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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Everyone in the community has this right that to have a “ decent work” . The “ decent Work” program is one of the strategies of the International Labor Organization in the field of labor and social security. This program implies that each individual: 1) Have access to employment in equal conditions, 2) as a result of employment, having the right to social dialogue, 3) having fundamental rights, and 4) have access to right to social protection. In fact, the decent work is to ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to work and, consequently, have pre-employment support (to access of employment) during employment and after employment. Social protection is one of the most important dimensions of decent work. Social protection is known component of decent work in the labor world, and with established international labor organization emphasized the need to it. The procedure of Performance and dimensions of social protection program varies from country to country and each state performance it according with its political, economic and social conditions. The goals of social protection in a decent work system are achieved through preventive, promotional, protective and transitional strategies. This paper emphasizes preventive strategies (insurance protections) among these strategies. It is evident that to protecting the rights of workers, the realization of these and the desirable service in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the responsibility of the Social Security Organization. Literature review: In the social security system of Iran, regardless of the fact that the concepts of social security and social protection are used incorrectly instead of each other, the state has not directly entered this area for the realization of social security and this is the responsibility of the retirement funds, including the Social Security Organization. That unfortunately the emergence of problems in the area of employment and economics has also caused problems with the Social Security Fund. In a situation where the government in due to the adoption of supportive laws and insurance exemptions in recent years, faces severe resource constraints, the debt-deflation of the government to the Social Security Organization has been increasing exponentially and is expected to reach a “ unattainable” level in the coming years, Unless, at the earliest opportunity the binding rules will be corrected and avoid growing these debts. In the present study use of documentary and library methods and the use of Persian and Latin resources and finally its adaptation to the laws and regulations in the field of labor and social rights is our research pattern. Discussion: The performance and realization of social protection is usually the responsibility of governments. This responsibility of the government is theoretically based on the social contract of “ state-citizenship” . Article 29 of the constitution also explains and emphasis this matter and two types of tasks are left to the government. One of them to get social security is (social) insurance and another one is ensuring social security through government. The duty of the state in Article 29 of the Constitution does not necessarily mean that the government directly enters this area, but the government should have planning, management, control and policy as such that this will be fully realized. Despite this on according to the above Article, that’ s the responsibility of the government but that’ s preferred If can be transferred to the nongovernmental sector. Social Security Organization as insurer offers social insurances to its stakeholders as one of the strategies of social protections and performance its obligations under consideration financial source. Clause 4 article 6 of the Law on the Structure of the Comprehensive Welfare and Social Security System assets on the participation of non-governmental organizations and organizations in social security and protection of insurance, and this partnership does not mean that the government is not responsible, but however, the government is responsible for social security. The government as the main promoter of social security in all its dimensions should play a more effective role and beyond its subsidiary bodies. Even though recently it had attempts in health and non-insurance benefits area. but also deficiencies are evident in social insurance as such social security. Finally the result of this paper is that there are challenges in the field of population coverage, resource, protections (benefits) and management in realization of social insurance benefits from the Social Security Organization (In the social security system of Iran). Although social insurance has been relatively well established by the social security organization, but it is expected that government in the direction of realization decent work, ideals and goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran, sustainable development and efficient human resources, act comply with its legal obligations than social security organization as a fundamental pillar of government that be able to performance its obligations to the stakeholders in the area of protections, always in relation to the insured social security organization too. Otherwise this will be a serious challenge for the government.