", in a comparative manner. Comparing its content and structural- linguistic features, the article also studies the poet's Kalămi and Shi'atic points of view, his approach towards poetry, women, love, as well as his fictional and artistic aspects of his poems, such as descriptions, images, vocabulary repertoire and so on.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one of the famous poets of the late 10th and the early 11th centuries. He was introduced to the Gourkanian court by Abolfath Gilani. There, he acquired a lot of respect. His Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis which is a meritorious work in lyric literature, has already been ignored. In this work, Hayati focuses on Quran's abbreviation in telling the prophets' stories. This lyric- religious Mathnavi is of high value due to the poet's focus on the prophets' chastity, not including Israiiliat, referring to the resources unavailable today, and the linguistic properties, as well.The present article reviews the poet's works first, and then his Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis , contrasting it with some of the books on history, (Quran) interpretation and the prophets' stories.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The development of new narrative techniques in the past two centuries has led to the growing progress in narratology. In this field, "Time" is one important element. The French scholar, Gerard Genet, has discussed it in terms of three categories: "Order", "Continuity", and "Frequency". Exploring elements of narrative and the rules governing them will help to better understand their internal relations and mechanisms. The present article, in Genet's framework, shows that how in Mathnavi-I ma'navi, Mowlana as a classic narrator, uses all poetic-narrative potentials of "Time" in telling the story of "the King and the Maid".In the shift from the Real Time to the Narrative Time, Mowlana makes appropriate use of disturbing the linear order of the plot Time, and detailed, repeated description of some events. In this way, he creates a specific kind of Time that is directly and significantly related to developing a sense of suspension in the readers.

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Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a branch of linguistic studies which deals with such concepts as power, domination and ideology. The present article surveys the relations between the power agents in "Shazdeh Ehtejab", and the changes in the shapes of applying power from a CDA approach. To do this, we closely studied the artistic and fictional arrangements of the text, analyzed it as a discourse product of its historical context. Considering the events and the figures of the time when this novel was written, and its social- political context reveals that the contrast between the intellectuals and the totalitarian government has drawn the author toward the meaningful selection of historical events. Under the influence of the intellectual discourse of his time, Golshiri represents the power and violence, leading to the degradation of Qajar royal family. In this way he has set a balanced analogue between his work and the social- political conditions during Pahlavi's regime.

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In a sociological approach to literary studies, apart from their aesthetic and poetic functions, works of literature reveal the social- cultural  trends of their own time. Author's world view, affected by their class-consciousness, to a great extent, forms their works. In A City Resembling the Paradise, Simin Daneshvar describes the solemn and glum portrait of the women and the underclass of the Iranian society in a special period of its history. She views the deep- rooted ossification and superstition the causes of decadence which intensifies by the interferences of the western colonialists, especially the America. Turning to Iran's ancient civilization, the noble religious beliefs, and relying on the national potentials are the effective and decisive ways to decolonization and to remove sexual and social discrimination to which Daneshvar pays much attention in "A City Resembling the Paradise", especially in "the Iranians Feast" short story.The author employs a symbolic tone and style that best suits to the way of conveying the main ideas of the story.

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Bijan Najdi is a writer who tends to make his stories ambiguous. His stories, specially "Passing Again through the Same Street", are full of ambiguity. One way to create the ambiguity here is the lack of a natural link between the signifier and the signified. The present article surveys the means and forms of ambiguity in Bijan Najdi's works. For the purpose of clarity, it focuses on the interaction between the narrator and the readers (sender and receiver), an interaction beginning with the title of a story, ending with its closing lines. Among the other ways we can refer to the following: Asymmetrical shift in the point of view; external focalization; the shift of addressees; unclear relation between the narrative elements; the opening and closing lines of the narrative; using the elements of magical realism, symbolism, and stream of consciousness, and therefore mixing of times; using the elements of poetic expression in fictional prose.

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