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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to define the ways of solving problems in food security at the expense of domestic production. The gross output of agricultural, forestry and fishery products was applied as the main cost indicator. Using data from the surveyed areas, the yield level per hectare across the entire crop area was determined. Balance model was divided into resource and distributive parts and involved data obtained in state statistical observations and reports from administrative sources. Thus, in the article, there are proposed measures to balance the related development of agricultural production and a rise in effective demand. There are recommended measures on public regulation of Agro-Industrial Complex (AIC) that have a systemic nature and include the maximum possible use of indirect instruments, Calculations have shown that these measures will increase the share of domestic food, namely, the overall volume of salable resources of the internal market. There is a need to improve the mechanisms of financial leasing of agricultural machinery and industrial equipment for the processing industry and support agriculture to the extent permitted by WTO terms with a focus on restoring the equivalent relationship between agriculture, industry, and trade.

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Sustainable livelihoods approach is one of the new analytical approaches in the arena of rural development, and is considered much in recent years in order to achieve rural development and poverty reduction. The purpose of this study was to assess the sustainability of livelihoods of rural households from the perspective of the householders whose main occupation and source of livelihoods was agriculture and to identify those factors that could predict the accuracy of the classification of farmers with different perspectives of their livelihoods sustainability. Survey technique was used to collect data. Statistical population of the study included the farmers of Kermanshah Province, Iran. By using two-stage stratified sampling and determining selected counties, 250 householder farmers were chosen as a sample. Face validity of the data collection means was approved by an expert panel, and through the implementation of a pilot study, its reliability was approved. The results indicate that the study group felt insecurity and instability: about three-quarters of them assessed their livelihoods as unsustainable, and only one-quarter of them assessed their livelihoods as sustained. Statistical analysis showed that environmental, individual, and socio-economic factors have relationship with farmers' perspective toward their livelihoods sustainability. According to discriminate analysis, six variables were able to predict farmers' attitude toward their livelihoods sustainability and that prediction would be accurate with a probability of 70 percent.

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A study was conducted to compare the effects of different levels of a suspension of Scenedesmus Microalgae (SM) on growth, immune response, carcass traits, and some blood parameters of broilers. Two hundred 1-d-old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to each of 5 dietary treatments. Treatments consisted of: T1 (100% drinking water), T2 (50% drinking water+50% SM), T3 (25% drinking water+75% SM), T4 (100% SM) and T5 [(Basal diet (BD) + 2. 5 mg Virginamycin kg-1 diet)] with 4 replicate cages of 10 birds each. The birds receiving T3 and T4 had higher feed intake compared with the control and antibiotic groups at 1-10 days (P< 0. 001). Water replacement by 100% SM increased body weight (P< 0. 001) and reduced feed conversion ratio (P< 0. 05) in broilers. Inclusion of 100% SM increased SRBC antibody titer in primary and secondary responses compared to that of the control group. (P< 0. 05). The birds receiving T4 had lower serum content of triglycerides and cholesterol compared with the control group (P< 0. 05). Chickens at the T4 group showed higher relative breast weight compared with the control group (P< 0. 05). It was concluded that SM at the levels of 75 and 100% can improve growth performance, immune responses, and some blood parameters of broiler chicks.

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The present study investigates the effects of Vitamin E (VE) supplement on pulmonary hypertensive response of broilers fed a low-protein diet in a 42-day trial. A total of 180 male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design. Treatments included a Normal Protein Diet (NPD) served as control, a Low-Protein Diet (LPD) with 30 g kg-1 of crude protein lower than NPD, and a LPD supplemented with VE (100 mg kg-1). Analyzed protein content of NDP and LPD was 227 and 199 g kg-1 in the starter stage and 198 and 169 g kg-1 in the grower stage. Growth performance, blood and carcass variables and Lead II of the electrocardiogram (ECG) were recorded. Feed conversion ratio was not significantly changed by treatments. The relative weights of liver, heart, and the right to Total Ventricular weight ratio (RV: TV) as well as the S wave amplitude of ECG were significantly (P< 0. 05) increased by feeding LPD. However, VE supplementation of LPD significantly (P< 0. 05) restored these variables to similar ranges observed in NPD. Feeding LPD caused a significant decrease in serum Nitric Oxide (NO) and Uric Acid (UA) concentrations, whereas it caused a significant increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) and Heterophils to Lymphocytes ratio (H: L). Similarly, VE supplement restored these variables to similar levels observed in NPD. In conclusion, oxidative stress was involved in the pathogenesis of ascites in broilers fed with LPD, which could be counteracted by VE supplement.

