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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: According to daily increasing request of people for promenades and recreational centers, social and economic analysis and full review of people requirements is a key factor in providing required facilities. There are various methods for recreational valuation such as Travel Cost Method (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). Between these two, TCM is adequate to evaluate nonuse values of fountain.Methodology: TCM method was used for recreational evaluation of Dimeh fountain in this study. Generally speaking, TCM method includes 7 steps: 1st step: producing map for determining the situation of regarded region; 2nd step: determining concentric circles around the region with various radius but by constant distance; 3rd step: calculating ratio of visit to 10000 people in each circle (VR); 4th step: getting distance, cost average and the time of two way trip for each restricted circle; 5th step: modeling or determining relation between distance, travel cost and the number of visitors to promenade, so researchers could estimate the request function for average visitors; 6th step: calculating request function by using the estimated relation for promenade; 7th step: calculating area under request curve to determine economic value of promenade; and finally 8th step: case-study investigation of some features of visitors like literacy level, age, sex, education level, amount of income, etc. As mentioned before, Clawson travel cost method has been used here. It could be summarized in the functional model as follows:Vij/Ni=F (TCij, Sij, Ajk)In which Vij number of visitors of the region (i) that visit from promenade (j), Ni total number population of the region (i), TCij cost of accessing to promenade (j) from the region (i), Sij socio-economic characteristics of visitors of the region (i) that visit from promenade (j), Aij attractiveness and aesthetics characteristics of promenade (j) compared with other ones (k). In this model, ratio of visit to 10000 people in each region (VR) considered as a dependent variable and average travel cost and three socio-economic variables (Age, Education and Income level) considered as independent variables. By putting mean amounts of age, education and monthly income variables simplified formation of equation could be concluded.In economic analysis of promenade, relation between mean cost and number of visitors shows visitor attribute to cost changes therefore to know visitor’s behavior against paying at entrance they gave various hypothetical opportunity to them in questionnaires, then they increased payments to average cost of accessing to fountain and put new costs in a simplified model and calculated new ratio of visitors for new costs to 10000 people. At the end, by measuring under area of request function from new ratio of visitors and by using model No. 2 daily recreational value of fountain was estimated:V=Sni=1 N.AP      In which V is the economic value of the promenade, N is the number of visitors and AP is the hypothetical entrance price.Results and Discussion: Results showed that variables like age, education and amount of visitor’s income had significant impacts on use of promenades. Investigation of relation between monthly income levels with number of days, which people go to picnic showed that correlation coefficient between these two variables, is 0.72 which explains high dependence of number of picnic days to their monthly income. Calculating correlation coefficient between monthly income level and their interest to pay the entrance fee (0.58) showed correlation too.  Investigation of relation between travel cost and number of visitors showed that high correlation between these two variables is – 0.79 which explains decrease in number of visitors as travel costs increases. Results also showed that the number of visitors decreases while distance from fountain increases. Relation between these two variables showed that the correlation amount is – 0.84. The results were not unexpected at all; there were similar results from parks in United States. It also showed that level of education has a key role in absorbing visitors for Dimeh fountain as most of the visitors had university education. Level of advantage has direct relation with income, as relief times of people would increase by increasing level of education. Investigation of studying in some promenades of the country showed that there are more interest among teenagers and middle ages but our results showed that most of the visitors (24%) were in the range of 30-34 ages.As mentioned above, the recreational value of fountain calculates based on request function.Regression equation is: VR=exp (-0.00024TC+0.059E+0.3062A+0.00000465I-19.062)In which VR is ratio of number of visitors in every 10000 persons to population of home region, TC is travel cost, E is educational level, A is age, and I is the amount of monthly income. By putting mean amounts of age, education and monthly income variables simplified formation of equation (3) will transform into equation (4):VR=exp (-0.00024TC-4.7335)      By considering equation (2) under area request curve of fountain which is the same daily recreational value, is 723852000 Iranian Rials.High daily recreational value of Dimeh fountain which was recorded in the summer of 2008 is comparable to the two studies about Anzali wetland (2006) and Taleghani forest park (2007). Estimated values are about 720, 120 and 420 million Iranian Rials respectively for these three promenades. Even by the inflation in time space of these studies, results showed that Dimeh fountain needs more attention and legislation design for tourism industry.Conclusion: This research was conducted to estimate the nonuse values of natural attractions using T.C.M. The findings indicate that the estimated economic value provides enough justification for authorities to increase admission fees in order to maintain the quality of the natural environment, and thereby avoid the degradation of natural attractions. The findings also indicate that fountains provide considerable nonuse values for citizens.

