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Social Welfare

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Introduction: One of the goals of governments in today’ s world is to increase social welfare. So, governments are seeking to achieve their goals through interventions in the economy, including increasing government expenditures, but they may not succeed in achieving such a goal. The size of government or the ratio of government spending to gross domestic product is one of the indicators of government intervention in the economy, which the size of government has been one of the major issues in many economic researches. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to investigate how the extent of government activities or government size affect social welfare in Iran’ s economy during the period of 1975-2012. Method: In this research, by modeling the factors affecting social welfare, with emphasis on the effect of government size, a threshold regression model has been estimated for Iran’ s economy. The threshold model is a model in which a predetermined predicted behavior by the model changes from a threshold value. In this paper, the size of the government is the threshold variable, which is determined by estimating the threshold of the size of government which divides the size of government into two large and small size government regimes. Then, the extent of the size of government in two large and small government regimes is estimated on social welfare and the optimum government size regarding to maximize social welfare has been estimated. Findings: The threshold of the government size has estimated about 29%. Hansen’ s test shows that the estimated threshold is significant and the model has a threshold value of government size. Therefore, the threshold model has two large and small government regimes that distinguishes the two regimes with a threshold of 29%, meaning that when the government size is less than 29%, we are in a small government size regime, and when the size of the government is larger than 29% is in the regime of large government size. The variable of government size in two large and small government regimes has had a different effect on the social welfare index. In a small government size regime, the size of government did not have a significant impact on the social welfare index, but after increasing the size of the state and overtaking the 29% threshold and being in the regime of large government size has had a significant negative impact on the social welfare index. Therefore, government size has a non-linear and threshold effect on the social welfare index. Also, the first lag of social welfare in both of the small and large government size regim has had a significant positive impact on social welfare. In addition, in the small government size regime, the increase in the degree of openness of the economy has not had a significant impact on social welfare, but with the expansion of government size and staying in the large government size regim, the degree of openness has had a significant positive impact on social welfare. Finally, the unemployment rate in the small government size regime has not had a significant impact on social welfare, while in the large government size regime, the effects of unemployment on social welfare were negative and significance. Discussion: The meaninglessness of the effect of government size on social welfare in the small government size regime is due to the neutralization of the positive and negative effects of government expenditures on social welfare, which in this regime, as the government has not yet intervened much in the economy, has positive effects, such as the supply of public goods and government recruitment and the negative effects of spending, such as the ineffectiveness of government expenditures and renegotiation of each other, and that the impact of government size on social welfare has been meaningless, but in a large-government regime, the negative effects of government size are overcome on its positive effects and the government size has negative effect on social welfare. In the large government size regime, for reasons such as crowding out effect, large-scale rendering due to the presence of a large government, inefficiency of government development expenditures, and the reduction of labor productivity in the public sector due to unnecessary employment in the public sector, all contribute to undermining economic growth and thus reduce social welfare. Moreover, the high level of government’ s presence through increased spending and, as a result, an increase in total surplus demand on the one hand, and the creation of a deficit and its provision through borrowing from the central bank, creates inflation, which causes inflation to worsen the distribution of income and so social welfare will be decreased in this way too. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that in order to increase social welfare, the size of the government should be smaller. in this regard, the correct implementation of the general policies of article 44 of the constitution is recommended in the assignment of ownership, along with management to the real private sector.