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Dromedary and Bactrian camels are two species of camel in Iran that have ecological adaptation to cold and hot desert area, respectively. They play an important role in the life and food security of nomadic tribes. The present study was conducted to investigate genetic diversity of 180 Iranian camels using microsatellite markers. In a panel of 20 microsatellite markers, we observed 214 alleles with a mean number of 10. 7 alleles per locus. All loci exhibited PIC values more than 0. 7. The genetic differentiation values (FST) per locus was different from 0. 01 to 0. 039 with an average of 0. 021 across all loci. The estimate of genetic differentiation level between all Iranian camel populations in this study was low (FST: 0. 008-0. 021). High gene flow between populations was also observed. Phylogenetic tree illustrated that the highest genetic distance was between Bactrian and dromedary camel from YaD. However, the results of the present microsatellite analyses showed close genetic relationship in the studied populations. All of the population-locus combinations showed significant deviations (P< 0. 01) from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

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Yoghurt, with viscous texture and containing volatile compounds, has special appeal for the consumer. In this study, to produce such a yoghurt without any additives, two types of yoghurt from ewe and cow milk were prepared. The samples were evaluated for physicochemical and volatile compounds and viscosity on the first, 7th, and 14th days of shelf life. In addition, the enumeration and viability of Lb. bulgaricus and Str. thermophilus were studied. Ewe yoghurt had more dry matter, protein, and acid production ability compared to cow yoghurt, with lower pH. The number of lactobacilli was greater in ewe yoghurt which caused increase in acidity and decrease in pH value in ewe yoghurt. The number of lactobacilli and streptococcus decreased during shelf life of both yoghurts. The viscosity of ewe yoghurt was greater than cow yoghurt and it increased during 14 days of storage. Regarding volatile compounds, acetaldehyde and diacetyl decreased during shelf life while ethanol increased in both cow and ewe milk yoghurt.

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Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. ) is an important oilseed crop in Iran and many other countries around the world. Safflower fly, Acanthiophilus helianthi Rossi is one of the main limiting agents to expand the production area of the crop in different countries and the most major pests of safflower in Iran. In this research, the influence of 10 safflower genotypes on biology and population parameters of A. helianthi was evaluated under the laboratory conditions at 25± 1° C, 65± 5% relative humidity, and a photoperiod of 16: 8 (L: D) hours. The shortest and longest total developmental time were recorded in Mexico 37 (16. 85± 0. 31) and Goldasht (21. 76± 0. 59), respectively. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) ranged from 0. 129 to 0. 186 (day-1), which was lowest on Goldasht and highest in Mexico 37. The net reproductive rate (R0) ranged from 50. 809 to 125. 846 offspring on different genotypes. The values of finite rate of increase (λ ) and mean generation time (T) on different safflower genotypes ranged from 1. 138 to 1. 205 day-1 and 25. 778 to 30. 421 days, respectively. The results demonstrated that Goldasht, Line 411, and KW2 genotypes were less suitable host plants, suggesting that they are more resistant to A. helianthi than the other genotypes, have high yield, and could have the potential for using in Integrated Pest Management program (IPM) of A. helianthi in safflower fields.

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Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), is the main pest of wheat that can considerably limit profitable crop production, either through direct feeding or via transmission of plant pathogenic viruses. One of the most effective approaches of pest control is the use of resistant cultivars and lines. Based on the initial screening test of 35 wheat cultivars and lines, we selected five cultivars (Pishtaz, Omid, Yavaras, Akbari, and Bahar) and four lines (R1-10, R2-9, R3-16, and R3-17) with different levels of resistance to S. graminum for antixenosis and antibiosis experiments. In the antixenosis test, the number of S. graminum attracted on R1-10 was the lowest after 24, 48, and 72 hours. In life table study, S. graminum reared on Yavaras and R1-10 had the lower survival rate, fecundity, and reproductive period compared with other host plans tested. Values of the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ ), net Reproductive rate (R0), and Doubling Time (DT) indicated lowest population growth of S. graminum, when fed on Yavaras (0. 26 d-1, 1. 30 d-1, 17. 66 offspring and 2. 62 days, respectively). Based on the antixenosis and antibiosis analyses in this study, we concluded that R1-10 and Yavaras were more resistant to S. graminum. These findings could be useful for integrated pest management of S. graminum in wheat fields.

