Most of the Persian literary texts, speak about the prophets and their stories, and the mystical texts have focused on this issue seriously. In Shams's “Maqalat”, due to his paraphrasing mind-structure, the events mentioned in the history of the prophets' lives is paraphrased and at the same time, their sayings are interpreted according to the author's beliefs and ideology. These Maqalat were written either on the basis of reasoning and solid proofs, and also for elaborating the author's attitude, or for blessing, rejoice, as flashes of mind or for introducing a perfect human in all aspects. In this regard, Prophet Mohammad is the high and superior example of such a human. This article discusses the Prophet's features from this perspective within Sham's Maqalat. It then shows the paradoxical points in Sham's works. The important point is that in this work, Shams has had in mind the most general topics in the domain of prophetical manners to even answers for some of the taboo questions; which are at times innovative and new. For example, there is even a comparison made between the author himself with Prophet Mohammad or other prophets and at times, he disagrees with them. The implicit comparison of Rumi with the Prophet of Islam is another one of the issues mentioned. The other matters discussed include; major features of Prophet Mohammad, Mohammad's obvious sciences, the value of the voiceless Quran versus the speaking Quran, the magnificence of the Quran for the sake of Mohammad and not for the sake of God, God's special guest, the beloved Mohammad in the cloth of the lover, Mohammad's spiritual light, Prophet Mohammad as the great starter of life in the universe, other people as wandering birds, God's need for Prophet Mohammad, the inherent knowledge imparted by God (known as "Elme-Ladonni") etc. The article surveys and interprets all the mentioned issues.