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The ancient monuments in the north of Iran, particularly in Gilan and Tonekabon, have not been able to resist natural destruction over the previous times due to the rainy climate and humidity. Although less than several centuries pass from the creation of historical monuments in Tonekabon, there remain only the names of ancient monuments in the memory of people and in the historical and geographical manuscripts. On the other hand the construction materials used in the historical monuments in the north of Iran, which were mainly wood, stone and mortar, expedited their destruction. Therefore, except for the religious sites which the people tried to repair as soon as they saw any erosion, and except for the Markouh Castle, whose remnants of stony walls have survived, there is no trace of the monuments set up during the ancient era and even during the first centuries of the post-Islam Iranian history in Tonekabon. However, the presence of many hills and dunes is an evidence of the many ancient monuments in this land over the past times. The present article tries to use existing sources in order to cast a glance important fortresses.

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Sociologists and religion researchers believe that all religions, both with divine and non - divine origin, have a similar course of development, which begins with a particular form within a scattered group of people and some simple acts of worship and then moves towards special complexity and structuralism, so that everything in it gains sustainability. However, as new circumstances emerge, protests are formed and in the event the theoretical aspects of this protest maintain successfully and continue to live, it will eventually lead to the emergence of a religious sect. In view of the above, the present essay reviews the Sheikhiyeh Sect, which is a schism of the Shi'ite religion and followers of Sheikh Ahmad Ehsani, and its triple stages of protest, intragroup challenges and the formal foundation of a religious sect.

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 Taymour began his political-military life from Mavaraon-Nahr, which was called the loghataei territory .He gathered clans and tribes and rulers of this region into a unity and prepared an organized corps, with which he attacked and conquered different territories. His model in the military expedition was Chengizkhan. In these expeditions Taymour sought to enhance the glory and reverence of his motherland, Mavaraon-Nahr, so he tried to strengthen the financial situation of the territory through calculated and accurate pillage and rapine, and to enrich the intellectual, cultural and artistic atmospheres of this region by kidnapping efficient and productive manpower of other cities and provinces and dispatching them to Mavaraon-Nahr. The present article discusses his plan of action and his method to reach a desirable result while looking into the artistic achievements of this action and policy.

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The corps of  Nadershah Afshari was a composition of various tribes and sects, gathered around the commander, and naturally, with the murder of  Nadershah this organization was broken, and disunity, terror and plunder loomed all over his camp. Afghans were among the tribes of the Nader camp. The most distinguished person who led the Sadoovzaei branch of Afghans after Nour Mohammad Khan, was Ahmad Khan Sadoovzaei. He was originally from the people of the Indian Moltan, whose ancestors had immigrated to Qandhar and Herat. Ahmad Khan was held in captivity in Qandhar, when Nader conquered the city in 1771 A.D. and released him. Ahmad Khan was then promoted as the leader of Sarvzaei branch in the Nader corps and was his attendant until the death of the Afshari king. however, as plundering heightened in the Nader camp, he, too, did not remain loyal to the rights of his lord and invaded his court. Like other tribes, the Afghans returned to their homeland, Qandhar, after Nader. The tribes and sects could not reach a consensus on the appointment of a leadership to be obeyed by all of them, therefore, a council or a quasi-Ghourmitay (the tomb of the red lion) was formed in Naderabad of Qandhar. The preparations by Ahmad Khan, who was a clever and ambitious the plan of his rule and the royal falcon landed on his shoulder. Ahmad Khan could expand his power and became the first king of Afghanistan. He minted coins in his name and expanded his rule through wars with his opponents and expeditions to Kabol, Peshavar and Khorassan. The present article deals with the formation and expansion of the rule of Ahmad Khan Sadoovzaei (Khandarani) and his fate.