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Introduction: Environment quality is known as one of the effective factors in intra-urban population movement. In the recent decades, the appearance of declining environmental quality has affected the old economic structure of Iranian cities and also confronted its resistance with danger. It results in native exit from the valuable ancient core of the cities toward the new and middle regions. Functional decrease and the increasing physical erosion of the texture and the decrease in its sprightliness and quality are obvious results of the succession of this cycle (more migrations lead to lower environmental quality) with which Khorramabad, the ancient city, is confronted.This research intends to study the above mentioned cycle and the urban unsustainability in the old texture of Khorramabad and its fundamental presupposition is that by percept and recognition of the rate and reasons of the satisfactory of the citizens with their life, we can stop the exit of the population from these regions and stop the decreasing population of historical and central texture of the cities and provide a spatial balance in regions and textures of the cities.Methodology: Regarding to the nature of the case and the analysis components, the authors have used descriptive-analysis research method, and the central aim of the research is evaluating the effect of citizens' satisfaction with their life environmental quality on intra-urban population movement. Dependent variable is the intra-urban migrations and the independent one is the criteria related to environment quality and house ownership in urban regions. The method of collecting data is the questioner and field interview with the sample size 388. Data have been analyzed by the statistical software SPSS.Results and Discussion: In order to analyse the role of the residents' satisfaction level with their residential environment in the old and central parts of Khorramabad in intra-urban migrations, first the authors have studied the satisfaction level of residential environment at residence perception, then they divided this criteria into 10 subcriteria (well-being and entertainment facilities, peacefulness, places for social interaction, cultural and educational facilities, urban environment identification, health and remedial service, transportation and communication service, safety, tribal and relationship relations, and physical characteristics) in order to define their tendency to migration. In the next step, the authors have studied the relationship between two variables: satisfaction level with life environment and intra-urban migrations.Statistical tests are used based on indicator type, answers average, in order to understand the satisfaction level with criteria urban environment quality. T test is a single sample, used for understanding the relationship between intra-urban migrations and criteria relative to environment quality. Since migration is a nominal variable and satisfaction level with environment quality criteria is an ordinal one, the V correlation coefficient has been used.Conclusion: The analysed area with 117 hectares extent is located on the central part of Khorramabad. The results suggest that about 60% of the sample society, desire to immigrate from the old texture. The satisfaction level of ancient texture residents with their residential environment is evaluated about (1<2/6<5) means and theoretical average of 3. The residents have been satisfied with 10 criteria such as creating residential environment quality, and with safety and family and relationship dependence at average level. The results of this relationship between residential environment quality and intra-urban migrations, confirms the sensitivity of these movements against residential environment quality and indicates meaningful irrelation between the mentioned criteria (intra-urban migrations and house ownership). On contrary, it also indicates the reverse relations of some criteria like safety, urban environment identification, public health service, physical characteristic, with intra-urban migration. Moreover, the more tribal and relationship relation the lower intra-urban migrations.

