Written legacies and manuscripts related to the water civilization domain have scatteredly emerged since before the Islamic era in Greece and eastern countries. In the era of Islamic civilization, there was an increasing growth in the cultural legacies and written works on the water civilization. From the 2nd century AH with Abozeyd Ansari's ketab-olmatar and ketab-olmiyâ until the 4th and 5th centuries AH with Abobakr Karaji's ketab nabât-olmiyâ alxafiye this convention continued. Although alqani val anhdr was composed in Kavian era about the codes of subterranean water conduits, which indicates the existence of such conventions and practices among Iranians, Karajis book is the most Prominent work about Iranian water civilization. From the 5th to 10th centuries AH, among other subjects books were written on water, irrigation, hydrology and agriculture such as afrâh fi babe-l alvâh, âsâre-l ehyâ mâhil sabhâniin fi rafa'elmâ', resâleye âbbaxi˝ harât, davâzdah bâb dar 'elme felâhat, ketâbe natihedole, se resâlae or Heravi's two prominent works, namely erâd-ol zerâe' and resâlae tariqe qesmate âbe qalb. From 10th century AH onwards more books wee written and composed on irrigation and agriculture, and during the time of Qajar dynasty several books on agriculture ('elme felâhat) were written and translated into Farsi.This article tends to recognize and present books on water civilization in a chronological order in order to assist researchers in this field.