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Weed competition, especially from grass species, is estimated to cause 23% reduction in yield in the wheat fields of Iran. During the years 2013 to 2016, a study was conducted to evaluate the resistance to herbicides of 30 rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) biotypes that had been collected from wheat fields of Khuzestan Province. The screening of these biotypes was conducted with clodinafop-propargyl in the greenhouse and revealed biotypes with a survival rate of greater than 20% in response to this herbicide. These biotypes were further studied for the evaluation of cross and multiple resistance. A total of 94 and 75% of the rigid ryegrass biotypes showed resistance to ACCase-and ALSinhibitors, respectively. Approximately 69% of the rigid ryegrass biotypes included individuals with resistance to at least two herbicide mechanisms of action. This is the first report of cross and multiple resistance in rigid ryegrass biotypes from Iran. The leaves of the rigid ryegrass biotypes cross-resistance to ACCase-inhibitors were analyzed using CAPS and dCAPS markers to identify probable amino acid substitutions at 2, 041, 2, 088, 1, 781, and 2, 078 positions on the ACCase gene. In two and nine biotypes, mutations were observed in the 1, 781 and 2, 041 positions, respectively. These results indicated that there is a serious problem with herbicide resistance in rigid ryegrass, including cross and multiple resistance, and a need to implement long-term integrated management strategies.

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In India, soybean (Glycine max) is mainly grown as rainfed crop. The higher incidence of weed and pests during growth period are one of the important menaces in getting higher yield of this crop. A field experiment was conducted during 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 on vertisol soil at Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (MS), India, to evaluate bioefficacy of compatible tank-mix combinations of herbicide and insecticides to manage the weed and insect-pests in soybean. Tank-mix application of quinalphos and imazethapyr (68. 17 m-2) resulted in significantly lowest weed density followed by imazethapyr (69. 33 m-2) at 30 Days after Sowing (DAS). At 45 DAS imazethapyr (26 m-2) recorded significantly lowest weed density, whereas it was non-significantly different due to various treatments at 60 DAS. Sole application of imazethapyr and in combination with Rynaxypyr recorded lowest weed dry matter at 30, 45, and 60 DAS. Application of Rynaxypyr+imazethapyr at 30 DAS (67. 36%) and at 60 DAS (85. 52%) and sole imazethapyr at 45 DAS (81. 66%) recorded higher weed control efficiency than the rest of the treatments. Number of leaf roller and tobacco caterpillar larvae per meter row length (mrl-1) at seven days after treatment was significantly less in treatments involving insecticides. Visual defoliation score was significantly less in treatments involving insecticides than weedy check and sole herbicide.

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Yousefi Javan I. | Gharari f.

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Saffron (Crocus sativus L. ), one of the most expensive spices in the world, is used mainly as food coloring and flavoring in food industry and its effective components are also used in medicine. A collection of twenty-two cultivars of saffron grown in different regions of Iran was screened with 25 SSR and 5 SNP primers in order to determine genetic identities and genetic diversity in these cultivars. On an average, 50 alleles were amplified using SSR primers with scorable fragment sizes ranging from approximately 160 to 400 bp. Among these, 33 alleles were polymorphic thus revealing 72% of polymorphism. The genetic similarity estimated according to SSR data was scaled between 9. 5 and 87. 8%. In determination of genetic diversity, five polymorphic SNP markers were used. Since SNP markers are mainly bi-allelic, all SNPs showed two alleles only, suggesting the potential of SSR and SNP markers in discriminating among plants of distant genetic backgrounds. Un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean clustering grouped the cultivars into four groups. In this study, we tried to expand the genetic diversity of C. sativus in Iran despite their asexual reproduction. Due to the similarity of climatic conditions in Iran, a certain genetic variation was observed in saffron plants. For saffron cultivation and production of high quality crop around the world, research on genetic diversity among the large family of C. sativus adds value this product.

