Introduction: Allogenic blood transfusion has several, but rare complications, including: transfusion of incompatible blood, transfusion transmitted disease, alloimmunization, immunosuppression,....Applying safe blood is one of the most imortant goals of the word's blood centers. As in the year 2000, the world health day is nominated as safe blood.In an attempt to avoid the serious complications associated with allogenic transfusion, autologous transfusion was proposed. Methods: In this study which was conducted prospectively, 45 patients with aged 13 to 72 Yrs and weights 40 to 105 kg, undergoing different kind of surgery such as: general, plastic, orthopedic, genicologic, and ENT were refered to Tehran blood transfusion center. And blood units were collected preoperatively from patients having a hematocrit more than %30.Collecting blood was done by weekly intervals and was stopped 72 hours prior to surgery.After performing routine" viral screening tests (Anti-HW, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, RPR) on each blood unit, all negative blood units were stored separately at 1-6oc and sent to the hospitals just before surgery. Blood units would be used if necessary otherwise unused blood units would be returned to the blood centers.19 patients (42.2%) donated one unit, 23 patients (51.1%) 2 units, 2 patients (4.4%) 3 units, and one patient (2.2%) 4 units.75% of the collected blood were used.Results: From 45 patients, 37 patients didn't require allogenic blood. In contrast, 8 patients received allogenic blood in addition to autologous blood.It was mainly due to inappropriate planning and lack of time to collect enough blood.All patients did well. Adverse reaction of donation was observed in only one patient (2.2%).There was not any significant difference between adverse reactions of allogenic and autologous donation.Conclusion: This study showed that using autologous blood is significantly effective in diminishing allogenic blood use (82.2%).Therefore autologous transfusion is considered one of the important methods in improving blood safety.