Flood causes much damage to economic sources in different part of the countries every year. The occurrence and resulting damage from flood have had an ascending process in current years, while much attention has notbeen given to them sofar.
In this article, we have tried to investigate the geomorphic specifications that affect submergibility while comparing these variables on Fashand and Behjatabad Basins In order to investing ate and specify the submergible are as of the two basins, geographic in formation systems software such as Arcview and Arcinfo were used to indicate and score effective parameters (vegetation, inclination, soiltype, petrologyetc.). The parameters are then entered in to the system via in formation models, and the mentioned layers are composed and analysed.
Finally, risk area maps of submergibility of the two different basins are prepared to compare the flooding of the two basins abalytically using different geomor phological variables. By investigating their natural positions and risk areas of submergibility, propitious grounds for the occurrence of floods are revealed. Results also show that Fashand is an aquiferous basin and young in a geomor phological point of view.
The aquiferous basin of Behgat a bad is also nearly compieted. Furthermore, Fashand is a circular basin, and the more circular a basin is, the more submergible it will be. On the other hand, stretched basins suchas Behyatabad will decreace the amount of discharge with their equal branches, while circular basins with fewer branches will decrease the focus period.