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The effects of grafting two greenhouse tomato cultivars (Durinta and Valouro F1) onto three tomato rootstocks (Beaufort, Maxifort, and Spirit) under different irrigation regimes [(50%, 75%, and 100% crop EvapoTranspiration (ETc)] were studied by evaluating the vegetative growth, proline, chlorophyll, and mineral content of the leaves as well as fruit yield and Total Yield Water Use Efficiency (TYWUE). Plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, and total yield decreased, whereas proline and TYWUE increased, with increasing water stress. Between the two tested cultivars, Durinta showed more vigorous growth than Valouro. Plant growth, proline, Ca+2 and K+ concentrations, fruit yield, and TYWUE were higher in grafted plants than in non-grafted plants. Adverse effect of high water stress (50% ETc) was evident in the non-grafted plants, particularly in Valouro. A positive effect of grafting was observed when Beaufort was used as the rootstock. Durinta grafted onto Beaufort (DB) under moderate irrigation regime (75% ETc) exhibited water savings (25%) and higher yield (21. 6– 30. 8%) and TYWUE (55. 1– 55. 5%) than fully irrigated (100% ETc) control (non-grafted Durinta). The results indicated that grafting onto appropriate rootstock could alleviate some of the negative effects of water limitation on greenhouse tomato plants.

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Plant defensins are the cysteine-rich peptides that are encoded by small multi-gene families in the plant kingdom. In this study, we designed primers based on conserved regions of defensin genes to clone and identify defensin genes in strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa cv. Paros) by reverse transcription PCR technique. Sequence analysis showed that the deduced amino acid had significant similarity to other plant defensins from NCBI database and designated FaDef1. The predicted strawberry defensin protein encodes a 54 aa protein of 6. 18 kDa, pI 9. 22 and eight conserved cysteine residues with desired space conservation with other amino acids. Semi quantitative expressions of FaDef1 were analyzed in root, stem, leaf, flower, and fruit in three strawberry cultivars, namely, Queenelisa, Camarosa, and Paros. The results showed that the FaDef1 expression patterns were similar in different tissues of the three cultivars. The higher amount of relative expression of FaDef1 was in fruit and there was no observable expression in the root. The expression of FaDef1 increased after wounding and salicylic acid treatment. The expression level was higher in developed fruits compared to that of immature fruits. In fruits infected with the Gray mold agent (Botrytis cinerea), the expression of FaDef1 showed significant increase by development of disease symptom. Taken together, these results suggest that FaDef1 is both responsive to biotic stress signal compounds and strawberry B. cinerea and may be used as a candidate gene for engineering plants against gray mold.

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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is one of the most important fiber crops with a raw material value of $5. 5 billion per year worldwide. Cotton breeders with the help of conventional breeding programs have improved the cotton germplasm for resistance to pests and pathogens. However, there has been little success in producing cotton lines resistant to biotic stresses, due to limited cotton germplasm with adequate resistance to biotic stresses, especially pests and diseases. In this study, cry1Ab (resistance to cotton bollworm) and chitinase (resistance to cotton Verticillium wilt) genes were transferred to Iranian commercial cotton varieties (Varamin, Khordad, Sahel, and Bakhtegan), by crossing transgenic lines containing cry1Ab and chi transgenes with Iranian commercial varieties. To recover genetic background of commercial varieties, the obtained progenies were backcrossed with own commercial parent. The progenies of backcrosses were assessed by western blot and PCR analysis. Insect and fungus in vitro bioassay showed resistance against cotton bollworm and Verticillium dahliae in plants containing the stacked transgenes. According to the results, cry1Ab and chi genes were successfully transferred and stacked in Iranian commercial cotton varieties. Also, plants with two transgenes and plants with one transgene were protruded to BC1 and BC2 generations, respectively.

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Kepenkci i. | Saglam h.d.

