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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Allogenic blood transfusion has several, but rare complications, including: transfusion of incompatible blood, transfusion transmitted disease, alloimmunization, immunosuppression,....Applying safe blood is one of the most imortant goals of the word's blood centers. As in the year 2000, the world health day is nominated as safe blood.In an attempt to avoid the serious complications associated with allogenic transfusion, autologous transfusion was proposed. Methods: In this study which was conducted prospectively, 45 patients with aged 13 to 72 Yrs and weights 40 to 105 kg, undergoing different kind of surgery such as: general, plastic, orthopedic, genicologic, and ENT were refered to Tehran blood transfusion center. And blood units were collected preoperatively from patients having a hematocrit more than %30.Collecting blood was done by weekly intervals and was stopped 72 hours prior to surgery.After performing routine" viral screening tests (Anti-HW, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, RPR) on each blood unit, all negative blood units were stored separately at 1-6oc and sent to the hospitals just before surgery. Blood units would be used if necessary otherwise unused blood units would be returned to the blood centers.19 patients (42.2%) donated one unit, 23 patients (51.1%) 2 units, 2 patients (4.4%) 3 units, and one patient (2.2%) 4 units.75% of the collected blood were used.Results: From 45 patients, 37 patients didn't require allogenic blood. In contrast, 8 patients received allogenic blood in addition to autologous blood.It was mainly due to inappropriate planning and lack of time to collect enough blood.All patients did well. Adverse reaction of donation was observed in only one patient (2.2%).There was not any significant difference between adverse reactions of allogenic and autologous donation.Conclusion: This study showed that using autologous blood is significantly effective in diminishing allogenic blood use (82.2%).Therefore autologous transfusion is considered one of the important methods in improving blood safety.

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Introduction: Since the knowledge of mothers about newborn care and their characteristics has important. role in child health and lack of any data in Iran regarding to the subject, this study has been carried out. This descriptive study is about knowledge of Newborn Care, in primiparous mother's. For this study, 200 primiparous mothers were selected by simple sampling method.Data collected with completion of questionnaire 4 to 12 hours after vaginal delivery and 12 to 72 hours after section delivery in primiparous mothers.Results: Findings showed that only ten percent had acceptable information about Newborn care, but the others had unacceptable knowledge about Newborn care.Discussion: Study showed that knowledge of mothers about Newborn care is low and considering that mother's knowledge has important effect for child health, it is necessitate to raise mother's knowledge about Newborn Care.

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Introduction: Febrile convulsion affects three to five pecent of children under 6 years. It is a benign disease and prognosis is excellent. Parent's unawareness causes anxiety and unusual behaviors, and also causes a difficulty to cope with it in relapse of disease which is observed in 30% of cases.Method and Material: A Prospective study on one hundred children conducted in Imam Hospital, Urmia, 1998. In this study, the questionnaire was designed regarding the cause of febrile convulsion, prognosis of convulsion, it's effect on development, actions on convulsion, mother's behavior and feeling after first convulsion, antifebrile drugs, Type and doses, use of bathing and role of drugs in prevention to evaluate the mothers Knowledge. Then the data were collected through questionaries, before and after teaching.Results: Following findings were concluded before and after teaching respectively, 66%-89%on causes of fever, 55%-99% on prognosis for CNS development, 48%-100% on probability of relapse, 9%-72% on prophylaxis of convulsion.Discussion: The results indicate a significant progress in the mother's knowledge. It is offered to provide the necessary facilities for mothers teaching in pediatrics centers.

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View 1675

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Introduction: The relationship of ASO titre to carrier state of beta-hemolytic streptococcus in throats of healthy school children was examined.Methods and Materials: 1001 samples were drawn from school-ged children, in two different socioeconomic parts of the city. Throat swabs for bacterial isolation were processed by carbon dioxid incubation of plates.Results: The incidence of GABS carriers was 4.3% (43). 22 of carriers expressed their consent for measuring serum ASO titer. ASO titer was equal or more than 333 units (Todd) in 9 of them (41%). It was more than 500 units in 32% of streptococcal carriers in healthy School children.Discussion: This study showed prevalence of high ASO titer among streptococcal carriers.

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Introduction: Knowledge and attitude study of health care donors and their supervisors regarding growth monitoring and promotion (GM/P) is the first stage in program evaluation. Method naterial: To achieve this goal, health care donors occupied in 4 urban health care centers and 6 rural health care centers and their 16 health houses (n=42) were studied.Twenty six health care managers and instructors involved in the studied centers were also investigated.  Results: Results revealed that 30 percent of urban health care donors and 59.4 percent of their colleagues in rural centers had .high level knowledge on GM/P program. But none of them had high level knowledge concerning complementary feeding. Knowledge of studied health care donors in rural and urban centers about weaning practices were low level in 9.4 and 50 percent, respectively (PF=0.01). Furthermore, only 20 percent of physician and 36.4 percent of non-physician health care managers and instructors had high level knowledge on GM/P program. Knowledge of health care donors with regard to interpretation of questioned growth curves were more managers than physician health care managers and instructors (P<0.002). Thirty four percent of rural health care donors and 20 percent of urban ones believed that GM/P program does not have a beneficial program. In this context, 40 percent of physician health care managers and instructors and 72.2 percent of non-physician ones had also such an opinion.Discussion: Finally, re-education courses for all of health professionals were recommended.