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Social Welfare

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introduction: In economic literature, financial corruption is defined as the abuse of public resources to one’ s own personal interests. Financial corruption is a multidimensional, complex phenomenon having many causes and consequences. It is demonstrated on different cultural, political and economical scale. Increased paperwork in bureaucracies paves the way to the financial corruption. High, illegal payments to the public authorities, payments made to affect regulation process, public distrust, payments made to duck away from taxes or to achieve import and export permits, utilization of the national budget for personal purposes and finally, payments by highly influential figures and monopolies made to leave other corporations deficient, are the major factors to determine the corruption index. Financial corruption creates inefficient assignments for the genius. In case financial corruption prevails, people in the society, specifically the talents, try to use illegal ways like bribery and economic rent, instead of their skills, to achieve public permits. Otherwise, these people could increase the society’ s potential for technical development. Financial corruption is a widespread phenomenon that all countries, including both developed and developing countries, have to face. Several studies show that reducing the corruption in developing countries has been accompanied by increasing the income inequality. In contrast, in developed countries, reducing the corruption leads to a reduction in inequality. In this regard, the main objective of this paper is to analyze the effect of corruption on income distribution in middle-income selected countries. Method: The purpose of this research is to investigate the nature of the method and the method of approach to the inferential problem and longitudinal secondary analysis. In terms of the method of identifying and collecting information and statistical resources, the method used is written document, electronic information and vector scanning. In this study, we refer to the statistical data available at the World Bank. Using multivariate regression and panel data and Excel and Eviews softwares, modeling the factors affecting the distribution of income with emphasis on corruption has been used. Using the panel data has advantages that make it different from other methods. Panel data has more information, greater variability, lower coherency, higher degrees of freedom, and higher efficiency over time series and cross-sectional data. Particularly, one of the ways to reduce coherence is to combine cross-sectional and temporal data into panels. Findings: The results of estimating the model using the Fixed Effect and Generalized Method of Movement in the selected countries in the period of 1996-2013 indicate that financial corruption has a positive and significant effect on the Gini coefficient as an income distribution index in middle-income selected countries. Also, other results of the model show that with increasing unemployment in middle-income selected countries, the Gini coefficient has increased and the distribution of income has been uneven. By improving information and communication technology (ICT) and increasing real GDP, the Gini coefficient has decreased in middle-income selected countries and the distribution of income has improved. The expansion of information and communication technology improves access to free flow of information, increased production and improved distribution of income. In dynamic estimation of inflation, the positive and significant effects and the degree of openness of the economy had a negative and significant effect on the Gini coefficient as an indicator of income distribution. Increasing the general level of prices, reducing real wages and reducing the purchasing power of the labor rights will increase income inequality. Inflation and the degree of openness of the economy in the static estimation have no meaningful relation with the Gini coefficient in middle-income selected countries. Discussion: There are two rival and contrasting theories on the effect of financial corruption on economic development. The first group are theories that consider corruption as a force that damages the efficiency of markets and in this way causes a decrease in economic development. In the other theories, corruption brings about an increase in economic development and growth by bypassing the inapt market regulations and bureaucracies. The results of this study indicate that in the group of selected countries the average income of the second group theory is true. According to the results of this study, efforts and planning to improve the business environment and reduce the volume and size of the state and create the conditions for the greater participation of the private sector, reducing the informal sector of the economy, monitoring and controlling the implementation of laws and regulations, attempting to clarify laws and regulations and removing personal perceptions of them, simplifying regulations and It is recommended to use the experience of successful countries.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Health is a fundamental and indisputable right of every human being and is considered as an important factor in the socio-economic field. Health can be used as a starting point for social change and for achieving a high-priority objective such as justice. The impact of poverty and inequality mechanism in the field of health is so that the economic inequalities cause inequality in accessing the health services by making a social slope. Therefore, the importance and necessity of studying factors affecting health inequalitiesis due to the fact that health is a universal right. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the socioeconomic factors causing health inequality as well as the current situation of each of the variables in Iranian society. Because Justice is one of the main principles of ethics in the healthcare system, and its establishment at macro level depends on formulation of appropriate policies by policy-makers and healthcare providers. Health care policies and payment and reimbursement systems have a significant impact on health systems’ efficiency and cost control. BecauseEquity in health implies that all the individuals who need healthcare services must be able to access them timely and adequately. Inequality in health expenditures depend on some predisposing variable that were shown in this study and with improving socio-economic variable can reduce the inequality in health expenditures and their impoverishment effects. Method: This is a descriptive-analytic study. In terms of purpose, this study is an applied study. In addition to illustrating what is, explaining and explaining the reasons for its existence and why the problem’ s situation and its dimensions have been addressed. To explain and justify the reasons, it has been used as the basis of reasoning in the literature and theoretical discussions of the research. The data collection method used in this study is library and documentary method. The data and the Ministry of Cooperatives, Social Welfare and theMinistry of Health and Medical Education, the search for books, journals and articles and researchare used. Findings: Based on the results, there is a significant and negative relationship between absolute poverty, health extremely high expenditures, poverty caused by health extremely high expenditures, inflation, Gini coefficient, urbanization, unemployment as independent variables and equity in health as a dependent variable. In other words, by increasing one indicator, another index value is reduced. There is also a positive and significant relationship between education and economic participation rates. The findings indicate that the socioeconomic status of individuals and macroeconomic components of health of individuals is overshadowed by them. As well as Our findings indicate an acceptable improvement in many of the health indicators in rural areas of Iran during the recent 1-2 decades. On the other hand, despite the inequality decrease in some of the indicators in recent years, still inequality remains as the chronic and main problem of rural health system in Iran. Discussion: Regarding the results achieved in the field of health, the increase in cost of health systems due to the expansion of new and expensive health technologies, the increase in community expectations regarding the health systems and the growth of chronic diseases cause significant growth in health expenditure of the households. Some of the problems of the health filed are structural and some others are caused by sectors outside the health filedand health macro policies. There is no doubt that none of the payment and reimbursement policies is perfect and each of them has the potential to put caregivers or health care providers financially at risk. Therefore, policy-makers should select a combination of the best approaches, considering socioeconomic factors, in order to provide a maximum coverage of health services and ensure fairness in the health system. Efficient payment and reimbursement approaches should undoubtedly preserve the rights of all parties in a fair and logical manner. Current national policy shows that a high percent of health care expenditures are financed through out-of-pocket payments, and therefore appropriate policies should be adopted to lighten this burden. Herefore, promotion of health in deprived and vulnerable people through appropriate programs for these groups of the population, reducing the gap between poor and rich communities in the community and creating a positive health slope for all social and economic strata should be considered by the government. The actual commitment of the authorities Health as a social goal and considering it as an important component of development can be a cause of success in the health of individuals and society.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Families in constrained economic circumstances resulting from economic shocks – losses or reductions in employment, income, wealth, and health insurance – face difficult choices regarding how best to spend their diminished economic resources on critical necessities. As families strive to preserve their living standards by maintaining housing and adequate nourishment, decisions regarding health care use may become far more discretionary and complex. In particular, families experiencing an economic shock may, by necessity, be required to prioritize their health care spending among family members and specific health care services. Nowadays business cycles are one of the evident characteristics of most economies that could affect micro and macroeconomic factors. Analysis of anticipated and real effects of economic shocks on household’ s health expenditure in different quantiles is the purpose of this study. Method: In this paper, we consider how economic shocks affect family health security by examining the family’ s response to both realized and anticipated changes in their economic circumstances. We consider responses to a realized economic shock by examining how families respond to observed changes in their economic circumstances, focusing mostly on losses in income and employment. Holding constant the changes in these observed attributes of family economic status, we also examine the impact of an anticipated economic shock on family health care expenditure. We do so by using the period of the economic sanction (2010) as an exogenous change in macroeconomic circumstances which may have affected the family’ s expectations regarding its future economic prospects. To do so, at first step we de-trend real GDP using HODRICK-PRESCOTT filter to extract anticipated shocks. At second step we extract control variables such as age, income, gender, employment status and level of education from Iranian Household’ s Income and Expenditure data from 2007 to 2013. Our data set contains 151880 households. This dataset releases every year by Iranian Statistics Center. At third step we measure anticipated and real business cycles effect on Iranian household’ s out of pocket health expenditures applying quantile regression. Findings: As we discussed, survey data suggest that the economic sanctions against Iran and its aftermath may have altered household’ s expectations, and in response, families may have changed their spending patterns to accommodate precautionary savings motives. Moreover changes in unobserved factors such as family stress and anxiety during the sanction and its aftermath compared to pre-recessionary periods also may have changed expectations regarding longer term economic prospects, and such expectations may have altered resource allocation decisions by families. We implement this analysis by exploiting a series of seven-year cohort data sets from the Iranian Household’ s Income and Expenditures Use of these data to characterize family health care decision making represents a key contribution of our analysis as it enables us to examine within-family health care adjustments to realized economic shocks over a 7-year period, and to the expectation of changes in economic status resulting from the sanction and its weak economic recovery. Our