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Child abuse and misconduct with children have adverse effects on their growth and health and consequences such as anxiety, depression, risk of suicide, antisocial behavior and drug abuse. One of the important components that affects mental health is social support. Social protection, as one of the critical factors, can decrease the development of mental illness and improve mental health status. It means the more social support increases, the more the level of health increases and vice versa. Life quality is one of the factors which affects abused child’ s quality of life. The world health organization defines the quality of life as an individual’ s perception of their position in life in the content of culture and value system in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. Given the importance of quality of life and the perception of social support for mental health, this study investigates the moderating role of perceived social support on the relationship between mental health and the life quality of abused children. Method: This is a descriptive – correlation study. The statistical populaion of study included all abused children 7 to 12 years old at Torbat Haidarieh city. The sample size of the study included sixty abused children whose have file and record in social emergency section and have been experiencing one type of child abuse such as negligence, physical and sexual. They were chosen as whole-count. Three questionnaires of perceived social support of family, mental health and life quality were used to collect data for this research. The Kolmogorov-Smironov test was used to determine the normal distribution of data. Then, to examine the relationship between mental health and life quality, Pearson correlation coefficient was used. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to investigate the moderating role of social support on the relationship between mental health and life quality. Findings: Findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between mental health and quality of life (r =. 63, p <. 0001). It means that with the increase of mental health, the quality of life increases. Hierarchical regression analysis also indicates that the combined effect of mental health and perceived social support is significant. So, perceived social support has a moderating role in the relationship between mental health and quality of life. In the next step, follow up tests (Post hoc probing) method were used to show that in what circumstances the perceived social support variable (when perceived social support is high and when perceived social support is low) has moderating role. Therefore, once the combined effect of high perceived social support and mental health and once again the combined effect of low perceived social support and mental health were analyzed (follow up tests-post hoc probing). It became clear when quality of life is low, but social support is high, mental health is high. Also, when the quality of life is high, but social support is low, mental health is low. Discussion: The results of the study showed that with increasing mental health, quality of life also increases. Concerning the moderating variable of perceived social support, the results also indicate that perceived social support has a moderating role in the relationship between mental health and quality of life. In general, social support is a protective factor against the harmful effects of various types of stress. The perception of social support creates positive relationships, problem-solving skills, and protection skills against emotional and behavioral problems. Social support is considered as an important factor among adult victims and abused children and reduces the psychological effects of stressful injuries, as well as facilitates emotional and cognitive functioning among victims of abuse.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: This article is a critical paper related to outstanding paper, namely “ Methodological and meaning critique of social capital” by Fariborz Raisdana in the 55th issue of the Journal of Social Welfare. Since the early 1990s the social capital appeared in the development lexicon as a positive phenomenon, in contrast to Marxist perspective that has always been theorized capital as a historically – specific social relation of class exploitation. In judging between two views, Raisdana defends the latter position. Theory of social capital mixed two domains “ economic” and “ non – economic” and allows researchers to import the concept of social in economic analysis through the backdoor. İ n spite of two major theorists Coleman and Putnam this effort was unsatisfactory, because of its contradictory foundation and its impoverished notions of both the economic and social. Raisdana praises Fine because he critically regarded the issue and considered it as being contained discrimination as well as a vague and inaccurate and insists that the word social capital was based on conservative acceptance of capitalist accepted norms. However, in his critics, he follows Ben fine, but he forgets Fine emphasis on Braudel’ s critic of capital. Fernando Braudel is superior to Beurdiue in both scientific status and theoretical power in critical view on capital construct, Especially his suggestion that capitalism is something different from the market economy. Unlike the market economy two categories, namely material life and capitalist economy were in shadowy zone. In the current article the social capital is attributed to this shadowy zone and criticized as a fuzzy concept with illdefined meaning. Method: The method was a critical study that rational and structural critiques have been criticized in Raisdana’ s article due to its shortcomings, while its strengths are admired. Findings: The most significant strength of Raisdana was his attention to the notion of transforming capital in Marx view to its reconceptualisation in social capital (SC), his critique of replacing consequence of SC with causation, vagueness and ambiguity of SC is his strength. However, Raisdana can’ t explain intangible asset in SC, also Raisdand confused historical pionts such as Italian studies of Putnam and his references are wrong. By content analysis of Raisdana’ s article eleven axes in his critiques to SC concept are recognized, however many of them were discussed by Ben fine and Raisdana adopted his view points, But Raisdana creativity was the theory presented by him that he coined it an Anicapital theory of official corruption. Discussion: Raisdana notices only marxistian critic of social capital and neglects the outstanding scientist of Annals school. Ultimately, Raisdana’ s definition of anti-capital (instead of capital) of social capital is particularly important. It has been shown in this paper that it is possible to construct a more precise interpretation of capital in the negative sense of corrupt administration through Fernando Braudel’ s theory. The author of the current paper acknowledges Reisdana on social capital versus social theories, especially in (not mentioned by him) these two theories, namely social identity theory and strength of weak ties, and confirms Fine’ s suggestion to omit social capital word from social theory because of its incapability to explain social phenomena. The author expands Raisdana’ s statement of “ Anticapital theory of corruption” . Raisdana’ s protested to the idea of social capital based on inaccurate ideas is praised. The article accepts most of his criticisms, but emphasizes some of his mistakes.