In order to find the causes of successful implementation of tax policies by using the literature review, and existing 17 effective factors on policy implementation included: transparency of tax rules and policies, organizational leadership and attention to community culture and participation in policy making, social – political conditions and people support, importance of implementing organization for other organizations and constitutions, commitment of implementing organizations and their management to policy implementation, attitude of personnel of implementing organization, cooperation and consentience climate in organization, tendency and motivation of personnel of tax organization, diversity of taxpayers and dependent organizations, time limitation and guaranty of implementation, economic conditions, executives education, executives experiment, pilot implementation of policy, and knowledge of personnel of implementing organization of tax policies, Discriminate Analysis method has been used. According to obtained result of Discriminate Analysis, three levels of implementation (weak implementation, average implementation, and strong implementation) and two functions (transparency and importance of Tax Organization for other organizations and constitutions) were distinguish ed. Policies with strong implementation in first function (transparency) have highest mean. In second function, average implementation has highest mean.91% of fluctuations among different levels of implementation were explained by first function (transparency). If tax policies must implement strongly, transparency is needed. Second function obtained Discriminate Analysis is importance of Tax Organization for other organizations and constitutions, which explains about 9% of fluctuations among different levels of implementation.