Presence of plurality and diversity in the definitions of religion doesn't mean either non-productive theoretical endeavor of the previous researchers of religion or an impediment to continue through later researchers of religion. Significantly, attainment of their tenor and overcome upon their multiplicity are the things that are acquired through typology. The most prevalent typology, thus, from definitions of religion, is its separation on the basis of a Substantive or a Functional that was not being able to fully cover the existing and conceivable entities and consequently, another foundation was borrowed as a reductive or non-reductive. This diversification, apart from the above-mentioned help, provided opportunities and conditions for offering another definition of religion that enjoys larger coverage and conformity compared to the existing definitions. The religion as motivate and expresser of path and destination of transcendence, is the accepted definition of this article whose credence, apart from logical reasons, has been taken out from the interpretations of researchers about the religion.