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Mass media plays a crucial role in information distribution and thus in the political market and public policy making. Theory predicts that the information provided by mass media reflects the media’ s incentives to provide news to different types of groups in society, and affects these groups’ influence in policy-making. A few empirical studies have tried to assess the effect of media on policy outcomes. Some key findings from this literature suggest that access to mass-media empowers people politically and, as such, increases their benefit from government programs. A review on researches published on public policy in media, reveals that the major subject is the dominant role of government in policy making. Ward (2008) describes media and television policy under intensive influence of government and the atmosphere of political regime in the country. He believes that the media firms do not act in a vacuum, but they operate in political and historical context which forms the nature of their activities and shape the structure of television and media. So, the political regime has a considerable effect on media industry and its operation. Graham (1992) argued that social responsibility of governments drives them to regulating and controlling the television and media industry and aims to select a method to dominate the public regulation on media market as a mechanism for pervasive distribution of media products with diversity and quality necessary for society. Smith (2009) investigates the media policy of British government against television. He believes that in past two decades media policy of British government against television has changed, and development of digital broadcasting caused to the emergence of a more complicated system of policy in the country, which involved new participators like stakeholders, media owners and political institutions and etc. Smith implies that new media policy of British government has changed from media government to media governance. Throw (2009) investigates governments' approaches toward media control, and introduces Authoritarian, Communist, Social Responsibility and Libertarian as approaches governments take, facing with the media. Vivian (2008) in a same perspective categorizes most common approaches of governments toward media in four liberalistic, totalitarian, capital democratic, and social democratic. In fact, he introduces a political tendency of parties as their approach to media policyMass media plays a crucial role in information distribution and thus in the political market and public policy making. Theory predicts that the information provided by mass media reflects the media’ s incentives to provide news to different types of groups in society, and affects these groups’ influence on policy-making. A few empirical studies have tried to assess the effect of media on policy outcomes. Some key findings from this literature suggests that access to mass-media empowers people politically and, as such, increases their benefit from government programs. Considering media policy making for a variety of reasons, including facilitating decision-making, decision-making, information and communication technologies and the quality of communication and interaction of the social security organization with the main stakeholders and social partners are essential for the social security organization. Method: Policy-making plays an important role in the sphere of public media and shapes the sphere of communications in any society. The content and structure of the media and particularly their understanding about the role they should play is under influence of the dominant policy with regards to compiling the rules and regulations pertaining to the country’ s media; This policy determines the objectives and path for the media manager and thus understanding the policy is one of the most fundamental issues which need to be considered in media management. This research has a qualitative approach and using the Grounded Theory and interviewing tool and Purposive sampling, designed the media policy making model for Iran's Social Security Organization. Findings: The Politics of Media Policy provide a critical perspective on the dynamics of media policy and offers a comprehensive guide to some of the major points of debate in the media today. While many policy makers boast of the openness and pluralism of their media systems, policy-making plays an important role in the sphere of public media and shapes the sphere of communications in any society. The content and structure of the media and particularly their understanding about the role they should play is under influence of the dominant policy with regards to compiling the rules and regulations pertaining to the country’ s media; therefore, the complicated and ever-changing governmental rules and regulations have significant consequences for the future of the media. Basically, policy-making orients the activities and objectives of the media in a country. Media management is in practice not possible without considering the major policy that governs the media sector. This policy determines the objectives and path for the media manager and thus