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Marine economy has formed part of the Iranian economy beside economic activities based on land-owning and farming. The Iranian marine economy was bounded by the Persian Gulf on one side and the Indian Ocean on the other. By dominating the Iranian marine economy, the Portuguese disrupted the Iranian economic cycle to some extent while making impossible any interaction with the Safavid Government. The result was diplomatic struggle between the two governments with the eventual military conflict.

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Shoushtar has been one of the major cities in Iran since the Sassanid dynasty, where brilliant figures in the sphere of science, intellect, Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)... have been born. Among these great figures is Ali Bin Hossein Najjar, a well known scientist who lived in the 11th century of Hejira. His progeny and descendants later came to reach exalted degrees of perfection in science and piety .Late Sheikh Jafar Shoushtari, a descendant of his, was a master of Fiqh and religious sciences of his time who is considered as one of the great luminaries of the Shi'ite world. The present essay points to the historical background of Shoushtar and introduces some of the notables and scientists of that region, including the honorable clan of Sheikh Shoushtari up to know.

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The rise of the Mongols in the east and perpetuation of the crusade in the west of the crusade in the west of the Islamic word prepared the ground for the activity of religious minorities. Christians as a significant minority in the geographical territory of Iran and their ties with the territories of Armenia and Georgia drew special importance. To study the relations between the Christians and Ilkhanids on the one hand, and the policies of the governments of Georgia and Armenia on the importance of the Christian minority in the Iranian history of the Mongol era. The present article analyzes the relations between IIkhanids and Christians (from Holakou up to the beginning of Ghazan era) and reviews the religious policies of Ilkhanids towards minorities; thus, showing that Holakou had more friendly relations with Christians and took advantage of them to proceed with his purposes, while other Ilkhanids also considered Christians when they wanted to establish relations with outside Iran based on their potentials.

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Khaderni Nodoshan f.

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Different researches have been conducted on the political history of Koushanian using archeological sources and numerous researchers have presented new and various views about the chronology on this immigrant tribe of Central Asia. The present article tries to restore the history of the kings of this dynasty and propose a  new chronology in this respect.

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Gilan has been considered as one of the important provinces of Iran in various aspects over the past times. Its geographical and natural situation (location in the middle of Alborz mountain range and also its position at the Caspian Sea) gave it a special significance as a host of different political developments and historical events including the arrival of Alavian and the rise of Shi'ite rules such as AIe-Bouyeh and AIe-Kia in Gilan, different political-religious movements, emergence of eminent scientific and cultural figures, formation of various local governments, presence of scientific schools and tombs of many progenies of Imams of the Prophet Household, rich land for farming, fisheries, natural and tourist attractions... .Beside all these features which may be studied within separate categories, Gilan was globally famous for one of its products over different historical eras, namely, its silk. The silk produced in Gilan brought the fame of the people of other countries for this province and for Iran at large, and most people who came to Iran for a visit or business, talked about the silk of Gilan.The importance of this product can be investigated in terms of economy and income generation, trade, custom duties and export, taxation, silk products, as well as internal developments. The present article will offer a compendium of discussion about it.

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The political developments of the late 18th century and the British reaction against them, marked the beginning of a new era in the political and social life in the Persian Gulf and its neighboring areas. This era began with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in 1798 and ended with conclusion of a teary called "General Treaty of Peace" in 1820. The result of these developments was consolidation of the British political power in the Persian Gulf. Little attention has been paid by internal studies to the developments of this era and the main actor of its events, namely, "Mirza Mehdi Alikhan", since he was the main designer and practitioner of the British foreign policy at this time.The present article proceeds to analyze the events of this era which is very important in the correct understanding of the British function in Iran and its neighboring areas.