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Introduction: The experience has proved that development of tourism creates economic, social and environmental impacts. In fact, the policy of sustainable tourism development, is today a general approach that the government have been considered in terms of tourism in ecology and acceptable long-term self-sufficient financially and in terms of social and ethical perspectives useful for local communities and is promising. Therefore, tourism should be a part of the natural environment, as well as cultural and human resources to usage balance between them to maintain. The natural and cultural resources and the others for tourism usage must be preserved permanently in the future, the benefits for the community to have. Basically, tourism policies should improve living standards of people who visit different areas, and solve their needs. Tourism development and management, if compatible with the environment, is an essential factor in achieving sustainable development.Tourism in Meshkinshahr city is one of the categories that need to be considered. Meshkinshahr in Ardebil province is located in northwest Iran, and is located 839 km. far from Tehran. The climate of this city is mountainous and the temperature during the year varies between -30 and +30°C. Sabalan mountain is located in 25 km. of this city. The old names of this city include: Orami, Varavy, Peshgin, and Khiyav. Meshkinshahr, has many tourist attractions (natural, historical and cultural ones). Warm mineral waters of this city are the most important tourist attractions.Methodology: In this study the affects of tourism development in Meshkinshahr is examined and implications have been suggested for sustainable development of tourism industry in order to increase its revenues while decreasing the consequent negative effects. Consistent with the objective, this study is an applied and in the light of methodology and nature, it is regarded as a descriptive-analytical and co relational one.  The statistical community of this study includes experts and specialists of organizations and institutions of Meshkinshahr with the overall number of 55 participants. The study is conducted based on library and field (questionnaire) data collection. Simple linear regression analysis is used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. Hypotheses of this study include:- Development of tourism in Meshkinshahr leads to negative effects on the physical environment.- Tourism development, associates the social and cultural development in Meshkinshahr township.- Tourism development, has positive effects on Meshkinshahr economic development.Results and Discussion: Results showed that tourism has negative effect on environment. In other words, the development of tourism in the Meshkinshahr causes negative and undesirable effects on its environment. They also showed that splurge waste is the most important environmental impact of tourism development in this city. Moreover, the development of tourism has led economic, Cultural and social development in the Meshkinshahr.According to the results obtained, the following suggestions are presented to develope tourism and increasing the positive effects of economic, social, and cultural tourism, and reduce negative environmental effects:- Development of historical and cultural tourism due to abundant historical and cultural attractions;- Development of ecotourism as one of the important forms of tourism due to natural attractions and exceptional of Meshkinshahr;- Identification, preservation and introduction of plant and animal species and attract tourists interested in this field;- Using the talents in the region, such as producing of fruits, nuts and increasing the role of local handicrafts and arts in attracting tourists and supply these products to them;- Development of nomads tourism, according to Shah Sevan nomads, etc. which live in the region; - Preparation of marketing and advertising programs to introduce the Meshkinshahr to tourists and encourage them to visit the region, as well as improving the facilities and tourism information in destination areas;- Improving recreational, cultural and public health facilities and so on;- Improving access and transportation to tourism sites, especially historical sites;Using the power of organizational rules, and regulations, in order to reduce hazards and environmental pollution in ecological tourism areas;Conclusion:Tourism development is one of the most important development sectors in the present century that can cause economic and social development in countries. But, development of tourism in the Meshkinshahr township causes negative and undesirable effects on the environment. Also, the development of tourism has led to economic, Cultural and social development in Meshkinshahr. Consequently, without careful planning for environmental - tourism, it will lead to negative impacts on environment and environmental degradation.The results of this study may be applied by organization and institutions such as: Cultural Heritage; Tourism & Handicrafts; Environment Preservation Organization of Ardebil and Meshkin Shahr as well as Municipal and Local Government of Meshkinshahr (Provincial Government of Ardebil).  

