G6PD deficiency is a red cell enzymopathy which is very frequent in certain Persian Gulf area and Mediterranean countries. A relatively high incidence of fauvism and neonatal jaundice carried us to study the prevalence of enzyme deficiency in Hormozgan province with about 1.2 million populations.
811 males between 15-20 years old were studied randomly from Bandar Abbas, Haji-Abad, Bandar- Lengeh, Rodan, Minab, Jask and Gheshm Island. G6PD activity in red cells measured by WHO recommended method and classified in five classes according to their anemia and G6PD activity level as WHO reference.
The study showed 5 cases (0.6%) in class I, 115 cases (14.2%) in class II, 131 cases (16.2%) in class III, 559 cases(68.9%) in class IV and I case(O.1%) in class V. The average hemoglobin level in class I was 10.2± 0.6 gm/dl. The highest rates for each class were class I (1.8%) and class III(18.5%) in Gheshm island, class II(23.8%) in Haji-Abad, and class IV(77.1 %) in Bandar Lengeh; This study proved that the species found in Bandar-Lengeh had the least clinical symptoms among 'the existing varieties.
Km NADP in class II was 9.1 ±7.15 µmol/L, in class III 3±0.9 µmol/Land in class IV 3.6±1.8 µmol/L, While, Km G6P in class II, Ill, IV were 31.±12.8 µmol/L,44.8±10.7 µmol/L and 50.5±12.5 µmol/L, respectively.
Except for class I carriers, which showed mild chronic anemia, the rest of cases did not have Remarkable clinical symptom. Some cases mentioned jaundice in childhood. MCV was also measured in different classes, but that excluded from our discussion due to high prevalence of alpha and beta thalassemia.