findings suggest that both types of economic shocks had an impact on the household’ s out of pocket health care expenditures. Results show that business cycles could have significant effects on household’ s health expenditure, also, real and anticipated shocks could affect health expenditures. This study shows that aggregate effect of recent depression on Iranian household’ s health expenditures is negative. It means that economic sanctions against Iran have decreased Iranian out of pocket health care expenditures. Also this impact isn’ t identical at all income levels. Household’ s that have higher income are exposed more than lover income families. Discussion: This study shows that aggregate effect of recent depression on Iranian household’ s health expenditures is negative. From the other hand, our findings show that employment status and over eighteen year old children living within family variables also could have negative impact on Iranian household’ s out of pocket health care expenditures. Other control variables such as income, gender, age and level of education have positive effects on household’ s health expenditures. Our findings also show that these effects aren’ t identical over different income levels. Our paper has particular policy salience. First, it speaks directly to the issue of the family’ s health care decision-making during a period when many Iranian families have experienced meager economic progress, and in which economic conditions remain uncertain and unstable. Next, while the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) promises health care coverage that is “ always there, ” and subsidies to defray the costs of coverage, the health care needs of some families experiencing economic shocks still will remain vulnerable. In this regard, recent experience with state health reform in has revealed that national health reform may not be sufficient to alleviate substantial out-of-pocket costs for low income families. Other circumstances may put families at risk for high out-of-pocket costs and thus may affect the intra-family allocation of total health care spending. Families in states that fail to implement the ACA’ s Medicaid expansion and experience income losses that place them between their state’ s Medicaid thresholds and may face potentially high out-of-pocket expenses and may adjust their health care use accordingly. Additionally, should insured families suffer income losses in the post-ACA period, they may gravitate to less generous essential health benefit plans and thereby face higher out-of-pocket costs that may necessitate changes in their decisions regarding family members’ health care use and spending.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: What is the analysis of social capital in rural areas can be achieved by the concept of social capital, particularly with spatial dimensions can be defined as a comprehensive approach to achieving social stability in rural areas to be considered. Therefore, the necessary condition for the development of any society, especially rural communities, is comprehensive development, the establishment of warm relations, the development of social cohesion, the development of social participation and, most importantly, mutual trust (individual, society and government), which this structure they are components of social capital that are understood in the context of space / spatial. The study of social capital in space / spatial is a new attitude that geography science is its shareholder and as a distinction with other sciences. Some sociologists have pointed out in their studies that social relations are based on spatial, which makes a difference. In other words, society is necessarily built in spatial, and the spatial organization of society plays a role in how society functions. Some studies have shown that rural areas have a much lower social capital than urban areas. In relation to Iran’ s villages, in the past, the level of solidarity and social cohesion, participation, and trust has been higher due to the homogeneous environment and the ethnic relationships that villagers have with each other. But today, each of these concepts in rural areas has become faint in terms of bridging social capital. Method: The methodology in this paper is analytical methodology based on qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample volume was selected by stratified random in the GIS by means Hawths Analysis Tools (6 villages from each stratum), that a total of 18 villages with 378 people were selected from total villages in Khorasan Razavi province. The research tool is a survey and a questionnaire. Validity of social capital questionnaire by Bartlett test and KMO was 0. 71 and 0. 79 for Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient. In order to select social capital indicators, the indexes were indexed initially with a critical analysis of the studies carried out and in the second step; the primary indicators were screened to identify the social capital indicators in sustainable rural development and were limited to the main index. Then, these indices were analyzed according to their frequency in different sources and the main indicators were extracted. Then a questionnaire was prepared of these indices. Finally, by conducting surveys and surveys by experts and scientific experts of the country, a suitable and indigenous collection of social capital indicators in rural areas was presented. Findings: The TOPSIS technique to ranking well in the rural areas of the sample were classified that Dizadiz, Gohardasht, Gholezu, Barabad, Shurab and Kheirabad with high social capital; Garmab, Goruh, Keriz, Abgahi, Jabuz and Sedeh intermediate social capital and so Ostay, Hesar, Merichegan, Safiabad, Robat and Pivejan with low social capital. Also the results show that Dizadiz is the highest social capital and Pivejan the lowest social capital. Also, the status of social capital indicators by the classes studied also showed that the first group (plain villages with a little distance from the city and a large number of households) has the highest average in relation to participation indicators, social networks, membership in NGO and public institutions, the satisfaction of institutions, as well as knowledge. The second group (foothill villages and with a medium distance from the city and a medium of households) have a high average in relation to the social solidarity index, and the third group (Mountainous villages with far away from the city and the little households) have a very favorable situation in terms of social norms, trust and security. The results show that of the 18 villages studied Dizadiz is the highest