Topsides of offshore platforms contain different equipment, therefore earthquake excitation may impose large forces on them. However during design of these topsides, the interaction of the secondary systems and primary structure is not usually considered, which may result in a non-realistic response of structure. In order to study this subject, by using Open Sees software, a 3D model of a typical platform in the Persian Gulf is constructed and analyzed, when subjected to different records of ground motion. These records are scaled for two earthquake levels. In the first level the structure is in elastic condition but for the second level it behaves inelastically. According to the results, for secondary systems with low periods of vibration, interactions between structure and secondary system can be neglected. But when the period of secondary system is increased, it is necessary to consider interactions effects. According to the results of this research, when ratio of the frequency of secondary system to primary structure is less than 7 or 10 for linear and nonlinear conditions, respectively, a conservative estimate of response may be obtained by neglecting the interaction effects.