The speedy and uncontrolled urbanism, urban unbalanced physical development and in particular the eroded and demolished urban historical textures in Iran in recent decades has found such a broad dimension, which threaten the civic urban safety and identity intensively referring to the policies and plans of urban development, this paper makes attempt to evaluate the existing signs and witnesses of the urban renovation and improvement records.
In line with this idea, the main objective of the paper is review and evaluate the urban development plans and policies and in particular the old urban texture. In the view to the
fact that the comprehensive and sustainable policy making and planning for renovation, redevelopment and fixing the old urban textures and their adaptability with the environmental and cultural structures are among the essentials of urban development, and also concerning the fact that the preservation and renovating plans will increase the security co- efficiency of the buildings against the natural disasters and in particular earthquake, and considering the fact that while preserving cultural heritage and procuring urban crisis management, these plans will bring about urban sustainable development, so dealing with this subject is of great significance.
This research will use descriptive, analytical, historical and referential methodology.
or the purpose of evaluating the urban development policies and plans, the documents, contents, objectives, strategies, executive measures and performance of the development plans in each planning stage have been reviewed. Then considering the aspects related to the old urban textures, the dominating attitude, comprehensiveness, adaptability and inadaptability of the plans with regard to their impact on old urban textures have been evaluated.