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In order to analyse the synoptic conditions of the rainstorm period of 12 to 17 july 1999 in Iran, the daily 00 GMT weather maps of the surface, 850, 700 and 500 hpa levels were analysed. On the weather maps the location and movement of the weather systems such as cyclones, anticyclones, fronts and westerly waves were identified.The results showed that the expansion of monsoon low from the south and southeast and migratory anticyclones from the north caused the rains. At the upper levels, the westerly waves played very important role. High pressure system has advected the cold air in to country and the monsoon low pressure system brought the moisture from the Indian Ocean. Westerly trough moved over I5ran and was blocked by the subtropical high pressure.

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This paper investigates the effect of external factors and migration in the cultural change of the Qashqa'i neighborhoods in Iranian cities. The Qashqa'i are a nomadic group of Turkish-speaking people in the south-central part of the country, and have a different language and culture from other Persian-speaking Iranians. The Qashqa'i Population is around one million, and 100,000 of this total still have a nomadic lifestyle (Nomad Organization, 2002).The Qashqa'i cultural change is a cause for concern in several regards. First and most critical, the urban Qashqa'i may lose their culture. Second, the Qashqa'i people played a key role in the history of southern Iran which involved vital contributions to national autonomy.Since census data do not track city-ward nomad migrants, survey questionnaires with systematic sampling were used to gather data. SAS1 procedures were then used to analyse and explain cultural change of the Qashqa'i Neighborhoods in the urban areas.

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The pieces and evidences found in the pre-historic hills reveal that the town of Saveh enjoys a rich historical antiquity. The survival of the large Asia Abad Sassanid castle near the city traces the antiquity if the town back to the sassanid period. Saveh has been classified as one of the Islamic historical sites by Islamic geographers. Saveh was ruled by the Arab rulers in the primal centuries of Islam. According to the survey done by historians, Saveh was in its prosperous time during the fourth hijra century (10th century AD) and even after the mongol’s invasion to Iran up to tenth hijra century (16th century AD).There was a great library in Saveh which was put to fire by the mongols. The existence of hospitals, schools and caravansaries are evidences of the importance and creditability of the town. Fruits such as figs, apples and pomegranates were produced in large quantity, yet still pomegranate of Saveh is world famous in taste and quality. The mausoleum of Imam Reza’s brother, (Imamzadeh Eshagh) is located in Saveh. The congregation mosque of the town with its numeral inscriptions belonging to different eras, had its unique beauty, and is still one of the most outstanding mosques of its time. The tomb of shemoil the prophet is located near Saveh within 24 kilometers of distance.Hamdollah Mostofi has recalled the larg and vast transportation roads of this town.Up to Safavid period, Saveh was considered as a serious competitor in pottery skills for the cities of Ray and Kashan.Shell-enameled poteries are discovered from the town. The oldest type of this pottery is traced back to 10th century AD., revealing the rich pottery is traced back to 10th century AD., revealing the rich pottery craft of the town. The pottery works discovered in Saveh, trace back to sassanid period (beginning of Islam) up to safavid period.

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One of the most important limitations of surface water reservoirs in Iran is the problem of water becoming salty as a result of different natural factors. Salty geological formations, especially salt plugs, are one of the natural factors which decrease the quality of surface water. The shur-e-Dehram river is one of the most important surface water reservoirs in Fars Province, which is the river mond's subbasin and the seasonal river konarsiah after passing konarsiah salt plug joins the major branch. Finally Khourab River, at the end of which is khourab's salt plug passes through the salt plugs, and joins the major branch of the river The major branch of the river with grade 6 passes through the Dehroud's salt plug. On the whole, nearly 95 percent salinity of the river results from the three salt plugs mentioned above. Thus, three factors of Gachsaran's salty evaporate deposits, salt plugs, and the salty springs originating in salt plugs carry 117000 tons of salt that 70 percent of which is sodium chloride in this river, causing the water to become useless both for drinking of farming. On the condition that the river path passing through Dehroud's salt plug is changed and that the flowing of salty springs in to the river is prevented, the salinity of the river decreases to a large degree such that in winter the water can be to a limited extent used for farming.

