Pro-market economists usually present "competition" as the only solution of government's inefficiencies. Therefore, having given too much credence to the private sector in economy, they choose market strategy rather than state strategy in economic policies, prizing market choice above state choice, thereby advising strongly privatization policies in the economic system in order to inject rationality and efficiency into economic activities.An important question is that whether there is another alternative for both market choice and state choice. This third way / solution/ option/ road have been theoretically introduced by the professor Albert Hirschman in his classic Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and states.The Principle point of present paper, which is based on "Exit-voice-loyalty theory", is to introduce this third solution: civil society road instead of market road and state road. So , civil society's voice will be considered as a force keeping management of firms and organizations on their toes. This alternative for privatization is the attempt at repairing and perhaps improving the relationship through an effort at communicating one's complaints, grievance, protests, political pressures, and proposals for improvementThe history of this alternative is to a considerable extent the history of the right to dissent, of due process, of safeguards against reprisal, and of the advance of trade unions and of consumer and many other organizations such as NGOs articulating the demands of individuals and groups.