understanding the policy is one of the most fundamental issues which needs to be considered in media management. The present research aims to conceptualize the idea of policy making in media and offer a theoretical framework to shed light on the components and the nature of such policy making. To reach this goal, in this research, using interviews with experts (who have been working in the field of media and communication and media sectors of the Social Security Organization for at least 10 years) and reviewing the literature, the media policy making model of the Iranian Social Security Organization was presented. Discussion: policy making model of the Iranian Social Security Organization was presented. Since no comprehensive definition was found for media policy through review the literature, the first step was to use the scattered findings about this subject and conduct interviews with the related experts to provide a common definition of media policy that could also referred to the future studies. As the result of interviews, important criteria of the media policy making model include inputs, processes, and outcomes. Inputs are considered from the perspective of organizational capabilities and the nature of the challenge. The process in this model includes media policy actions that are influenced by the image of the organization and the environmental factors, and the results and consequences are categorized in six dimensions.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The role of good governance as a key to development effectiveness has been emphasized in recent years. It has been argued that merely allocating public resources for the right goods and services may not lead to desirable outcomes if budget institutions– involving the budget formulation, execution and monitoring– are malfunctioning. In a way that merely allocating budget resources for goods and services, may not lead to positive health outcomes. In other words, governance is central in determining the efficacy of public spending. Studies show that improved governance leads to better development outcomes. So that, there is a close relationship between governance and broader development outcomes such as infant and maternal mortality, life expectancy at birth, years of schooling, etc. Given the poor state of health services in developing countries due to inappropriate management of government policies in this sector, low investment in social sectors such as health, the purpose of the study is to “ Investigate the effects of governance quality index on health indicators during the period 1996 to 2014 for the countries of Southwest Asia. Poor budget management has frequently been cited as one of the main reasons why governments in developing countries find it difficult to translate public spending into effective services. A reasonable proposition, therefore, can be made: managing public resources to promote health sector-outcomes requires well-trained, skillful personnel, working in an institutional setting with an incentive system that reduces fraud and promotes cost efficiency. These studies have-analyzed the effects of corruption and institutions on other variables including economic growth, public investment, and social infrastructure. It can be said that governance indicators (including clarity and accountability, political stability, nonviolence and terrorism, government effectiveness, the quality of laws and regulations, the rule of law and the control of corruption) have a strong direct negative impact on infant mortality. Method: The panel data method and the Stata. ver12 software were used to estimate data and information. The present study was conducted among some countries and given the fact that government data have been published since 1996, the study period is limited to the number of years that cannot be used for time series econometrics. Hence, for estimating the model, the combined data econometric method (data panel) was used. Also, the estimation of the time series data during the 21-year period 1996-1995 was done using the software Stata. ver12. The data estimation using the panel data method has advantages beyond the mere cross-sectional method. So that working with the panel allows it to be taken into account how healthcare governance over time may affect the performance of another health care system in a country. Panel data yields more degrees of freedom by adding the variability of time series dimension. Based on economic and econometric reasoning, data availability and previous studies on health outcome, the specification, we adopt here is a fixed effects model. Also, data from a sample of 23 Southwest Asia countries were used. The criterion for selecting the countries was based on the availability of data. Data governance from Worldwide Governance Indicator (2014) and, other data were obtained from World Development Indicator (2014). Findings: According to the result of this research it can be stated that index of quality of the governance index on the indicators of the health sector in selected countries in Southwest Asia by calculating a weighted average of indicators of good governance based on the Guni and Duncan (2004), quality of governance and its impact on the sector indicators is discussed. Four components, including infant mortality rate, mortality rate of children under 5 years, life expectancy at birth and crude death rates have been used as indicators of the health sector. The results show that in all four models, governance quality index has a significant effect on the components of health sector development. In other words, it should be stated that countries with better governance in the health sector and health status are more efficient. Discussion: In this paper, the effect of good governance on health sector indicators over the period 1996-2014 using the Hunino model (2014) 1996 is based on the panel data technique. Regarding the statistical results, it can be stated that the promotion of governance indicators and the improvement of health expenditure and education of the health sector by