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Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 were launched on March 1, 1984 and April 15, 1999 respectively. Since bands 1-5 and 7 have a matching spatial resolution (30×30) and the only difference is the resolution of the thermal band (band 6), so their efficiency and information content can be compared in a particular location. Damghan playa was selected as the first case where land cover change during the study was observed and Kashan playa was selected as the second area where no change observed. Tabriz was selected as the third study area. In Damghan playa ETM+ image acquired on July 20, 2000 and Landsat 5 TM image dated May 30, 1998 were used. In Kashan area ETM+ image dated August 9, 2002 and Landsat 5 TM data acquired on September 5, 1988 were used. ETM+ and TM images acquired August 2, 2001 and August 18, 1998 were used in the Tabriz area. Initially acquisition time of Landsat 5 and 7 were studied. Then for accurate comparison, these images were geometrically corrected and geo-referenced. Using statistical and mathematical techniques the effect of land cover changes were removed and the correlation between bands were examined in both processed and unprocessed images. In Kashan playa, due to land cover changes, only correlation and statistical relationship between bands were studied. In Tabriz, samples were taken from unchanged areas located inside and outside of urban area. The two state ETM+ thermal band (Low and High gain) images were also investigated. The results have shown that in all areas the correlation between thermal band and reflective bands in ETM+ is lower than TM and could be interpreted as richer information contained in the image. The reason for the observed dissimilarity between TM and ETM+ sensors could be attributed to the differences in acquisition time, sun elevation, azimuth and different calibration coefficients. Further studies are required to compare TM and ETM+ information content in a completely identical acquisition time.

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Synoptic analysis of intensive inversions' pattern of Tehran During resent century unsuitable growth of Tehran and haven’t considered correct rules of urban planning about the streets and residential buildings, have caused an intensive air pollution specially during the intensive inversions.Totally four synoptic patterns will be caused intensive inversion in Tehran, that will make the pollution's condition worse.In pattern A number 1, C, and D, settlement of a deep ridge in 850 and 700 hp, dynamic stability and also transforming the warm air of lower latitudes on cold air of surface level are causing intensive inversions. But in pattern A number 2 and B, The advection of cold air in surface level with an anticyclone system, settling the trough on Tehran in 700 and 500 hp have caused an intensive stability.

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Tectonic effects on the lithology petrophsycs properties specially in the Sarvak Formation in the Shorum oil field in the Chahar Mahal Bakhtiyari province have been analyzed in this paper. Geological characteristics in the Shorum anticlione in depend on the vicinity trust belt in High Zagros. In this oil field, compression or geodynamic forces in interior and surface form due by Red Sea expanded cause formed imbricate folding with high defaults in petrophysics characteristics. Secondary porosity which related to Diogenes and diastrophism phases, Compare by little primary porosity (%2) in Sarvak Formation in this oil field is significant. Field study results and drilling reports relate to 8 oil wells explored shown that permeability in this oil field is relative as much. Geomorphologic study on the anticline form by compared drilling reports in particular mud loss rate show where the faults zoon and crest area fractures have distributed. The oil wells drilled in the faults area have high mud loss amount in Sarvak Formation so, permeability is high too, however would obtained certainty in rock reservoir volume and enclose parameters, use from this hydrocarbon resource in rock reservoir volume and enclose parameters, use from this hydrocarbon resource would be feasibility.

