Jakobsen's theory of communication is based on three major as well as three secondary principles, totally six ones, including sender, receiver, message, context, code and channel respectively. This model could analyze poetry in terms of its rhetorical aspects, grammar, semantic and some other aspects as well. In this research, Nizami's poems, which are worthy especially in terms of rhetoric science, is going to be examined based on Jacobson's theory. Furthermore, it is focused on the poet's high concerns about rhetoric principles and his vision about the relation of a poet with his/her addressees. Accordingly, in this fashion it possibly will be known that how an influential poet had looked at his/her own skill and its impact on the readers. Without considering the form and meaning of a poem as well as their functions in the interpretation of a text, this target issue could not be achieved. Since the presence of the addressee as well as the speaker's attention to the addressee is observable in the Quinary of Nizami, an individual could make an inference that there is a mutual communication between them, that is, the addressee could make an effect on the poet as well. Finally, the six communication principles of Jakobson's model are mentioned in the second part, while they have special literary and artistic functions.