Major lentil growing areas in Iran (93%) are in rainfed condition. Therefore, It is important to find genotype or genotypes with high yielding, Stable and adapted to rainfed conditions. The objective of these research was to study the stability of grain yield and adaptability of genotypes in promising lentil lines under dryland conditions. Experimental material included 11 lentil genotypes were studied using randomized compelet block design with four replications at Kermanshah, Lorestan, Shirvan, Ilam and Gonbad field Research Stations during three successive grwoing seasons (2001-04). The results of combined analysis of variance showed that year × location, genotypes × location, year × location × genotypes were significant at 1% level of probability. Statistical methods used for measuring yield stability were coefficient of variation (C.V.), Shokla's stability variance, Wrick's ecovalance, rank-sum method, coefficient of determination (R2), non-parametric methods of rank and simultaneous selection for yield and satbility. On the basis of regression coefficient of Finlay and Wilkinson genotype FLIP 96-9L, FLIP 96-4L, ILL 6037 and FLIP 92-15L had general adaptability to over environments and genotype FLIP 92-12L was suitable for favorable environments. The result of coefficient of variation indicated that genotypes FLIP 92-12L, FLIP 82-1L, ILL 6037 and FLIP 96-4L were the most stable genotypes. Shokla's stability variance, Wrick 's ecovalance and rank-sum method introduced genotypes FLIP 82-1L, FLIP 92-12L and ILL 6199 as more stable and adapted genotypes. The highest coefficient of determination (R2) belonged to genotype FLIP 92-12L. Result of stability analysis on grain yield using non-parametric methods of rank and simultaneous selection for yield and satbility showed that genotypes FLIP 92-12L and FLIP 82-1 L were superior for stability and adaptation. Based on stability parameters, it can be concluded that genotypes FLIP 92-12L and FLIP 82-1 L were the more stable genotypes.