Low civil participation of the Iranian citizens in general and of the Iranian women in particular is considered to be one of the most fundamental problems of the Iranian transitional society. Without acquiring knowledge about the obstacles to civil participation, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to plan for its promotion, to manage social conflicts, and to persue order and development in Iran. The main goal of this articles is to describe and analyze civil participation in Iran from a sociological perspective. Theoretically, the article is based on meta-analysis of the results obtained through review of the literature. A new integrative conceptual framework is worked out by which main hypotheses are developed. Methodologically, definition of concepts, scaling, evaluating validity and reliability of the measuring tools, data collection, and analysis techniques are introduced. On the data analysis by pointing to the characteristics of positive and normative environments, the following factors have been described women"s residence in township and in provinces, the special condition of their socialization in ethnic and familial setting, the output of their socialization process such as their statuses and roles in the society, their feelings and perceptions of the cultural and social objects, values and attitudes, social identity and the output of their personality system. Such a description is carried out in a way to allow portraying the relation of women"s civil participation to each of the aforementioned factors. These factors are explained at macro, meso, and micro levels, and the respective shares of basic factors in explanation and prediction of the variation of women"s civil participation in Iran have been determind. Finally, based on the research"s findings, we present some fundamental strategies for the promotion of civil participation of the Iranian citizens in general, and of the Iranian women in particular.