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Introduction: Rural entrepreneurship can refer to new ventures that happen to be created in rural regions as the result of an intervention, such as a tax subsidy, to attract businesses into an area or via the in-migration of city dwellers that subsequently start businesses. It can also refer to creation of ventures that result from the unique endowments in rural regions that do not exist in metropolitan areas. Such businesses may involve agriculture (viniculture or the farming of high-value specialty foods such as organic produce), lifestyles (eco-tourism, spas and retreats), extraction (mining or forestry), and knowledge industries (software development or artistic-content creation). Nowadays rural entrepreneurs in developing economies may already be living at a subsistence level when making the decision to start the venture. For a sustainable rural enterprise, production must take place at an efficient scale, which implies capital accumulation and hence, savings beyond subsistence level consumption. New ventures in rural areas must be rapidly scalable, which implies considerable investments and technology intensity relative to the share of labor and have access to fast growth demand markets. More importantly, because high value employment opportunities tend to be limited in rural areas, new ventures must be capable of providing employment to family and extended family members.Methodology: Therefore, with this introduction, entrepreneurship development is one of the activities that could eliminate very great challenges (unemployment, low income, invariant economic, etc.) in rural area and work in other aspect of rural people life. Thus, the economists and knowledgeable people believe that entrepreneurs are among the main as well as strategic factors in economic development, that by using old method experiences and ellipse their deficiency and replacing the modern and efficient methods enliven to economic system. Therefore, could conclude that rural entrepreneurship is the modern approach in development theories to empowerment and capacity building in rural areas for decreasing the rural- urban gaps, economic, social, environmental and institutional equality creation, and important means in accede to sustainable development. Nonetheless, entrepreneurship development in rural areas, regard to best site selection for activities pitch, related to entrepreneurship. Although, programmers have used different methods with a view to site gradation, but peer that, gradation technique based on multi- criteria decision making analysis is one of the most useful methods for site ranking. Multi-criterion decision-making (MCDM) methods are gaining importance because of their inherent ability to judge different alternative scenarios for selecting the best alternative which may be further analyzed in depth for its final implementation. A multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method, called PROMETHEE, was applied to assist with the systematic analysis and evaluation of the alternatives. PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method of Enrichment Evaluation) is of out ranking nature. Results and Discussion: PROMETHEE is a non-parametric outranking method for a finite set of alternatives. It is based on positive (out) and negative (in-) preference flows for each alternative in the valued outranking relation to rank the alternatives according to the selected preferences (weights). Positive flow expresses how much the specific alternative is dominating other alternatives, and negative flow expresses how much that alternative is dominated by the others. The method uses preference function P j (a,b) which is a function of the deference d j between two alternatives for any criterion j, i.e. d j=f (a,j)ÿf (b,j ) where f (a,j ) and f (b,j ) are values of two alternatives a and b for criterion j. Thus, in this study, PROMETEE technique has been used for entrepreneurship development gradation in rural areas of centric district of Khodabande county. Results show that the rural regions Nazargholi, Aghchehghia and Lachowan acquired the first, second and third ranking. Research methodology is descriptive- analytical.Conclusion: In rural areas of centric district of Khodabande county specially Nazargholi, Aghchehghia and Lachowan rural, entrepreneurship can be promoted by developing the attitudinal and cognitive readiness of population in scattered settlements, i.e. those who are giving up farming or making their living only partly out of agriculture. Entrepreneurial career orientation could just be one option for them. They could become acquainted with the basics of entrepreneurship, with its varying forms and opportunities in rural contexts. It is important to start from attitudes and then move further on developing knowledge and readiness as usual in rural entrepreneurship education.

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Introduction: The formation of built spaces in composition to open spaces is one of the important subjects in designing architectural spaces. Different factors were important in formation of open spaces in traditional architecture. The kind of function of a building was one of these factors, because the quality of designing courtyards and its elements were dependent to the type and quality of building’s functions. For example there were no trees in the courtyards of Jame mosque, because in Fridays (weekend holidays in Iran) ,there are enough spaces for prayers in it; while there were enough green spaces in old school’s curtyards, because in the past, students studied in traditional schools and the function of these courtyards were similar to the yards houses'. Some researchers in Iran have written that the formation of courtyards was a reflection of cultural factors. In base of the existing classification in Iran, the buildings are divided only to two kinds- introvert and extrados- which are not reasonable or suitable for generalizability.Methodology: The main objective of this research is to show and to prove the relationship between geography and the formation of courtyards in traditional houses in Iran. Methodology of this study has been based on descriptive and analytical methods. The statistical population and samples included the traditional houses in Iran. It is based on field study as well as documentary study.Results and Discussion: On the base of remaining traces of houses in ancient / historical settlements, that belong to sixth millennium B.C. and after that, in many places in Iran, and on the base of many settlements in Mesopotamia, a house usually was formed of two sections: a covered built space, and an open space, because in south and central regions of Iran and Mesopotamia – and the other regions with the same characteristics – that the climate of half of a year was warm and moderate and less than a semi year, was cold; some of the dwelling`s activities were have done in open spaces.In spite of obvious role of geographical factors in forming open spaces in the houses, some researchers have said that the cultural factors were the main reasons in shaping courtyards.It seems that the classifications of different kinds of open spaces and the relation it with the built spaces in Iran, are very general and in many cases aren`t careful.The main questions of this research are: 1) what were the main factors of forming courtyards in traditional houses? 