social capital and Pivejan the lowest social capital. Discussion: the rural areas suffer of lack of social capital that is one of the most important types of development capitals and as a strategy for achieving rural sustainable development. Part of the social inequality of social capital in the studied villages is due to the difference in the level of bonding social capital and bridging social capital. Lack of investment and attention in strengthening and developing of bridging social capital Including scant Awareness and informing villagers about informal and voluntary organizations (NGOs), little and discontinuous relationships and interactions, poor social networks, lack of provision for participation of villagers in various planning and. . . . In general, the lack of participation of villagers in social, economic, and political actions has led to the lack of development and strengthening of bridging social capital among rural areas studied. Therefore, achieving the desired state of social capital and reducing the spatial inequalities of social capital requires filling the gap between bonding social capital and bridging social capital in rural areas. The important issue that our rural areas are extremely confronted and can be considered as one of the main reasons for the mustiness of rural areas in Iran.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: There is currently no standard definition of “ adolescent. ” Although often captured as an age range, chronological age is just one way of defining adolescence. Adolescence can also be defined in numerous other ways, considering such factors as physical, social, and cognitive developments well as age. Media portrayals of adolescents often seem to emphasize the problems that can be a part of adolescence. Gang violence, school shootings, alcohol-related accidents, drug abuse, and suicides involving teens are all too frequently reflected in newspaper headlines and movie plots. In the professional literature, too, adolescence is frequently portrayed as a negative stage of life a period of storm and stress to be survived or endured So, it may not be surprising that a 1999 survey of the general public by Public Agenda reported that for 71% of those polled, negative terms, such as “ rude, “ wild, ” and “ irresponsible, ” first came to mind when they were asked what they thought about American teenagers. Many other negative attitudes were also expressed by those surveyed. At the same time, however, the survey found that 89% of the respondents believed that “ almost all teenagers can get back on track” with the right kind of guidance and attention. In fact, most adults agree about the kinds of things that are important for adults to do with young people— encourage success in school, set boundaries, teach shared values, teach respect for cultural differences, guide decision making, give financial guidance, and so on. However, fewer actually act on these beliefs to give young people the kind of support they need. . Because of the specific mind structure, adolescents spend one of the most critical stages of life, given that, children and adolescents belonging to the group institutional children of Social Welfare Bureau are persons who are at types of risk and psychological and social damages, The aim of this study was to Compare Affective-Behavioral Disorders and social skills among normal adolescents and institutional children of Social Welfare Bureau in East Azerbaijan province. Method: This study is a descriptive study in term of post-event research or, in other words was comparative-reasoning. The sample consisted of 114 normal adolescents and 102 institutional children of Social Welfare Bureau. Data gathering tools, including the Persian form of self-evaluation questionnaire on the measurement system based on experience Achenbach (ASEBA) that have been standardization by Minaei (1385) for Iranian community adaptation and Matson’ s social skills measure scale. For statistical analysis of collected data, Friedman statistical tests, analysis of multivariate variance (MANOVA) were performed. Findings: The results showed that adolescent girls of Social Welfare Bureau compared with normal adolescent girl, experience more behavioral and emotional problems. Adolescent girls of Social Welfare Bureau compared with normal adolescent girl, had more problems in the field of social skills. There is no significant relations between appropriate social skills and any of the emotional-behavioral disorders components. Only social problems in two groups of institutional children of welfare and normal adolescents were statistically significant. Good social skills, unsafe audacity and high self-esteem had a significant difference between two groups of normal adolescents under the care of welfare. Also In this study, attention problems, anxiety / depression, withdrawal / depression, social problems, thought problems, aggressive behavior, somatic complaints, and Law-breaking behavior in order was emotional – behavioral problems in young people to be institutional children of Social Welfare Bureau. Discussion: In general we can say that early identification of behavioral disorders in adolescents can help us in design and implement of intervention programs. social enrichment programs that target upgrading skills of children and adolescents as anger management, empathy, problem solving and conflict resolution in daily life, by strengthening the social skills prevent from aggression and other problems of children and adolescents. Certainly, many of the problems of extravasation and in vitro digestion can be attributed to a defect in the development of essential life skills. Disadvantages in social skills leave people away from the community and lead them to isolation and prone to emotional disorders, isolation, and as a result of depression. Social, cognitive, emotional and interpersonal skills, and these skills are able to prepare individuals to face up to day-to-day challenges effectively. Adolescents under the care of a well-being are excluded from the family environment, which is the most appropriate environment for the growth and prosperity of the talents of children and adolescents, as well as the healthiest ones, in terms of satisfying social needs, the degree of internalization and extraversion problems more than that of adolescents have given. These boost programs are especially useful for children and young people deprived of their families. The usefulness of social skills promotion programs to cope with aggression and other problems continues even until adulthood and has positive effects on other health problems, such as substance abuse and insecure sexual behaviors.

