After pointing out the importance and the essentiality of studying music in anthropological researches, some characteristics and features of Turkmen music is highlighted and in the succeeding sections a brief explanation about lāle and hudi vocal music, āytarek-gontarek and sārija qāvin vocal plays, various kinds of music therapy in Turkmen society such as porxāni, zekr and playing pipe and dotar by sick persons suffering certain diseases like measles. Music amid Turkmen, in addition to general characteristics that can be found in other societies and ethnic groups, has certain distinctive features, which can be related with a civilization of great antiquity, the sort of feelings and emotions people acquire through being brought up in this particular culture, geographical quality of their habitation, the surrounding nature, historical events, social factors, unfavorable and favorable memories.Generally in the Turkmen culture music has an eminent standing and shows a significant and meaningful existence, directly and indirectly, in different ceremonies and in diverse forms of instrumental, vocal and vocal-instrumental.In this research comparative method and fieldwork have been employed, note-taking from texts and books together with direct, regular observation, participatory observation and interviews were also put into practice. For this purpose various parties and receptions, in which music in its different forms was essential, was contributed to and people informed and involved in these receptions were interviewed.