Although the exact date when Talesh Heights were resided is unknown, we do know that the first
human groups to move toward this habitat were animal - breeders who climbed these heights in tram
the west in search of fresh and suitable pastures. The geographiccondtions of this area do not permit
steady stay all through the Year. The foundations of a tribe community were, thus, Laid.
The nomads of Asalem have distribated in the west of Rasht Astara Road in, in turn, winter -
quarters, spring and qutumn -quarters, summer - quarters and Almas defile. Factors motivating the
nomadism of farmers paritcularly rice - plantors and amimal - breeders, in the from of semi -
nomadism and transhumance include the need for summer- quarters at heights, rich pastures in
spring and qutumn - quarters and summer - quarters, The previous record of residence at heights,
rich pastures in spring and qutumn - quarters and summer - quarters, specialization in animal
husbandry, natural condition, and finally habit.