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Introduction: Link and Phelan (1995) maintain that social conditions are fundamental causes of disease when social variables (1) infl uence multiple diseases, (2) affect these diseases through multiple pathways of risk, (3) are reproduced over time, and (4) involve access to resources that can be used to avoid the disease or minimize the consequences if it occurs. In addition to stratifcation variables such as class, race, and gender, stressful life events and stress-process variables like social support qualify as social factors in their view. Link and Phelan developed fundamental-cause theory with the aim of understanding and addressing a particular and important problem— the persistence over time of extreme levels of socioeconomic inequalities in health and mortality. However, it may be fruitful to expand reasoning about fundamental causes beyond this problem to include outcomes other than health and mortality and fundamental causes other than SES. One of the nvironmental factors affecting mental and physical health is unemployment. The characteristics of the labor market in Iran are unemployment, which has found new dimensions since the entrance of new graduates. The effect of unemployment on mental and physical health of the people, have been approved in numerous researches. The goal of this research is surveying the reason of this relation. So the present research tried to find an answer to this question via using the notion of STIGMA-introduced by Gaffman. Method: The method of this study is survey and cross-sectional, and in order to gather data, questionnaires were used. The statistical population of this survey is all the residents of Tehran, which have always been in the group of the unemployment, according to the features of work force. To do so, 384 participants have been chosen randomly based on the multistage cluster sampling from the employment service offices of Tehran. To measure mental health, the general health questionnaire and to measure the stigma of unemployment of questionnaire developed by the researche was used. Findings: The results of this study state that unemployed men posse weaker mental health than the women. The results of the multivariate regression also showed that the variables of felt stigma with Beta coefficient of (0. 451), self-stigma of (-0. 409) and coping strategies of (0. 213) are respectively the strongest predictors of the mental health of the unemployed. Discussion: Researches about the unemployment stigma-in or out of Iran-, are in their early stages. The results of our survey show that the amount of felt stigma by the unemployed of the society is high, which is of utter importance, especially after considering the increasing rate of unemployment in Iran. Also findings of our study by demonstrating the role of social and cultural factors such as stigma in mental health status of the unemployed has contributed in the development of existing literature of Unemployment. When of having a decent job that important components Indicative the level of success of individuals in the community is People denied, Stigma influence in its obvious and hidden forms all the aspects of hidden and apparent of person’ s life. These people constantly have to hide the shame in their daily lives or cope with its effects. The logical result of this objective and subjective tension gradually endangers a person’ s mental health. When structural pressures in society to the extent that person responsible for everything considers compared to society that with the mechanics that protect people against economic crises and social support, It is obvious that importance of stigma unemployment and its impact in these two social construction proportional and equal will not be.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Body management is a means of continuous monitoring and manipulation of the apparent and visible features of the body. In this study, using indicators of control of physical condition, modification-based behaviors, health and beauty behaviors, nutrition style, cover behaviors as indicators Fundamental has become. The body is not just a biological and psychological being, but a phenomenon that is socially constructed and dealt with. Therefore, in every society of the human body, there is a physical reality and a social reality. The shape, size, clothing and adornment of the human body are a means of communicating and communicating with other members of the community, they can provide information about age, gender, social status, employment, and membership in a particular group. In general, we can say that the body is a culture and it represents the basic issues within that culture. In fact, in every society in its everyday life there is a certain culture that is distinct and different from the culture of other societies and even subcultures within a society, the body and how it manages in different dimensions depends on the cultural, social and religious norms of each Society has. So, it can be said that body management is not a personal issue, but a purely social and cultural issue, and various factors are affected. In sum, the body and how it is managed is the transient factor of social meaning, the creation of social connections, the emergence of identity and the representation of the inner beliefs and in general the sign of the individual and social personality of each human being. Method: From the methods defined by the experts of social sciences, the method of this research should be considered as a survey. The statistical population of the study was the total number of 551653 young people aged 15-29 in Isfahan’ s 14th district. The sampling method has been quoted in this research. The sample size according to the Cochran formula is 384. This sample size has been estimated with a probability of 0. 