Introduction: Evaluation of the impacts of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) on the patients, their family and government are necessary.
Unfortunately these evaluations have not been done.
Objective: Due to increased incidence of CL
in Isfahan province especially in rural areas, this study was done to assess the expenses of
this disease in Isfahan in 1999.
Patients and Methods: 196 patients were selected randomly from four areas of Isfahan
province (2 rural and 2 urban), on the basis of data from Health Center in 1999. The amount of money that was paid for physician visit,
traveling, accessory expenses (for example to
insecticide), injections, dressing and
drugs for treatment of CL were asked and recorded.
Results: The mean amount paid in rural and urban areas were 208307 and 457327 Rials,
Conclusion: Incidence of CL is about 10-30
thousands of patients in Isfahan each year, therefore the yearly expense of treatment is
about 3-6 milliard Rials. We must change our strategies for controlling and eradicating this