governments, more than what the econometric and statistical results show, affect the actual variables of the health sector. Therefore, it can be said that with consideration the six indicators of governance, measured by the quality governance index (with these indicators), have had a greater impact on health outcomes. This has led to a reduction in the mortality rate and consequently an increase in life expectancy at birth. The results also indicate that the role of the GDP as a measure of per capita income influences health sector indicators. Also, the disadvantage of the region in terms of adult education and its impact on health can be seen as a serious effort by educational institutions to eliminate illiteracy from these communities. Also, given that the growth of urbanization in developing countries is inevitable, taking into account the positive impact on the indicators of this section should not be ignored by the positive dimensions of this variable, that is, by planning appropriately for controlling and directing the migrant population from rural to cities and marginal concerns, which is the negative aspect of this case, can improve indicators of this section.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Poverty reduction is one of the most important economic and social goals of politicians and programmers in different societies. Women are more exposed to poverty and gender discrimination in comparison with men. This is because women do not have necessary capabilities and facilities for empowerment and poverty reduction. Hence, for anti-poverty programs in the country, policymakers need, in the first step, to measure poverty especially in female-headed households. In this study, after measuring the multidimensional poverty index in male and female headed households, it is attempted to analyze the poverty status of female headed household and to determine the factors affecting their poverty. Method: In this study, the multidimensional poverty index is calculated for men and women-headed households based on Alkire and Foster method in three dimensions education, health and standard of living with an equal weighting system. In this study, household’ s income expenditure raw data published by the Statistical Center of Iran in 2015 were used. Furthermore, the factors that affect poor female-headed households was estimated using a logit regression model. Findings: The results showed that intensity and incidence of poverty among female-headed households is higher than men-headed households in both urban and rural areas. There is significant differences between female-headed households’ MPI in urban areas by 0. 0942 and male-headed households’ MPI by 0. 0516. Also, female-headed households’ MPI is equal to 0. 067 and men-headed households’ MPI is equal to 0. 0364 in rural areas. The highest female-headed households’ deprivation is respectively in sanitation, years of schooling and health insurance in urban areas and the highest deprivation in rural areas is respectively in sanitation, years of education and building structures. Logit regression model also showed that being older, unemployed, a housewife, and married female-heads of households increase the probability of being poorDiscussion: Based on the findings, the multidimensional poverty of female-headed households is more than the multidimensional poverty of male-headed households in both urban and rural areas indicating that female households need more attention in poverty reduction programs. Measuring the multidimensional poverty index by indicators also highlights priority sectors in poverty reduction programs. The Logit regression model also showed that years of schooling is very important because the empowerment of female-headed households in education empowers them to find a job and earn money.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Students are one of the key stakeholders in the higher education system, and the low quality of life or their life satisfaction can be a starting point for deviating from the mission, ideals and strategies for the development of higher education and learning. The aim of this study was to investigate the students’ quality of life, subjective well-being and the relationship between them among students of all educational levels of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in the academic year of 2016-2017. Method: In the present correlation study, the statistical population included all undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students in the academic year of 2016-2017. The final sample size was 213 people and the samples were selected by a stratified random sampling method. In order to study the students’ quality of life, the Mehdi’ s University Quality of Life tool was used. Golestani Bakhat questionnaire was used to measure the subjective well-being. Data were analyzed using t-test and structural equation modeling in SPSS and AMOS software. Findings: generally, 17. 1% of women, 23. 1% of men, 23% of undergraduate students, 15. 9% of graduate students, and 16. 1% of PhD students had a range of satisfaction between high to very high. Also, 19. 4% of women, 19. 2% of men, 20% of undergraduate students, 19. 3% of graduate students, 19. 4% of PhD students and 19. 6% of the total sample had a range of satisfaction between low to very low. The most satisfaction of the students was first with their friends and then satisfaction with university cultural diversity, satisfaction with the university library, satisfaction with the job prospect Also, the least satisfaction was attributed to the satisfaction dimensions of university communication services, sports facilities, welfare and recreational facilities, university transportation facilities and medical services. According to achieved mean score in each dimension and total score, the mental health status of the total sample (M=180. 56), female students (M=180. 14) and male students (M=181. 42) statistically was higher than criteria score (M=156). In the other words, subjective well-being of the studied sample was at a desirable level. Based on the results of fitted regression model (GFI=0. 925, CFI=0. 919, RMSEA= 0. 082), about 15% of the variation in the students’ quality of life was explained by the dimensions of subjective well-being. Discussion: The students’ quality of life is a multidimensional construct and its decreasing or increasing is affected by many factors. It is important that students not only should be provided by educational facilitates but also entertainment, cultural, sport and other related facilities are important so that they can drain the added amount of excess energy of education and study through these facilities. This, in addition to removing excess energy and fatigue of students, on the other hand, will stimulate the study and scientific activity of them.