05 error and 0. 95 confidence level. We also consider the calculated q and p equally. Research hypotheses are based on the ideas of Anthony Giddens, Bourdieu, Gaffman, Grebner and Fredstone. In this study, a questionnaire was used to collect data. The adjusted questionnaire in this study consisted of 82 questions that included questions about general characteristics of respondents and questions and verbal questions about each of the variables in the form of a five-and six-degree spectrum and in the form of closed and re-design responses Has been. The research data were analyzed and analyzed using the advanced statistical software spss15. One of the essential conditions for the interpretation of the results is the value and reliability of the tools used in the research. Therefore, after designing the questionnaire and before finalizing it, it was felt necessary that the questionnaire used in the research in terms of reliability and validity To be The validity of the questions related to the structures was evaluated through the method of determining the content validity and by compiling the views of the judges and social scientists on the references (formal validity), and by compiling their comments, the edits were edited. . The reliability of the research is carried out in order to obtain the repeatability of the measurement instrument. In this study, Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient, which is the most accurate index of internal consistency of questions in a questionnaire, was carried out for 30 first questionnaires of the research, which are indispensable for the required indexes, hence the description and testing of relationships Variables are scientifically valid. In this research, descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics are used to test the relationships between variables, and in the further step it uses regression to express the relationship of variables. Findings: In order to evaluate the body management variable, which is the dependent variable of the research, 30 items at the level of the level of measurement were used as a five-part spectrum. The score of 150 represents the highest level of body management and the score of 30 represents the lowest level of body management. The observed mean of body management variables for young girls was 101. 87 and male youths were 86. 47. Which indicates that young girls have had higher body management behaviors than young boys. Also, among the five dimensions of body management, the two following dimensions, the behavioral changes based on body correction and body health and body behaviors among young girls, are significantly different and higher than young boys. And in the case of three other dimensions, there was no significant difference between young girls and boys. The score of 25 indicates the highest level of behavior based on body correction and change, and the score of 5 indicates the lowest level of behavior based on body correction and change. The observed mean of behavior based on body correction and change is among young girls (14. 33) and among young boys (7. 04). This implies the emergence of normative pressure on young girls through the expectation that the community has “ become beautiful” and “ fit” to them. A score of 40 indicates the highest level of body health and body behaviors, and a score of 8 indicates the lowest level of body health and body behaviors. In the case of body health and body treatments, the average observed size of this dimension among young girls is 29. 85 and is of a high level, indicating that young girls pay more attention to body health and body behaviors Is. And the average observed among young boys is 22/75, which is due to the younger attention of young boys to some body cosmetic behaviors. Based on the inferential results, the variables of social identity (r = 0. 282), religious identity (r = 0. 158), gender identity (r =. 188), cultural capital (r = 234/0), level of education and management of the body Among the women, there was a significant correlation between social identities (r = 0. 261), religious identity (r = 0. 141), gender identity (r = 0. 175) and body management among men You’ ve been there. There was also a significant correlation between regression analysis between gender variables, social identity, cultural capital, attention and management among young people, and these variables were able to explain 0. 476% of the variance in body management. Discussion: According to the results of the research, young girls may be of particular importance to physical and physical appearances. In the present situation, the management of body and appearance is also very important for boys. Which is likely to be influenced by the features of modernity. Because in modernity, what we wear or what we decorate our body brings up a kind of central body idea that makes us and our personality. As a result, young girls care for and control over their lives that are under their control and power. The body of the carrier is identity for them. And that’ s why it’ s important to pay attention to physical appearances among girls. But based on the results of the boys, body management may be important because young boys like girls also want to open their own personal identity, which is somewhat different from the values and social norms of their surroundings.

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