2) How can categorize the kinds of open spaces in relation to built spaces in traditional houses?The objectives of performance of this research are first, to pay attention to quality and manner of the effect of geographical factors in forming the open spaces in houses: and second, to present a types of comprehensive classification for typology of kinds of courtyards in houses.The hypothesis of this research is that the geographical factors had the main and important roles in forming the types of courtyards in traditional houses in Iran. The historical – inter pretational research method has been used in this research. The geographical factors are the independent variables, and the type of open spaces or courtyards, are the dependent ones in it. Data collections were in field and were documentary. The theoretical framework of this research was based upon the main role of geographical factors in forming courtyards in traditional houses.The results of this research show that the quality and a variety formation of courtyards were influenced by geographical phenomenon, and have presented new classification different types of courtyards in traditional houses in Iran, according to geographical characteristics.Conclusion: One of the important results of this research is presenting a new classification in types of applied – environmental open spaces or courtyards in Iranian traditional courtyards. The kinds of applied – environmental open spaces at first are divided into two forms: 1) one side courtyards, it means the courtyards that were provided their surrounded buildings from one side (inward, or outward). The one side courtyards are divided into three kinds: inward, outward, and semi inward open spaces.The two side courtyards, refers the courtyards that were provided their light and ventilation for their surrounding buildings from two sides (inward, and outward) are divided into two forms of inward two side courtyards, and inward – out ward courtyards: while in common classifications in Iran that have been reflected in architectural spaces only were divided in two groups: inward and outward spaces: that is very common and incareful.It seems that the classification of applied open spaces and courtyards in traditional houses from environmental as well as geographical views into ten forms in Iran todays. They are as follows: 1) atrium, 2) pit – parterre, 3) orangery, 4) backyard, 5) small garden, 6) terrace, 7) stable`s court, 8) ward, 9) enclosure, 10) surrounded flat roof.

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Introduction: After the Cold War and following Saddam Hussain’s attack to Kuwait, the United States relying on its political, economical, and military abilities, proposed the idea of New World Order with its leadership. Also after September 11, 2001, the U.S. using the time gained with this assumption that it has the historical mission to deal with global threats, adopted unilateral and power axis policies and measures in the world. Given the importance of oil and gas in the global energy balance, and the fact that the U.S. owns 2 percents of global oil reserves but consumes about 25 percent of the world’s oil, provides the necessary motivation of the U.S. for securement of oil and gas resources and their transmission routes to supply its energy needs through playing effective role in security of energy supplies and transmission routes as well as controlling its competitors. Importance of oil and gas resources, including the Middle East and Caspian Sea oil reserves about 70 percent of oil and 40 percent of world gas reserves, have caused the U.S. to create contexts for political, economical and cultural interests in line with the region in order to establish its global hegemony. In this context, the Greater Middle East Project is considered. Methodology: This paper has been prepared using descriptive - analytical method (content analysis), looking for an answer to the question: “According to the Greater Middle East Project in connection with the U.S. global hegemony, how the lack of Iran’s coordination with the project, due to its Geopolitical weight and its position in the Middle East can affect this project?” In this respect, position and capabilities of the Greater Middle East region for facilitating the U.S global hegemony and then the effects of the Greater Middle East project on Iran have been investigated and finally Iran’s capabilities to challenge the project and the costs should be tolerant by Iran because the lack of its coordination with the project is mentioned. Results and Discussion: Following the period called "the cold war" and the occupation of Kuwait by Saddam Hussain, the leader of Iraqi army, especially after September 11, 2001 and the dominant of neoconservatives, the U.S. attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and adopted an aggressive as well as intervenient foreign policy. Neoconservatives believe that the global peace and the stability could be just achieved through hegemony, not through the balance of power. Nowadays, by raising the Geo-economic thoughts instead of ideological ones of the cold war era and the importance of transmission routes and sources of oil and gas due to their considerably important roles in global energy balance, the great powers are encouraged to control the energy sources and routes of transmission to strengthening their regional and global role and leadership.  Therefore the United States to guarantee the oil and gas flow from Middle East to consumer countries and also controlling its regional and global competitors planned and operated the Greater Middle East Project.Conclusion: Since there are many objectives in the Greater Middle East Project, such as security guarantees for Israel, the struggle with Political Islam as the war against terrorism, controlling the United States global and regional competitors, spreading American culture in the form of liberal democracy and ensuring the flow of energy from the region, it is obvious that each of these objectives has some threats for Iran and therefore Iran criticizes the project. The geopolitical weight and the position of Iran in the Middle East in terms of geostrategic, geo-economic, scope of influence and its strong religious, ethnic, linguistic, historical, cultural and political links with the Greater Middle East communities that also confess by the U.S., allows Iran to continue its opposition without any cooperation with the Grater Middle East Project and challenging its success. On the other hand, Iran’s noncooperation with the Project and opposing it, have caused various actions against Iran by the U.S. to weaken its position and influence in the Middle East. The results show that Iran’s opposition and noncooperation with the mentioned project can lead to many challenges against the success and the implementation of the Project and also the creation and stabilization of U.S. global hegemony. Of course, these oppositions and noncooperations may cause different political costs and effects, as well as economical and environmental ones.