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Introduction: The high risk of earthquake, the severity of its adverse consequences and the failure of the existing policies to reduce damage and increase the preparedness of vulnerable communities, show that studying the role and impact of the social context on the most vulnerable groups is essential. The geographic condition of Tehran makes the city highly prone to the occurrence of various types of disasters, especially the risk of a massive earthquake. Besides, the crisis management requirements and the lack of public preparedness if such events happen, reveal the need to find the factors that can influence the process of converting people’ s readiness to the actual preparedness behaviors to make them able of coping with such a large degree of risk. Trust is a process in which people may disregard their responsibilities to deal with a complex, uncertain situation and delegate it to others. People sometimes make their trust on the basis of the meanings and values that exist between them and the authorities, and decide on it. In recent years, social trust has been considered as one of the most important and influential factors in public behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social trust and intention to prepare and preparedness of Tehran inhabitants against earthquakes. Method: This research was a cross-sectional analytical study. 369 households in Tehran (February-May 2017) were interviewed and filled the questionnaire through the home visits by the research team in person. We used stratified random sampling to choose the participants from the selected area of the urban regions. Different levels of urban development, social welfare and earthquake vulnerability classification of 22 districts of the city were considered to involve the most possible variety of the households living in the area. The Persian version the general preparation questionnaire (with 77 items) which has suitable reliability and the standard checklist of earthquake preparedness behaviors (with 1 items) were used to collect data. Both instruments were validated in previous studies in Iran. Finding: The mean age of the participants was 34 years. Most of them were men (63%), under-graduated (71%), married (62%), tenant of the house they were living (69%), self-employed (38%) or had short time job contracts (32%) and experienced at least one earthquake in the past (68%). About 75 percent of the participants were living in small households with less than four members. Almost all of the study samples (96%) were from low income level. The results of multivariate linear regression analysis showed that social trust was the most important factor (p<0. 001) that could predict the changes in intention of preparation in a positive relation. Therefore, the intention of preparation could be improved through enhancing the social trust among the communities. The intention to preparation acts as a complete mediating factor in the relation between social trust and real preparedness behaviors of the households in Tehran. The participants’ ages and the region that the household lived, found to be as the other influencing factors on intention to prepare against earthquake. The past experience of earthquakes and income level could predict the preparedness behaviors while the size of household showed a negative relationship with them. Despite the previous research findings, the ownership of the house, the marriage status and occupation situation had no significant relationship with any of the preparedness dimensions. Discussion: Intention to prepare is the most significant predictor of changing the preparedness behavior in Tehran inhabitants, which was influenced by their monthly income and past experiences of the earthquake. Social trust was the most important factor that could predict the changes of intention to prepare if considering the age of the people and the vulnerability of the place they live. Whereas, the older people who were living in less vulnerable area, showed more social trust and intention to prepare against earthquake. It is possible to change the preparedness behavior against earthquake in general public if the individual characteristics and the relationships in social networks of society members will be considered altogether. Therefore, it is essential to raise the level of social trust in the society in order to increase the public intention to prepare and the preparedness behavior in a favorable way. In comparison with the previous studies, the present findings showed that improving the general trust and the trust to the information resources and the information providers can significantly increase the public intention to prepare in the societies. While, the excessive community trust towards the emergency authorities and to the government may reduce this intention among the people. This is argued that they will probably delegate all of their own responsibilities regarding the preparedness against earthquake to the reliable organizations. As if the trust in general that is related to the natural hazards operates as an intermediate agent between individuals, societies and social factors in order to formulate a willingness to prepare against these events.

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