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Introduction: General and regional anesthesia can be used for pain relief in cesarean. All anesthetics have depressant effects on the CNS. Almost all of these drugs cross the placenta and affect the fetus. N20 may cross the placenta and cause narcosis and hypoxemia in fetus. Spinal anesthesia also has some advantages and disadvantages. Some studies have shown, in spite of high incidence of Academia in spinal Anesthesia, Apgar scores of these neonates is higher then, those of general anesthesia. So in this study a comparison was made on Apgar scores of neonates following these two methods.Method: This study is a randomized clinical trial. The subject were selected from elective sesarean candidates, and randomized into general and spinal anesthesia groups. Then Apgar scores were measured among infants. Spinal Anesthesia induced by lodocain 5% and general anesthesia induction was performed by thiopental and succinylcholine and maintained by N2O, O2 and halotan. Results: Mean Apgar scores were 8.99±0.61 and 9.89±0.31 at first and fifth minutes, respectively. Regarding the treatment groups, these values were respectively 9.11±0.67 and 9.92±0.28 at first and fifth minutes in spinal group and 8.70±0.54 and 9.89±0.35 in general anesthesia group. The groups differed significantly for first minute Apgar, but the was no significant difference at fifth minute Apgar.Conclusion: Since all anesthetic agents have depressant effects on CNS and pass through the placenta, so could cause narcosis and affect placental oxygenation. During spinal anesthesia, these agents has less role and undesired effects then Apgar scars of infants born by this method will be higher than general anesthesia. So it seems that spinal anestesia is more preferable than general anesthesia.

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Introduction: Elderliness is an undeniable and natural phenomenon, Which none of us could avoid. But the fact of matter is that sometimes, this stage in life is accompanied by many physical and spiritual problems. The aim of present study is to determine the safety regulations in, prevention of accidents of aged patients hospitalized in different wards.Materials and Methods: In this research a checklist contains 77 questions was prepared based on aims of study. After determination of checklist validity, the situation of hospitals was assessed from the safety regulations point of view. The method of study is a descriptive-cross sectional and observation and the population study was all wards which hospitalized elderly patients. The collected data through checklists and observations were analyzed by a computer Spss package.Results: Summary of findings showed that, all wards of hospitals admitted elderly patients. The rate of safety regulations in Imam Hospital was 62.5% in Mothahry hospital 54.5% and in Taleghany hospital 36.2%. Imam hospital had the most and Taleghany hospital had the lowest safety. More studies in details regarding to safety regulations in wards such as; rooms light W.C. beds, windows, steps, elevators, Corridors, were determined.discussion: results Showed that, the situation of safety in different wards of educational and clinical centers of Urmia University of Medical sciences which elderly patients hospitalized exceptional Imam Hospital is lower than the standard level. Some suggestions have been recommended about the safety regulations in prevention accidents of elderly patients Hospitalized in hospitals.

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Acuate appendicitis is the most common commonest abdominal emergency. The Accuracy of clinical diagnosis is 75% to 78%, which is even lower. In children female adolescents. Consequently, the rate of unnecessary laparatomy increases.The aim of this study is accurate diagnosis and to prevent the accurance of acute appendicitis as well as to avoid unnecessary laparatomy, we use sonography for available preparatory diagnosis achievement.During one year 1388, 430 patients, 258 (60%) female and 170 (40%) male within the age range of 2075 year were studied prospectively including clinical history, physical examination and implementation of sonography. Sonography was able diagnose appendicitis with a sensitivity of 89/4%, specify 98.2% and a total accuracy 93.6%. A prediction of, false positive and false negative value was 93.6% and 97% respectively.Routine sonography before management decision has decreased the unnecessary laparoyomyrate from 20.3 to 11.3%.In 24.7% of 97 confirnned cases of acute appendiatis rupture of appendix was observed on laparatomy. Only 15 (62%) of these 24 perforated appendicitis were highly suspected on hystory and clinical examination basis 5 (20.7%) were undetermimmante and 4 (17.3%) weakly suspicious, 48% of perforated appendicitis had WBC more than 13000 mm3 and fever of 38 C or above was found in 50% cases. In conclusion sonography was capable to detect the inflamed appendix complicated with abces formation or a perforation in 22 (91.7%) of 24 cases. The high incidence (24.4%) of complicated appendicitis among 97 acute cases of this study suggests delayed approach due to lack of clinical diagnosis.

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Introduction: Despite high distribution of H.pylori, the mode of transmission of the organism is not yet fully understood. The aim of this project is studying the role of water in the distribution of the H. Pylori injections.Method & Material: Bacteria strain was cultured on chocolate agar and Brucella Brain-heart infusion agar. It was then transmitted to 4 C water after counting and estimating of their numbers. Water specimens containing H. Pylori were counted in different interval time to find out the any possible variation of the bacterial numbers. In this study, it was considered to use the water specimens with the PCR as well as with the isolation in the culture.Results: Number of the organisms increased slightly upto one week and could grow in culture media after four weeks stored in water. Discussion: Our results may approve the role of the water in transmission of the organisms, but still needs more study.

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Granular and powdered activated carbon with high area to mass ratio are used extensively as an adsorbent in removing refractory pollutants by conventional biological treatment processes, odor-color compounds and heavy metals in wastewaters.There are several varieties of activated carbons depending on the material source and the mode of activation. In general, granular carbons of bituminous coal with small pore size, large surface area and high adsorptive capacity have been widely applied to the treatment of wastewater.The amount of Carbon required is calculated by laboratory methods in order to get use of total column of activated carbon as an adsorptive zone taking in serial and parallel fashion.Thermal regeneration is applied to reuse spent carbons at temperature, about 650 to 980oC. Estimation of hydraulic activated caron columns characteristics are carried out by Bohart & Adams formulations.

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