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Introduction: Many different cities in variant periods confront to respond the increasing population and development, in order to prevent inappropriate development, and tend to draw their patterns of growth and urban development. Now that in recent decades with the emergence of new attitudes to urban development infill development has been considered as part of this paradigm that the current policies in the country regardless of this attention to this postulate, only responds the accountability immediate needs of society and therefore ignores the consequences of such decisions in future developments as well as their impacts. Hence smart growth concepts provide appropriate development and urban growth patterns providing housing programs in order to supply affordable residential units are among the major necessities. But should be noted that these concepts without regard to localization these concepts has the consequences much worse will follow. Hence precise concepts, challenges, strategies of these models for localizing them should be surveyed.Methodology: The main objective of this article is recognition the housing policies of Maskan Mehr in Iran as the most important general policies in housing and urban development and scientific criticism of its necessity and the limits of urban development as well as presenting infill development as a smart growth model or an adaptive strategy in this urban smart growth policies. So first, paid for the need to develop horizontal city that has persisted in Maskan Mehr so that if these growth are really necessary or it can replace with another growth pattern and model and then explain the process and the framework of infill development and will ultimately feasibility infill development as alternative housing solution has been considered. This phase revealed infill development by using current infrastructure and preventing sprawl growth try to decrease cost of growth and development but there is some physical and ordinance challenge to use of this pattern of growth.First of all, the article argues about the necessity of the mentioned approach in city growth and if this growth is an adaptive policy to respond the physical, social and economic necessity, or it is just a temporary solution to housing problems. In this phase the study is based upon two models of urban growth. 1) The sprawl growth as a current model of growth in Iranian cities; and 2) The infill development that is based on smart growth and new urbanism. In a comparative assessment, it should be found that, according to the case-study, which model is suitable for urban growth. So if the approach of Maskan Mehr is based on the sprawl growth, it is suitable; otherwise it will cause a lot of economic, physical and social effect. Actually sprawl growth accurse in exterior land, but infill development means development of a vacant parcel, or an assemblage of vacant parcels, within an established area of the city, and which is bordered along at least three-quarters of the parcel’s, or combined parcels’, perimeter by developed land. Moreover, such parcels generally have different utilities and street access available adjacent to the parcel, and has other public services and facilities available near-by. Generally, these sites are vacant because they were once considered of insufficient size for development, because the existing buildings located on the site were demolished, or because there were various sites, more suitable or less costly ones for development. Then the frameworks, necessities, challenges and action plans for infill development will be considered. And finally it finds that the zones include suitable physical potentials to localization of infill development in Natanz, Iran.Results and Discussion: Primeval result of this article shows that the infill development can manage as a guidance urban growth to reduce the costs and effects of widespread growth and extol the optimal usage of current infrastructure and facilities. In this case study, Maskan Mehr localization, necessary attentions have not been paid; and definitely it leads to increase the costs of building new infrastructures and other facilities such as roads, structure, primary facilities, commercial zones etc. But in current city boundary, there are a lot of arid lands where the residents have moved immigrated to other places and Brownfield early was farmland or forest. This site makes possible for urban management policies to use this opportunity in order to guide city growth into infill development.Conclusion: Overall results of this study show that the cities can load growth into infill development strategy their current facilities and urban structure support it, by the way Maskan Mehr as the current housing policy beyond the structure and facilities is formed in current city, and double the cost to provide infrastructure and urban services will impose to urban management authorities. Hence the direct public investment flows towards infill development, while optimum use of the existing capacity, the cost of urban growth will considerably be reduced in all aspects such as environmental, economic categories, as well as the social ones.