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Jame' -ot- Tavarikh is one of the most prestigious sources of Ilkhanid period.Rashid -ai-Din FadI-Allah Hamedani argues that the purpose of historigraphy is to advise the world and the future, to raise their knowledge. and to direct them in life. He chooses "observation" as the basic step in historigraphy; therefore considers those historical records of each period that have been written by the historians of the same period more reliable. Moreover, he uses analogical techniques to gain a better perception, and prefers: frequency as a criterium for recording ancient history. Paying attention to contrastive history is one of the initiatives of Rashid-al-Din.He believes that a historian must be aware of other sciences. Deterministic trend of history is evident in the doctrine of the IIkhanid Period historians. Rashid-al-Din's historical perspective is fully Deterministic, though he shows some inclination towards human practice. Thus he points to human will as well as Divine Determinism as the causes of supremacy, rise and fall of individuals and governments.

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The present essay displays a political event in Shiraz in the seventh century of Hejira and presents an analytical review about it. Whereas the earlier samples of contemporary historical works reflects on a non-analytical history writing in the past, the writer tries to prove that an analysis may be achieved if the past history should have been written in a narrative form. In other words, the reason for most of the events can be found a midst historical scripts. Textual criticism of Vassaf History was essential for entering the discussion.Therefore, in part of the essay the writer pays attention to the design of bibliography of the book. The pivot of our discussion is the political murder of Seyed Emadoddin- The alignment of political forces in Shiraz in the second half of the seventh century of Hejira is a subordinate to the political alignment or political power in Tabriz. The influential contractors of Shiraz acted by the assurance of their supporters in Darolmolk of Tabriz, therefore, we have initially tried to throw light on the foreground of the murder of Seyed Emadoddin in this essay and then present the original report.

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The origin of Turks has been the south deserts of Siberia. Because of the scarcity of Livelihood and non social security, they took notice to the cultivated territory and civilized of Iran. Their struggle in Sasanid and about of entrance of Muslem Arabs to Iran, didn't produce a result. In consequence of the struggles of Muslem governors with them, number of Turks entered to Islamic world, as an captive and slave. Abbasid Caliphs and after them, Samanid used Turks for powering their military force. This action weakened Abbasid Caliph ate and Samanid. In system of Abbasid Caliphate, Turks enjoyed much influence and power. But in the realm of Samanid influence of Turks resulted in appearance of Turk race governments Gharakhanid and Ghaznavid. Thus, when the Turks entered Transoxania for escape from the hard conditions of their early areas, finally after a long period earned the highs realm with their sword in Iran.

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A group of the Seka immigrant tribes settled in the southern part of Iran and founded a government in a prolonged contact with neighboring governments and their political structures. Maos was the first Indian Seka king whose name has been mentioned in the inscriptions. Iranian Arsacide-Seka tribes succeeded him to the throne and ruled in Qandhar region.The present article studies the political structure of Seka kings and their successors, and tries to determine the domain of their rule according to the remained archeological documents.

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Many scholars believe that Iran was the Cause for the first conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. What involved the U.S. in this conflict was Soviet refusal to pull its forces from Iran and its concurrent effort install satellite states in Azarbaijan and Kurdistan in February 1964. The Soviet Union as the symbol of Marxism and Leninism sought to create a security belt and impose its ideological influence, while indeed considering economic interests at the same time. The issue soon provoked the United States and Britain to arrange deterrent activities including through the United nations due to the importance of Iran both as an oil-rich region and as a country which was considered a "back door" to the Soviet Union. Oil was the main cause for all the US. attention to Iran, and beginning of the cold war in Iran was a reaction to the Soviet encroachments. Oil was so important to the United States that it eventually brought this country face to face with its ally, Britain in the region, thus, the bilateral conflict over Iran (between the US. and Britain on one side and the Soviet Union on the other) hanged into a trilateral conflict (between US. Britain and the Soviet Union)The U.S. intended to dominate the regions under the commercial and ideological influence of the Soviet Union, although it pretended to be resisting against Moscow reluctantly. The U.S. sought t expand its supremacy over the world through dominating Iranian oil fields, however, Britain which availed itself of a traditional right in Iran, stood against this former ally and established an oil consortium.

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