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Among the major pests of vegetables are Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. ) (RKNs), which cause loss of production due to galling and reduction in root development and shoot growth. Herein, the efficacy of plant extracts of Capsicum frutescens, Hyoscyamus niger, Melia azedarach, Xanthium strumarium and Achillea wilhelmsii were evaluated at 3 concentrations (3, 6, and 12%) against Meloidogyne javanica on pepper and eggplant. Experiments were carried in pots under greenhouse condition, using pepper cv. Charleston and eggplant cv. Kemer as assay plants that are commonly cultivated in Turkey. Approximately 3, 000 eggs of M. javanica were used for hatching test and 1, 000 J2 of M. javanica were used for mortality test. Approximately, 5 mL of plant extracts were added by a syringe into the soil. Each experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 replications. The control (+) pots received water containing M. javanica and the control (-) pots received only water. At the end of the experiment, plants heights and weights were measured. According to the results, all plant extracts showed a different level of nematicidal activity at 3, 6, and 12% concentrations. The plant extracts of H. niger, and X. strumarium at 12% concentration were found more efficient than M. azedarach, C. frutescens and A. wilhelmsii extract on egg hatching, on both pepper and eggplant plants. J2s mortality experiments showed that 12% concentration of H. niger, M. azedarach and X. strumarium were more effective against M. javanica than the other treatments, on both pepper and eggplant plants. In general, there was no significant difference was found among nematode mortality and growth parameters (such as plant height, the fresh and dry weights of the above-ground parts of the plants, fresh and dry weights of roots of both pepper and eggplant plants). Accordingly, using H. niger and X. strumarium plant extracts can provide effective methods of M. javanica control.

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Citrus Viroid V (CVdV) is a member of the genus Apscaviroid, in the Pospiviroidae family. It is restricted to citrus species naturally. The herbaceous host range of CVdV was determined using the viroid infectious clone. Several herbaceous plants from the Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Fabaceae, and Asteraceae families were found to be susceptible to CVdV. Also, CVdV could be transmitted to these hosts through rubbing of monomeric DNA plasmids and through mechanical inoculation of infected sap. The accumulation of CVdV in the tomato was monitored up to 28 days after inoculation and a further 56-fold increase of viroid titer was observed. Analysis of sequences of the viroid progenies from herbaceous plants revealed several nucleotide substitutions, which mostly concentrated in the pathogenicity domain on the secondary structure of the viroids.

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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the geographical distribution, infestation degree, and diversity of Potato Cysts Nematode (PCN) in Algeria, including the southern regions. Accurate identification of PCN is essential to determine the appropriate control methods to be used in an Integrated Pest Management program. PCNs were found in forty percent (12 out of thirty) of localities sampled. The average population density of PCN was much higher in the southern regions, compared to the northern regions (9. 8 cysts per 100 cm3 vs. 4. 6 cysts per 100 cm3). The southern potato production areas were more infested with PCN than those of the north (7 from 25 fields in North vs. 5 from 5 fields in the South). Globodera pallida occurred predominantly in the northern region of Algeria, whereas G. rostochiensis occurred predominantly in the southern regions. No mixtures of these species were found in any of the positive studied localities. These species were confirmed by the molecular analysis based on PCR with species-specific primers, ITS-rDNA, and cytochrome b of mtDNA. The low molecular diversity and their phylogenetic association with the European populations of PCN suggest that Algerian populations were probably introduced from Europe, probably by infested seed-potato.

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Seventy-five isolates of the fungus Zymoseptoria tritici, collected from seven wheat producing provinces in Iran, were studied using the molecular markers ISSR and SSR to determine its structure and genetic variations within its populations. Results indicated that the populations of the causal agent of this disease had a relatively high level of genetic diversity, with the total average genetic diversity (Ht) of 0. 34 in the studied samples. When the genetic diversity was divided by the genetic diversity within and between the tested fungal populations, intra-population and inter-population genetic diversities were, respectively, 69 and 31%. Moreover, results showed that there was a strong gene flow between the studied provinces. The maximum genetic diversity among the studied provinces was observed in Ardebil and Khuzestan Provinces, and cluster analysis also revealed that the fungal populations of these two provinces had the greatest similarity with each other.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Gully erosion affects soil properties in different ways. One of the most important effects of gully erosion is destruction of soil structure and reducing its quality. The objective of this research was to study the effects of gully development on soil properties and quality indices in areas adjacent to the gullies. For this purpose, 15 soil properties and 5 soil quality indices including Integrated Quality Index (IQI), Nemero Quality Index (NQI), Cumulative Rating (CR), and Sustainability Index (SI) were compared between gully wall and outside gully lands in three sites of Ardabil province, northwestern Iran. T-test method with three replications was used for comparison. The results showed that in all three sites, 8 out of 15 soil properties changed near the gully walls, mainly indicating the reduction of soil structure, organic carbon, and S index (slope of retention curve at inflection point) and increasing the Cation Ratio Of soil Structural Stability (CROSS) and soil erodibility index. Also, near the gullies, most of the soil quality indices decreased due to gully development in the study sites. Therefore, gully formation and development in these sites reduced soil quality near the gully walls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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