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The present article is a study and analysis of typology of Quranic narratives, and their distinctive features making them different from some narrative genres such as legends,  myths, and historical reports. At first, the genealogy of these genres is presented, and then, referring to the verses (Ayahs)  and reliable sources, the etymology of the words related to the Quranic narratives is investigated. The writer goes on with the typology of Quranic narratives, and the features distinguishing them from legends, myths, and historical reports. Although Quranic narratives may have some elements of storytelling, common to such genres, one thing is for sure: no matter what type they are, they were divinely revealed to the heart of the Prophet. Therefore, the idea of being false or superstitious is totally rejected.

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Death, which can somehow be linked with religion, is a major concern to all people. Mankind has nourished many grate dreams and thoughts and just these great desires have caused his flourishing and elevation ‚ and where his dreams and desires cannot be practicable‚ he realized them with makind legends and mythical characters. One of these wonderful dreams which mankind has brought in to being, is everlastingness or immortality that has been reflected either in nations legends‚ fables and mythical works ‚ such as Gilgamesh‚ Achilles, invulnerability of Isfandyar, or in religious narratives like Khezr. The dream of everlastingness made the mankind find a way to realize it. The human’s masterpieces throughout the history reflected this dream in an artistic language. Mawl`an`a’s Mathnavi is one of these masterpieces, where Mawl`an`a being inspired with Quran and the prophetic sentences, believes that love is the base of being, and due to the essence common to both God and mankind, i.e. the Divine Spirit breathed in mankind, he can become God-like and make himself eternal. The present article studies “the desire to eternity” in Mawl`an`a’s views, referring to his source of inspiration, and relying on some verses from Mathnavi and Divan-e Shams.

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Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where human originated from. According to the divine religions and the Gnostic schools following them man was made out of mud, and Adam was the first referent of humans. So, it is worth asking what processes human has left behind to reach to his present stance. The question is investigated as genealogy. Mowlavi introduces different stages in human’s genealogy. Having passed these stages, he reached the present stage. Now, he has come up with the question that, how his present situation is. The answer lies in human’s nature, which Mowlavi considers it of double quality. In sum, all these issues are reflected in Mathnavi. The humans’ creation out of various kinds of soils is the symbolic way of suggesting their different faculties and natures. At the same time, he has the potential of being the place of the Divine revelation; the soul breathed in him is the symbol of God’s presence in this place. This soul involves the levels including vegetative soul, animal soul, and holy soul.According to Mowlavi, human is the ultimate cause of the creation, though he is the last being to be created. Now, if he could reach perfection, he would acquire the capacity to be exalted. Such exaltation would result in his turning to be God-like, which would promote him far beyond plans, animals, and angels, to an exalted rank. This is so because human moves from these stages, while non-human beings are permanently fixed in their stages.

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The historical-literary book of Taj-al-Ma’aser is the oldest document on the history of the Qourians. It was written in 602 (A.H.) by Hasan Nezami Neishabouri, who lived at the time of the Qourians of India and, as one of their officials. In addition to its historical value, the book is of great literary importance.Using poetic figures, and frequent references to Arabic and Persian poems are among its features. According to Malek-al-sho’ara-ye Bahar, none of the ancient works has so many references to poems and poetry as Taj-al-Ma’aser has. Therefore, it can help to reconstruction of the verses lost in divans’ of famous poets.The authors here in the present article have made comparisons between the verses from the well-known poets recorded in Taj-al-Ma’aser and in their edited divans. No doubt that such a comparison is so helpful for the exploration and correction of the poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nativism was a reaction from the intellectuals who aimed at catching the attentions of their addressees to their roots and origins. Many countries experiencing colonialism, turned their attention to the subject, and naturally, different intellectual communities in Iran responded to it, as well. Analysing pre-Revolution literary movements, we can find nativism, a movement usually ignored by the critics. The stories written during this movement criticizes the others, and the government following the others, and draw the people’s attention to their roots. In the present article, reviewing briefly Iran’s historical, social, cultural and literature conditions during the years 1320 to 1357 (S.H.), we have shown the main features of these stories, including, nativism, caring about Iranian-Islamic identity. The research reveals that during the 1320s and 1330s, the feature of nativism fades. The policies of Pahlavi regime in these two decades, and the way he treats the intellectuals create conditions which ultimately leads in their indifference to nativism. But the influence of the intellectual movements, particularly, the thoughts of Al Ahmad and Shari’ati, and the changes in the social condition of the country from 1342 on strengthens it in 1340s and 135s.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article aims at studying the vowels of Persian Language and their phonotactic differences. Many Iranian linguists divide the vowels of Persian into two categories, the long vowels, which have two time-values, and the short ones which have one time-value. The long vowels are twice the short vowels in time of articulation. However, vowel duration is not sensed clearly in written or spoken Farsi. It is just noticed when scanning meter and rhythm of classical poems like that of, say, Hafiz, Sa’di, and Mowlavi. Dividing a line of a poem is done based on the length and duration of the syllables. The present article investigates the binarity (phonotactically) of the vowel classes in Farsi. We studied the consonantal clusters following the six vowels in different structures. According to the findings of the research, the vowels, and the vowels make two natural classes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aspect is considered a structural and semantic feature of verbs. P. Natel Khanlari was the first grammarian who introduced it to Persian grammar, describing the properties of verbs in the ancient Persian. Then it was widely used by others in writing the grammar of the standard Farsi. Recently, many books and articles devoted lines or pages to clarify some of its features. However, it has been researched insufficiently, and in most cases under confusing terminologies. As a person who has taught Persian grammar for years, I can claim that the students of Farsi Language and Literature don’t make any distinctions between Aspect, Time, and Mood; they have no idea of different aspects of verbs and their functions.This article is an attempt to explore and explain grammatical features of Aspect in modern Farsi language, and its different types.   

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Geographical names, referred to as ‘toponyms’, make a large set of lexemes gathered over centuries. To study toponyms is important since they provide good clues about many historical facts from which nothing has been left, except a few names.As linguistic units, they are exposed to any change that may occur in a language. The study of toponyms, based on the methods of historical-comparative linguistics, and using historical and geographical information provides their comprehensive etymology.The present article is a historical- etymological survey of two toponyms in Hamedan province: ‘Nahavand‘ and ‘Adrapana’. According to the findings of the research, the ancient toponym of ‘Nesa’, and the city ‘Nahavand‘ are related to each other. This helps to locate ancient ‘Nesa’ and ‘Adrapana’, which are of archeological and historical-geographical importance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The growing use of cell-phones in the modern society, regarding the various services they provide, has changed both our interpersonal and verbal communications. Being of relatively low cost, and able to simultaneously send a message for larger groups of people, SMS has indeed turned into a written medium which has resulted in a new culture in sending messages, especially among the youth.Considering the importance of this new way of communications, the present article studies its widly used application, i.e. the humors sent through SMS. The purpose of the research is to study, from a discourse analysis perspective, the most common techniques, and the most dominant approaches in forming humors.Having analysed the data, we found that in most cases the Grician Co-operative Maxims have been violated in different ways.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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