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The present article studiesoneof the farthestimpactsofFatemi Caliphate,namely, Gharmation of Multan. Ibn Hothab, one of the Ismaili propagatorsin Yemen, . dispatches Ibn Haytham to propagate the Islami faith in Sind. The activities of Ibn Haytham as a propagator in this region leads to the formation of an Ismaili state in Multan. when fatemi Caliphate rooted and continued to live in north Africa and later in Egypt, the Ismailis of Multan who were generally known as "Gharmatian of Multan" apparently did not obey the Fatemi Caliphate. Therefore the Caliphate eventually dispatched another propagator to Multan in order to impose his influence there, and the new propagator changed the tendency of the government of Gharmatian of Multan in favor of the Eatemi Caliph and spread the influence of Fatemi Caliphate in the farthest spot of the Islamic world at that time. This article reviews and researches the process of formation, events and the final fate of this Ismaili state.

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The capture of Alamut, The main castle of Nazari Ismailis of Iran, is considered as a new period in their social, religious and political life. In Iran, this period that began from half of seventh sentury and finished with flight of first Aghakhan to India, contains three certain sections based on residence ofNazari Imams. In the beginning of the third section, new political conditions during twelfth century and particularly Zandiyeh rule, caused to attain to the government of Kerman province by Nazari Imam. This article deals with the condition of Nazari during twelfth century and particularly government of Nazari Imam over Kerman Province in the Zandiyeh period. More over, it has a glance over general conditions of Nazaries during Two sections ago in Iran.

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After the decline of Rome Empire in 479 AD, Byzantiun came into existence which was counted as a shelter for protection the western European civilization. During its history, Byzantium lost many territories, but Constantinople, it capital city, has remained for eleven centuries under the protection of it towers and Ramparts, Greek, Latin. Eastern and Christian elements associated with one another and could guard the ancient Greek and Roman civilization. This was the characteristic of Byzantium that could transfer different civilizations to Western European after the fall of constantinople that is from the time of Renaissance. The history of Byzantium as well as Byzantine studies have been ignored in Iranian accademic societies and the shortage of original resources and researches increased this abondonment. This paper aims to study the Byzantin historiographyand will be certainly a path for more rapport with the history of Byzantuim.

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آژند یعقوب

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    38 (1)
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در این مقاله یکی از دوردست ترین تاثیرات خلافت فاطمی، یعنی قرمطیان ملتان، محل بحث و بررسی قرار گرفته است. ابن حوثب، یکی از داعیان اسماعیلی یمن، ابن هیثم را برای تبلیغ آیین اسماعیلی به سند اعزام می کند. فعالیت های دعوت ابن هیثم در این منطقه به تشکیل یک دولت اسماعیلی در ملتان می انجامد. هنگامی که خلافت فاطمی در شمال آفریقا و بعدها در مصر قوام و دوام می یابد، ظاهرا اسماعیلیان ملتان که با عنوان عمومی "قرمطیان ملتان" شناخته می شدند، از خلیفه فاطمی تمکین نمی کنند. از این رو، خلیفه برای اعمال نفوذ در این منطقه سرانجام داعی دیگری را به ملتان اعزام می کند و این داعی گرایش حکومت قرمطیان ملتان را به نفع خلیفه فاطمی تغییر می دهد و نفوذ خلافت فاطمی را در دوردست ترین نقطه جهان اسلام آن روزگار بسط می دهد. در این مقاله کیفیت شکل گیری و رویدادها و سرانجام این دولت اسماعیلی مطمح نظر قرار گرفته و پژوهیده شده است.

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The present article studiesthe shareandstatusof the reflectionsof Sheikhiyehsect in the rise of Babiyeh.the articletriesto showthe influenceof thesereflectionson the rise of Babiyeh movement by relying on the major sources of Sheikhiyeh, particularly Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaie. Therefore, at first the principles and fundamentals of Sheikhi School are introduced in brief and then the share of these reflections in the genesis of Babiyeh Movement is studied.

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Iran-Ottoman relations sometimes faced disruption and crisis during 242 years of the safavid Monarchy. The main aim of the author of this article is to find the causes of the crisis in the relations of these two countries. Therefore, in order to fmd an answer to the question as to what variables involved in the creation of crisis in the Iran- Ottoman relations during the years between 985-1049, the following hypothesis was examined: Factors such as foreigners greed, inorganization of internal situation of Iran, rebellion and disobedience of ethnic groups and subsidiary rulers, rebellion of rulers and statesmen and their declaration that the would follow Russia, intervention and decision making by westerners, inorganization of internal situation of Ottomans and the act of God as factors determining the direction of the events, have played a basic role in creating crisis in Iran- Ottoman relations. Historical .research method has been used in this survey and the data have been collected on the basis of the writings of the Iranian historians of the Safavid dynasty. The main fmding of the research confirms the afore-mentioned hypothesis and shows that the above factors have played a basic role in kindling crisis in Iran- Ottoman relations.

