An integrated analysis methodology composed of four components: visual modeling, simulation, diagnosis and reduction of bottleneck processes of production lines has been presented in this paper. Various components are integrated to analyze the bottleneck process of production lines including process parameters and production planning. In this method, 3D dynamic modeling, which includes physical and logical modeling, is the basis to define the entire layout, the visual simulation and the diagnosis of the production line. Simulation is the most crucial part for acquiring many data to quickly diagnose the bottleneck processes in the production line. The reducing method of bottleneck processes, which includes two anti-bottleneck ways, local expansion and bypass reducing, is the premise to redesign the production line. Because the result of each following steps can be fed back to the previous steps, the bottleneck processes of the production line can be quickly diagnosed and reduced. With this method, an existing production line is virtually modeled in a computer, simulated and analyzed. Based on the simulation results, the bottleneck processes are quickly diagnosed. Some ways for reducing bottleneck processes are proposed and their simulation results are quickly achieved in the simulation environment. Results reveal that the integrated analysis method can integrate the following functions: modeling, simulation, bottleneck diagnosis and reduction of production lines, and as a result quickly diagnose the bottleneck processes, redesign the production line, and provide a preanalysis tool for the production plan.