In this study, the slurry polymerization of ethylene over TiCl4/MgCl2/AlEt3 was obtained. Firstly, to obtain the optimum value of [Al]/[Ti], the effect of [Al]/[Ti] on polymerization rate and catalyst yield was studied. Also, the effect of catalyst content on yielding, crystallization, melting point and density of product were obtained. To determine the order of reaction, the monomer pressure was varied, and hyedrogen was used as transfer agent. Also, we used 1-butene as comomomer. According to the results, hydrogen decreases the catalyst efficiency, melting temperature and molecular weight and increases the melt flow index. The crystallinity is increased first and then it is reduced with increasing H2 content and the density of the product has changed slightly by variation of hydrogen pressure. Also, with increase in 1-butene content, as a comonomer to control polymer density, the density, crystallinity, melting temperature and thickness of crystal lamella decrease and the melt flow index increases. Likewise, the rate of polymerization is initially increased and then it is decreased with comonomer content.