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Hamoon LAKE is the largest fresh water lake in east and south-east of Iran, and economically, sociologically, and culturally is of great importance. In recent years, due to negligence of environmental aspects of the lake, some actions have taken place causing various strains such as; water lake pollution, annihilation of marine animals, poisoning of peregrine birds, demolition of wetlands & seaside agricultural lands and consequently migration of its Takhtakneshanan.These actions are mainly; disposal of 21 MCM of Urban waste water and about 0-9 MCM of industrial sewages into the lake, transferring polluted waters of 9 active mining sectors, specially Bandan asbestos mine’s, into the lake , addition of irrigation waste waters, polluted by different chemical fertilizers and demolishing wetlands by Amore fish preservation, a canebrake feeder fish. Since 1976 till now, problems and concerns regarding the lake from 63 (in 1976) to 125 (in 2003) cases Also, number of Sistanian cattle has decreased from 237790 heads in 1976 to 780 heads in 1996. Number of peregrine birds has reduced from 237790 pieces in 1979 to zero in 2003.

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Any City may be subjected to various natural hazards. Earthquake is one of the most important hazards that hit our cities in Iran. Tehran as a metropolitan is not excluded from this role. Meanwhile because of some spatial characteristics such as many faults in north and south of Tehran, structure density, regardless of standard, improper physical expansion, etc it is more vulnerable. On the other hand, the latest quire of the city occurred 175 years ago, the return period of such quake is about 150 years.In this paper, structural characteristic of different part indices, vulnerability, material résistance, Different zone of Tehran has been classified according to material resistance and vulnerability to a hypothetical earthquake.Finally some strategies for delimiting, suitable planning and crisis management methods for such hypothetical quake have been introduced. In this research we considered spatial aspects of natural hazards. Among these aspects is distance to faults.

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The Bayza district in the Sepidan Township of the Fars province has 83 villages and enjoying diversification. It has high economic and environmental abilities, but it is unsuccessful to maintenance its population, and today, there are vast emigration to Shiraz city. Some of the rural settlements in this district have minus growth rate and some of them are completely depopulating. The deferent activities in order providing services for rural area have been done in during more than tow recent decades by deferent organization, especially Agriculture Jahad organization could not developed this district of our country. The surface attitude of authority and decision makers to different dimensions of living of rural people, presenting unique resolve for problems of different villages, inattention to rural people as a important part of development planning process, plundering of resource water, degradation of soil and planet, inattention to environmental potential, and do not use of new exploit methods are some of reasons of this underdevelopment.In this article along with use current methods to classification villages of Bayza district, we use rapid method (chambers method) in order to recognize and prioritize problems that it based on interview to, and questioning from rural people, as well as prioritize problem with them.

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Assessment of effective processes in the evolution of Aeolian landforms is ine of the main subjects that studied by many researchers in Iran and the world. Iran is Iocated in arid and semiarid region of the earth. For this reason the Aeolian Iandforms can be seen in many parts of Iran. In the basin of Sirjan Playa, Aeolian landforms are spread out in the surfaces of the plain Distributions of these landforms are limited by sand size, soil moisture, speed and direction of wind, sheet flood and vegetation.In spite of this situation, the Aeolian landforms in Sirjan basin are far from typical forms. Assessment of aerial photograph with fieldwork and sampling of the sediments for granulometry have been shown that the evolution of Aeolian landforms is mostly developed in area with of sheet flood activities. In other areas, we can see different forms of these processes.In some parts of the study area, the role of wind erosion can not be seen and the wind erosion does not exist. Finally, the map of zoning of sustainable areas for wind erosion, are prepared.

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Valley villages at the west of Mashhad province, that are settled in heights between 1400-1900 meters from the sea level, in Torghabeh district of Mashhad province (North-East of Iran), and in the north foot of Binalood mountain chains, are encountered big problems in the field of physical development. Especially, in dwelling and equipment parts, because of uneven and sharp slope lands.Studding on 200 families, in sample villages, has shown that the existing physical difficulties cause the emigration and decreasing the population of valley villages of under consideration and evacuation of some villages. While many of these villages have very good tourist situation, especially from the viewpoint of settling in the margin of crowded and sanctuary place of Mashhad. And the necessary planning can create a suitable situation from the viewpoint of attraction and settling down of village population.

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