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Introduction: From the fore past Tabriz Bazaar had many verity and powerful functions which protected a very vast national and international limited area. In recent decades the inattention of urban projects expose cadence it. Nowadays Tabriz bazaar has various roles such as historical and commercial roles as well as residential ones. In 421 hectare in total with surrounding areas, 13340 commercial units, production units which include 24 percent of all commercial units in Tabriz. This shows the density of different activities in this part of city, which provides the most needs of people. Furthermore, most of political departments such as governorship, governess, municipality and economical affairs organizations are located in this part. The presence of different activities in the area of Tabriz Bazaar have cause of the decreasing quality of commercial values. This study is tries to improve this fact that to revive of identity and book keeping of Tabriz Bazaar, it is necessary for changing and updating the existing land use not to build the new commercial units. One of the main cartelistic of city in Islamic era was in their commercial structure which was located in the intensive sit by the consistently and uniformly set. Central Bazaar in Middle East Islamic cities were the economic center of gravity. They were the places of business, production and focal point of faith and policy. Before 1300 the Iranian cities had the clear tribute of these cities. In Islamic- Persian city Bazaar, Arg (government place) and holistic mosque were the main elements in city body, which by constantly interactive relation supported each other. Tabriz Bazaar has been one of the most important and grateful from the Islamic- Persian era till now. It has been the main business, manufacturing and international trade center of Persian Carpet. It has a good position in the national and international trucking to Europe transit. The objective of this study is to interest the urban planners and managers to pay more attention to protect and reduction the historic- cultural identity of Tabriz Bazaar in order to socio- economic dynamism and development of Tabriz itself. So we analysis the economic functions of bazaar and its effect on its purview. Methodology: To understand and identify the importance of Tabriz Bazaar and its effects on purview as well, the authors have used descriptive and historical method. They studied Tabriz Bazaar`s purview in two levels: regional and international. They used the gravitation and defection point models by using the population data of county cities and their distances from each other.Results and Discussion: Tabriz Bazaar has a central position in East Azarbaijan. It has many functions especially in commerce, tourism and recreation fields. It has dispelled the far regions settlements needs, which is biggest than its existing county sundries. As we know the extent of purview depends on the socio- economics and political powers of the central place. Tabriz as the only city in south west of Iran, has more than one million population. For its historical and geographical position it has an important socio- economic and political role in this region. The study of its purview in county and region show that its boundaries extent all the time in to its neighborhood counties. After the year of 1355 the extent of its purview has moderated progressively. It came down in 1385 to 64/6 percent from 68/7 percent in 1345. One of the reasons of that was the increasing of population density in central cities of its neighborhood provinces, like Ardebil, Oromia, Zanjan and Sanandaj. The results of this study show that the compacting of Tabriz bazaar functions are caused centralization of some functions like services and carpet industries in the historic center of Tabriz. Therefore the most suitable way for achieving sustainable development in Tabriz is: declining the compacting functions and increase the competition between trades and antagonistic activities.The analyses of Defection Point Model also show that the dominance of Tabriz has an important effect on the urban hierarchy and system of county.Conclusion: The centralization of activities in Tabriz is the most important characteristic of spatial distribution of service in this province, and south west of Iran as a whole. The regional, national and international realm of Tabriz is very brood. The miscellany of Tabriz Bazaar and its surrounding areas by 427 hectare vastness is 3 percent of Tabriz. It includes 13340 commercial and 1990 production units, which involve the 24 percent of commercial and production activities in Tabriz. The 50 percent business of commercial units of this city is down in this district. This means that the massive action in this zone.Tabriz Bazaar has also the variety of functions like historical, cultural and so on. It attracts more than 40 percent of daily travels Tabriz. It is expected by empowering of Ardebil and Oromia the firstly city phenomena of Tabriz will be ended next 10 years.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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