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Poets enjoyed an excellent position in the political systems of Iran after Islam, particularly towards the end of Kharazmshah dynasty(490-628 Lunar Hegira). The courts owed part of their magnificence to the athering of poets and spent part of their income on them in return. The present article emphasizes on the Ghaznavi dynasty(350-431 Lunar Hegira) and the poets of their time, and tries to analyze their political presence, which was based on infonning and directing the public opinions.

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The Mongols amirs who originated from aristocratic tribes had a prominent influence on Changizid Empire and its branches like Ilkhanids. They had an important role in political and social changes. One of these changes was the conversion of the Mongols by lranian muslims. The present article intends to analyze the role of amirs in this process and their conversion to Islam.

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Seven classical Persian texts ITom 4th and 5th A.H. (10th to 11thA.D.), that have argued on Mani and Manichaeism, are surveyed and analysed in this paper. These works are: Balamis Histoty, Hudud a!-A!am , the Shahname ,Zein a!-Akhbar, Logat-i Furs; Bayan a!-Adyan,and Kashf a!-Mahjub. The surveying of these works reveals that Iranian writers of the mentioned era have presented three types of information on Manichaeism: 1) the information which is in accordance with Manichaean original texts; 2) the information accompanied with legendary haloes; and 3) the incorrect and sourceless information. The mentioned Persian texts presented two positive and negative features ofMani. His positive character is his skill in art and his artistic genius which even makes his enemies amazing; and his negative character which is the same heresy of dualism of light and darkness and it is much criticized with the accusation of Zandiq. This paper tries to prove an Iranian approach of Manichaeism of whicll bases have been formed during the first centuries after Islam.

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    38 (1)
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سقوط الموت، کانون اصلی اسماعیلیان نزاری ایران، در حیات سیاسی، مذهبی و اجتماعی آنان آغاز دوره ای جدید به شمار می آید. در ایران، این دوره که از نیمه قرن هفتم آغاز و با فرار آقاخان اول به هند در نیمه قرن سیزدهم به پایان رسید، بر اساس مکان استقرار امامان نزاری، خود به سه دوره متمایز تقسیم می گردد که در آغاز دوره سوم، به علت شرایط جدید سیاسی قرن دوازدهم و به ویژه دوره زندیه آغاز، امام نزاری به حکومت کرمان دست می یابد. در این مقاله سعی شده است با نگاهی اجمالی به شرایط کلی نزاریان ایران در دو دوره آغازین، وضعیت آنان و به ویژه مسائل مربوط به حکومت امام نزاری بر ایالت کرمان در دوره زندیه مورد بررسی قرار گیرد.

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    38 (1)
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پس از انقراض امپراتوری روم در 476 میلادی، امپراتوری بیزانس شکل گرفت که تا 1453م در حکم پناهگاهی بود که از تمدن اروپای باختری پاسداری می کرد. بیزانس در طول تاریخ، سرزمینهای بسیاری را به تدریج از دست داد، اما قسطنطنیه، پایتخت آن، یازده قرن مقاومت کرد و در پناه برج و باروی خود، عناصر یونانی، لاتینی، شرقی و مسیحی را در هم آمیخت و از این راه یافته های کهن یونانی و رومی را پس از سقوط نهایی به دست ترکان عثمانی در سال 1453م، در عصر رنسانس به اروپای غربی منتقل کرد؛ و این از ویژگی های مهم این امپراتوری به حساب می آید. در ایران، تاریخ بیزانس و مطالعات بیزانسی در مجامع دانشگاهی و علمی مهجور مانده است و فقر منابع اصلی و یا حتی تحقیقاتی نیز بر ناشناخته ماندن تاریخ این امپراتوری افزوده است. در راستای این هدف، مقاله حاضر تاریخ نگاری بیزانس را مورد بررسی قرار می دهد.

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The Anglo-Iranian Oil Crisis has been widely studied from the perspective of the main actors involved, namely Iran, Britain and the United States. Yet, the perspective of countries that had no interest in Iranian oil has received little attention. The diplomatic staff of neutral countries in Tehran observed"theconflict, and the events to which it gave rise, largely as bystanders. Hence one would expect them to have viewed the situation somewhat differently from whose whom were directly il}volved. Switzerland was one such country. Therefore, its view of the situation at the time may shed new light on the great powers struggle for Iranian oil. In particular, while the neutral image of Switzerland might have given the impression to both sides of the conflict that it would probably make a suitable intermediary for certain purposes, we shall see below that - although the Swiss were not to keen to get involved in the crisis itself - their attitude towards nationalisation of Iranian oil was far from unbiased. In this paper we shall first review the Swiss perception of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Crisis between 1951 and 1953. Secondly, we shall outline the Swiss role as a go-between on the diplomatic as well as economic levels during the oil crisis.

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